
Sheltercluster-ph haiyan responsemonitoring-sep2014

This 52 page report of the second round of monitoring is from the Shelter cluster's effort in Typhoo... Read More...

Bgd produce final project evaluation april2016

The main purpose of this final evaluation is to assess the project’s progress and achievements towar... Read More...

Linking services and communities for improved health and nutrition

This 60 page evaluation provide qualitative responses from communities on the Most Siginificant Chan... Read More...

Barrier analysis report ensure

This 63 page report highlihgts barriers to key nutrition behaviors for families in the USAID-funded ... Read More...

Evaluation of the tuungane-linked vsla maniema province challenges 25 08 2014 (3)

Final Evaluation of Tuungane Project implemented in DRC: Tuungane, operating in the Democratic Repu... Read More...

Linked-vsla 2014 Tufaidike Wote DRC Evaluation

This 50 page document highlights the results of the Tuungane initiative Read More...

Baseline Assessment Report of Nutri on at the Center Project (N@C Ethiopia)

Nutri on at the Center (N@C) is mul -sectoral project of CARE Ethiopia designed to improve the nutri onal status of women (15-49) and children less than 2 years of age in Ebinat and Simada Woredas of Amhara Regional State in Federal Democra c Republic of Ethiopia. The project plans to impact nutri on related behaviors, increase u liza on of maternal and child health and nutri on services, increase household adapta on of appropriate hygienic and sanita on prac ces and increase availability and equitability of access to nutrient-dense food. This report is compiled based on the baseline study conducted in the three districts from 26 January to 19 February 2014, just a er crop harves ng season in the sample districts. The baseline survey covered the two interven on and one control (Tach Gaint) districts. Read More...

Zambia – water trust sustainability and equity review – 2014

This 47 page document analyzes Water Trust management after the end of CARE's direct support Read More...

Second draft ga report

This 74 page gender analysis highlights the conditions and barriers for women in Zimbabwe who are pa... Read More...

Enhancing community resilience program midterm review july 2014

102 page mid-term review of CARE Malawi's project on building community capacity to enhance resilien... Read More...

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