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Impact Evaluation of the Strengthen PSNP4 Institutions and Resilience (SPIR) Development Food Security Activity (DFSA) Baseline

World Vision, CARE and ORDA designed the SPIR DFSA to support delivery of PSNP4 while also developing and delivering multisectoral programming across the four project purposes in order to enhance livelihoods, increase resilience to shocks, and improve food security and nutrition for PSNP4 clients. The SPIR project will use community-level programming, training of government staff involved in public service delivery at the woreda (district) and kebele (subdistrict) level, and targeted livelihood transfers to support and strengthen PSNP4. Resource transfers received by SPIR participants will come primarily from transfers received from the PSNP4, as well as one-time livelihood transfers provided to the poorest PNSP clients to support livelihoods and promote graduation. Most other benefits of the SPIR project appear in the form of improved public service delivery and trainings to promote learning and support for community-level groups. For learning purposes, the SPIR impact evaluation combines major core components and innovative new activities under Purpose 1 on livelihoods and Purpose 2 on nutrition, along with selected activities under Purpose 3 on gender and youth and Purpose 4 on climate resilience, into a study design of overlapping interventions to learn what combination of activities has the greatest impact and is most cost-effective at improving SPIR outcomes [128 pages].

Attached to the Baseline Report are 3 Learning Briefs, The effects of SPIR poultry and unconditional cash transfers on livelihoods outcomes, The effects of SPIR interventions on nutrtion and childcare, and The effects of SPIR livelihoods and nutrition interventions on women’s and men’s well-being.

Northern Upland Promoting Climate Resilience Midterm Review

Climate change is increasingly felt by farmers in Phongsaly, the northernmost province of Lao PDR, who depend on weather for maintaining their livelihoods and ecosystems. A more unpredictable length, start and end of the rainy and dry seasons, stronger winds and storms, longer droughts but at the same time increased intensity of rainfall resulting in floods and localized landslides, and erratic temperature patterns with more severe cold and hot spells all heavily impact on livelihoods, people and natural resources. At the same time, farmers are positively as well as negatively influenced by other socio-economic influences such as infrastructure development, international and local market pressures, modernization of agriculture, hydropower expansion and increased connectivity.
Within this dynamic resilience context, CARE, CCL and SAEDA in partnership with local authorities are implementing the „Northern Uplands Promoting Climate Resilience’ (NU PCR) project, in 3 districts of Phongsaly province. Through targeted support on climate risk analysis and planning, gender-responsive livelihood and disaster risk reduction interventions, and research and documentation for advocacy and scaling, the project aims to improve the resilience of communities in 30 villages, directly reaching 1,500 farming households and indirectly more than 78,000 women and men. The project started in 2014 and will be implemented until March 2018.
The NU PCR project has commissioned a mid-term review to assess relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the project strategies towards achieving the overall objective to date, assess how the project is integrating gender and how this can be enhanced to transform unequal gender relations. The review applied a participatory and strengths- based approach and used a variety of tools such as desk review, key informant interviews, reflection exercises and knowledge, attitude and practice mapping. It was conducted in February-March 2016. Read More...

Great Ruaha River Basin Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA)

This report presents the methodology and findings of the CARE-WWF Alliance Climate Vulnerability and Capacities Analysis (CVCA) in the Great Ruaha Basin of south-central Tanzania, conducted in September 2017.

The CARE-WWF Alliance is embarking on an ambitious initiative in the Ruaha Basin to have impact at scale on food and nutrition security and climate resilience. Given the context outlined above, undertaking a CVCA with communities in the catchment is critical to effective project design and implementation. This CVCA is intended to be one of three integrated assessment tools that will contribute to a CARE-WWF Alliance approach to markets, ecosystems, and social vulnerability in the context of a changing climate. [49 pages] Read More...

Enhanced livelihoods and increased resilience of poor ethnic minority women and men rural areas to the effects of climate change and variability – Information for Adaptation in Vietnam (InfoAct)

The overall objective of the InfoAct Project is to enhance livelihoods and increase the resilience of poor ethnic minority women and men in rural areas to the effects of climate change and variability. This is to be accomplished through a specific objective (outcome) to ensure ethnic minority households in rural areas have improved access to and use of climate information, and resources to help increase their climate resilience. The InfoAct Project is focusing mainly on two target groups: (1) 5,000 ethnic minority households, especially women, in Dien Bien and Lai Chau provinces and (2) government authorities and service providers, namely Department of Hydro-Meteorology, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) and the provincial VWU and CCD. As InfoAct was going to phase out after three years’ implementation and close all its activities by November 2021, an independent final evaluation was conducted to understand the project’s impacts/outcomes and key lessons learned. Read More...

