
CARE Rwanda’s Case Management Program Evaluation Report

The CM model aims to holistically address the complex and numerous needs of PLWHA with a specific fo... Read More...

Tjk 056 – fact2 agriculture – final – july 06

overall goal:” ”To improve the livelihood of targeted population through increased Food and Health S... Read More...

Title II Development Assistance Program Midterm Evaluation

CARE Madagascar’s current Title II DAP began in 2004. It consists of three sub-programs implemented ... Read More...

Tjk – gef biodiversity – baseline – july 06


Ago – strengthening community resilience and responses to hiv-aids 07-06

The goal of the “Strengthening Community Resilience and Responses to HIV/AIDS through Livelihoods in... Read More...

Water and Sanitation (WATSAN) Program in Baitadi, Kailali and Kanchanpur Final Evaluation

The main objective was to provide immediate, visible and positive impact on the lives of vulnerable ... Read More...

Trafficking and HIV and AIDS Prevention Project Final Report

The overall goal of the pilot project was to address the vulnerability of trafficked women and girls... Read More...

Lka – lift interim evaluation report 06-06

(program objective): To strengthen community-level institutions supporting economic activity, employ... Read More...

Reproductive and Child Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS Program (RACHNA) Final Evaluation

An umbrella program with two components: Integrated Nutrition and Health, and HIV/AIDS. Read More...

Integrated Nutrition and Health Project (INHP III) Final Evaluation Report

INHP III focused on mainstreaming and sustaining key elements of INHP I and II by the central govern... Read More...

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