Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

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CARE Zimbabwe Rapid Gender Analysis for COVID-19

Zimbabwe has not been spared by the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID 19). The coronavirus was first detected in Wuhan, the capital city in the Hubei province of China in December 2019. The disease has since spread to every corner of the world causing serious health and socio-economic challenges. As of 31st May, Zimbabwe had recorded 174 confirmed cases and 4 deaths.
CARE carried out a Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) to assess the immediate and anticipated adverse impacts of COVID-19 on men, women, boys and girls. The assessment was conducted in geographical areas where CARE is implementing its portfolio of development including food security and nutrition, WASH, education, resilience and humanitarian programs. A qualitative methodology was applied and primary data was collected through key informant interviews, and supplemented by a desk review. Primary data was collected remotely using phones and emails. The team could not go on the ground due to the introduction of a COVID -19 national lockdown that initiated on the 30th of March 2020, and also in compliance with WHO and organisational guidelines on the prevention of the spread of coronavirus Read More...

USAID HAMZARI PROJECT Review of Youth Needs and Labor Market Assessment

This paper is a homebased, desktop review completed in the U.S. over 20 workdays of the Niger – Youth Needs and Labor Market Assessment draft report dated October 2019. This assessment was mainly based on the analysis of data collected in the field in the August 2019 period within three rural communes (Chadakori, Guidan Roumdji and Guidan Sori) targeted by the Hamzari Project in Niger’s Maradi Region.1 As it is possible that all the data collected is not reflected in this draft report, the author of this review attempts to complement this prior initial draft report with his own in-depth knowledge of Niger. Read More...

Barriers and supports to reducing early child bearing among newly married adolescent girls in Zinder region: A qualitative study

CARE carried out formative research to understand the underlying gender and social norms, barriers to and facilitators for delaying early child birth among married/soon-to-be-married adolescent girls in Zinder region, from the perspective of multiple gatekeepers in the lives of married/soon-to-be-married adolescent girls. Read More...

Market Systems Analysis: Alternative Economic Pathways for Adolescent Girls in Niger

Cette analyse de marché vise à donner un aperçu des sous-secteurs de la région de Zinder au Niger qui offrent des alternatives économiques viables et attrayantes à la procréation immédiate pour les adolescentes mariées. Grâce à l'utilisation initiale des cadres relatifs aux systèmes de développement des marchés, la recherche comprend une analyse documentaire, une analyse participative du sous- secteur et une recherche qualitative primaire à Zinder, se focalisant sur la schématisation des sous- secteurs priorisés, l'identification des opportunités et contraintes pour la performance globale des sous- secteurs, et pour la participation des femmes et des filles dans chaque sous-secteur. Read More...

Market Systems Analysis: Alternative Economic Pathways for Adolescent Girls in Kurigram district, Bangladesh

This market analysis aims to provide an overview of the sub-sectors within the Kurigram district of Bangladesh that offer viable and attractive economic alternatives to immediate childbearing for adolescent girls. Using a market systems development lens from the outset, the analysis consisted of a literature review, participatory sub-sector prioritization, and qualitative primary research in Kurigram that mapped the prioritized sub-sectors, focused on identifying opportunities and constraints for the participation of girls. Read More...

Adolescent Motherhood: Understanding Individual and Community Perspectives to Delay First Birth in Rural Bangladesh

Globally, more than one third of girls marry before the age of 15. In Bangladesh, like in other developing countries, adolescent marriage is still very common. Early marriage leads to early pregnancy, as young wives are not allowed to make their own decisions about contraceptive use and timing of childbirth, deferring instead to their husbands and extended family. The major objectives of this formative research were to explore the intentions, desires, perspectives, motivators, and de‐motivators around the first pregnancy among married adolescent girls (MAGs). The study also explored ways to delay first pregnancies among MAGs, focusing on influential people in their lives, health providers, and positive deviants. Additionally, we examined alternative opportunities and barriers to delay first pregnancy through pursuit of an alternative life course and the use of modern contraceptives. The findings will be used to design an appropriate intervention for rural Bangladesh. Read More...

Évaluation Multisectorielle Conjointe Des Besoins Des Populations Hotes, Deplacees Et Retournees Dans La Region Du LAC

La région du Lac, l’une des plus vulnérables du Tchad, fait face depuis le début de l’année 2015 à un déplacement massif des populations réfugiées, retournées et déplacées internes. En fin d’août 2015, les chiffres croisés de OCHA1 et HCR donnent à 84 898 le nombre des hommes et femmes déplacées dans la région. A ce chiffre s’ajoutent quelques 14 000 personnes déplacées internes installées en septembre autour de Ngouboua. Le caractère dynamique des déplacements et le problème d’accès à certaines zones rend difficile la maitrise du nombre des déplacés qui selon la CNARR atteindrait 127 000 personnes.