Northern Uplands Promoting Climate Resilience (NU PCR)

The objective of the Northern Uplands – Promoting Climate Resilience (NU-PCR) project is to support vulnerable households in remote areas in three districts in Phongsaly to better understand the current trends and changes in climate and adapt their agricultural livelihoods to these changes. The project is funded by the European Union and was jointly and successfully implemented by CARE, CCL and SAEDA, in close collaboration with local communities (in Mai, Samphan and Gnot Ou districts of the Phongsaly province), the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Lao Women’s Union (among others).
The current report summarises the achievements accomplished during the four years of its implementation (2014-2018).
The greatest achievements (see resilience graphic on page 15) refer to improvement on women’s agency (not least through the establishment of VSLAs), farmers’ long term planning, division of labour through gender equitable shared workload, access to agro-climate information services and livelihood recovery rate. Interestingly, the project could not influence livelihood diversification. This is rooted in the fact, that livelihood of remote ethnic communities in the Northern Uplands of Lao PDR is already highly diversified. Further diversification may rather result economically risky (too much time and resources to be invested dispersive in large variety of farming options, at the cost of investment in value addition of existing livelihood priorities). Therefore, the support provided rather focused on the expansion and value addition to already existing practices (e.g. cultivation, processing and marketing of Cardamom, Tea, Honey, Galangal, Mushroom, Rice, Fish, etc.). (54 pages) Read More...

Farmer Field Business Schools and Village Savings and Loan Associations for promoting climate-smart agriculture practices: Evidence from rural Tanzania

How can stakeholders (e.g., governments and their extension services, private sector, policy makers and NGOs) effectively stimulate the adoption of climate-smart agricultural (CSA) practices among small-scale farmers in developing countries? Changes in temperatures and rainfall lead to new risks of drought as well as erratic and excess rainfall (Ericksen et al., 2011; WMO, 2020). Many farmers experience climate change as a threat since crop yields that farmers needed to sustain themselves are adversely affected (IPCC, 2014; WMO, 2020). At the same time, the agricultural sector also contributes to climate change since agricultural greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide) are among the significant drivers of global warming (CCAFS, 2021). Read More...

Northern Uplands – Promoting Climate Resilience (NU PCR) Final Evaluation

NU-PCR is a climate change adaptation project implemented in three districts -- Mai, Samphan, and Ngot Ou -- in Phongsaly, Laos. It has a budget of 2,152,800 €. The project is being implemented by CARE International in Lao PDR as the lead agency together with the partner organisations CCL and SAEDA. NU-PCR worked in 30 villages with 1,778 households and 9,562 direct beneficiaries. The project is designed to improve the resilience of local ethic communities in Phongsaly Province to the impacts of climate Read More...

Northern Uplands Promoting Climate Resilience (NU PCR) Narrative Report

NU-PCR is a climate change adaptation project implemented in three districts -- Mai, Samphan, and Ngot Ou -- in Phongsaly, Laos. It has a budget of 2,152,800 €. The project is being implemented by CARE International in Lao PDR as the lead agency together with the partner organisations CCL and SAEDA. NU-PCR worked in 30 villages with 1,778 households and 9,562 direct beneficiaries. The project is designed to improve the resilience of local ethic communities in Phongsaly Province to the impacts of climate change and to strengthen the capacity of government authorities and villagers. [55 pages] Read More...

Child Survival XIII Final Evaluation Report

The goal of the CS XIII project has been to improve the maternal and child health among 50,000 women... Read More...

Nampula Adaptation to Climate Change Final Evaluation

This 67 page final evaluation highlights findings from the Nampula Adaptation to Climate Change project, which reached 32,720 people in northern Mozambique. It was funded by the German government for $3.7 million from 2015-2018. Families were able to grow more food, better respond to crises, and save more money. They also were able to adopt many climate change practices on their fields that helped them respond to emergencies. The first thing families in Mozambique invest in when they get more savings and credit is their children’s education. Read More...

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