Les personnes déplacées ont fui les enlèvements, les assassinats odieux, les abus sexuels et autres pratiques esclavagistes perpétrées par les membres de la secte Boko Haram sur les hommes, les femmes, les filles et les garçons dans le Nord Nigeria et les villages tchadiens qui leurs sont frontaliers.

Les réfugiés sont accueillis au niveau du camp de Dar Es Salam alors que les retournés et les déplacés internes sont répartis dans quelques 19 sites d’accueil et communautés hôtes dans les zones de Bol et Bagasola. Cette dernière accueille presque 40% de son effectif sans aucune préparation ni mesures d’accompagnement, ce qui entraine une pression importante sur les ressources et services déjà insuffisants de la zone.

Les acteurs humanitaires dont les agences membres du système des Nations Unies, quelques ONG internationales et des ONG locales apportent l’assistance aux hommes et femmes déplacés mais leur capacité reste limitée en raison de problème d’accessibilité lié à la sécurité et de l’afflux régulier des populations déplacées depuis juillet 2015.

Suivi de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie d’appui aux survivant(e)s des violences basées sur le Genre

Dans le cadre de l’assistance aux réfugiés centrafricains et leurs populations d’accueil dans les régions de l’Est et de l’Adamaoua, CARE Cameroun, avec un financement de la Coopération Allemande (GIZ), a mis en œuvre un projet d’Assistance aux survivant(e)s de VBG de Janvier à Juillet 2016. Cette assistance a ciblé les réfugiés centrafricains et leurs populations hôtes dans 11 villages des communes de Meiganga, Kette, Djohong, Borgop, Yamba et Ngaoui, régions de l’Est et de l’Adamaoua. Une analyse protection et violences basées sur le genre a été conduite en février 2016 au démarrage de ce projet pour mieux comprendre la problématique et formuler des recommandations pour la mise en œuvre du projet. Les résultats de cette analyse ont permis aussi de définir une approche d’intervention holistique qui implique tous les acteurs qui interviennent dans le domaine des VBG. Le présent rapport concerne la mission de suivi de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie du projet, mission conduite du 16 au 28 juillet par la spécialiste Genre en urgence de CARE international. Read More...

Rapid Gender And GBV Assessment in MMC and Jere Local Governments – Borno State

The unprecedented gender and protection implications of the NE Nigeria insurgency prompted CARE International to initiate a gender and GBV assessment. The assessment was undertaken in two phases: a desk review and consultation with stakeholders in March 2017 to gather relevant data of the gender and protection context in NE Nigeria in conflict and post-conflict situations, as well as information on existing legal provision and frameworks. A field assessment was conducted in January 2018, to complete the first assessment with primary data from affected women and men in Borno and Yobe states.

Rapid Gender and GBV1 assessments provide information about the different GBV risks, needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, boys and girls in a crisis. The analysis is built up progressively using a range of primary and secondary information to understand gender roles and power relations and the implied GBV risks and how they may change during a crisis. The analysis provides practical, programming and operational recommendations to meet the different needs of women, men, boys and girls, to ensure that humanitarian actors ‘do no harm’ in their operations. The global objective of this assessment is to improve the quality and effectiveness of CARE and partner’s response to the North East Nigeria crisis. Read More...

Gender and GBV analysis and operational suggestions – CARE Nigeria field Assessment

CARE international has deployed a multisector assessment team in North East Nigeria to assess the increasing humanitarian needs and inform CARE’s emergency Strategy and response programming. The assessment will look at the areas of food security, Sexual and reproductive Health and Gender based violence. The gender-specific dynamics and impacts of the insurgency require a strong focus on gender mainstreaming and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) prevention and mitigation. Therefore a rapid gender and GBV analysis has been conducted with the global objective to improve the quality and effectiveness of CARE and partner’s response in the North East Nigeria through strong integration of gender equality and GBV at all stage of the humanitarian project cycle.

This analysis aim to provide answer to the following key questions:
• What are the different Impact of the insurgency for girls, women, boys and men and what
are the different needs of these groups?
• Who has access, and who has control over what resources and assistance? Who has the
decision among the family and the community? How the crisis has affected this power
relation, what social norms and practices affect the access and control?
• What are main GBV risks? Who is most affected and at-risk among girls, women, boys and
men? What are main social, cultural norms and practices that shape GBV in the Area?
• What are main GBV services providers and actors in the ground and what is their capacity to deliver? Do GBV survivors have access to comprehensive GBV services? What are main gaps
in service
• Formulate geographic and programmatic recommendations to guide CARE decision on GBV
• Develop a GAP to improve gender integration into the assistance. Read More...

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