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Analyse Rapide Genre – Déplacement de populations dans les arrondissements de Tokombere et Mora – Extrême Nord Cameroun

L’analyse a été conduite au niveau des populations déplacées et leurs hôtes dans les es arrondissements de Tokomberé et Mora, où CARE intervient avec ses programmes d’urgence et de développement. La méthodologie utilisée est basée sur l’outil d’analyse rapide genre de CARE International et a utilisé une combinaison des données secondaires et primaires collectées essentiellement à travers des entretiens en groupe et individuel avec les hommes et les femmes déplacés et leurs familles hôtes. Les données primaires ont été collectées dans un échantillon de 6 villages identifies selon le critère de présence de déplacés, l’intervention de CARE, mais aussi l’accessibilité sécuritaire. En effet, le contexte sécuritaire et le problème d’accès dans certaines zones d’accueil des déplacées ont fortement influencé l’échelle de l’analyse avec l’interdiction d’accès dans certaines zones et les mesures de sécurité qui limitent le temps de présence dans la zone. Read More...

Vietnam Rapid Gender Analysis May 2020

Vietnam reported its first known case of COVID-19 on 23 January 2020. As of 19 May, the country had 324 confirmed cases, with 263 recoveries and no deaths.
In Vietnam, COVID-19 presents a range of contextual challenges including high numbers of migrant workers, high numbers of employees in the garment industry, many people working in the informal sector, and linguistically and culturally diverse ethnic minorities. The impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable groups, such as migrant workers, informal workers, garment factory workers, and ethnic minorities are further marginalising these groups, exacerbating poverty and inequality and increasing their exposure to other social, economic and protection risks.
Women in Vietnam have historically been underrepresented in public decision-making processes, a trend that is reflected in high-level decision-making structures on COVID-19. This means that even as women are disproportionately affected by the crisis, they have less say in how their country should respond to it. Read More...

Tipping Point Phase 2 Baseline Bangladesh

Although the body of evidence on how to prevent child marriage is growing, its rate did not decline at a desirable pace. Previous interventions targeted many of the root causes of child marriage. However, despite wide recognition of the need to change pro-child marriage social norms, attempt to study the impact of social norms change in addressing child marriage was rarely investigated or not investigated well. Lack of understanding of social norms and how to change them effectively impedes development of effective and sustainable child marriage prevention programs. Moreover, for most of the interventions, there were no rigorous evaluations. Furthermore, the interventions that had strong evaluation designs did not necessarily focus on social norms change. It is against this background that the current research employs a cluster randomized controlled trial (CRCT) to evaluate Tipping Point (TP), an integrated social norms intervention designed by CARE to address child marriage in Bangladesh. This report presents findings from the baseline survey. The report focuses on assessing the rates of child marriage in TP study areas and decision making ability of the adolescent girls. Read More...

Tipping Point 2 Baseline Nepal

This report presents findings from the baseline survey of the CARE Tipping Point Program (TPP) impact evaluation in Nepal (May to July 2019), which is being undertaken in Kapilvastu and Rupandehi districts. CARE’s full Tipping Point Program—implemented in Nepal and Bangladesh—focuses on addressing the root causes of child, early, and forced marriage (CEFM) and on promoting the rights of adolescent girls through community-level programming and evidence generation. The approach of the CARE Tipping Point Program relies on challenging social expectations and repressive gender norms and promoting girl-centric and girl-led activism to enable adolescent girls to identify and to move into social spaces where they can challenge age-based and gender-based inequalities. The operational approach of the CARE Tipping Point Program entails the synchronized engagement of different participant groups—adolescent girls, adolescent boys, parents and community members, and community leaders—around four programmatic pillars: adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights, social-norms, girl-led movement-building, and alternative livelihoods. The Program supports the creation of public spaces for all community members to engage in the dialogue.
The Care Tipping Point Program impact evaluation in Nepal is being undertaken through a multi-institutional collaboration between implementing partners of the Gender Justice team at CARE USA and CARE Nepal with researchers in the Hubert Department of Global Health, Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University and Interdisciplinary Data Analysts (IDA) in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Evaluation finale de l’Initiative Maman Lumière II de CARE Niger

Dans le cadre de son projet Initiative Maman Lumière II, CARE International en partenariat avec l'Institut National de la Statistique (INS) a organisé une enquête d'évaluation de fin de projet du 4 au 15 janvier 2020.

En 2016, une enquête de base a été réalisée dans l'ensemble des villages d'intervention du projet. Cette enquête avait pour objectif de doter le projet d'indicateurs de référence qui serviront d'éléments de comparaison à la fin du projet afin d'informer les acteurs et le bayer des progrès réalisés en trois années de vie du projet.
L'enquête d'évaluation finale à concerner tous les villages d'intervention du projet. Cependant, pour des questions sécuritaires, 18 villages du département de Madarounfa n'ont pas été couvert par l'opération.

La méthodologie utilisée pour cette étude est basée sur un sondage par grappe à deux degrés. Les populations cibles sont définies selon les modules : les enfants de 6 à 59 mois et les femmes de 45 à 49 pour l'anthropométrie, les enfants de 0 à 23 mois pour l'ANJE, les enfants de 0 à 11 mois pour la vaccination.

La collecte des données a été effectuée sur des tablettes avec l'application ODK (Open Data Kit). L'analyse des données est effectuée sur ENA for SMART et STATA. Read More...

COVID-19 Bangladesh Rapid Gender Analysis

Whilst lifesaving, the COVID-19 lockdown is disproportionately impacting women as existing gender inequalities are exacerbating gender-based disparities between women, men, girls and boys in terms of access to information, resources to cope with the pandemic,
and its socio-economic impact. It is therefore essential to undertake a gendered impact analysis of COVID-19.

The Gender in Humanitarian Action (GiHA) Working Group in Bangladesh has undertaken this Rapid Gender Analysis to inform national preparedness and response. Given the social distancing measures, RGA desk review contrasts pre-COVID-19 gender information and demographic data against new gender information from a multitude of surveys and qualitative sources. It examines the immediate impact of COVID-19 on pre-existing structural social and economic vulnerabilities of women, girls and diverse
gender groups, and the challenges faced by these groups in accessing information and health, education, and WASH, protection and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) services as well as support for livelihoods. The gendered impact of COVID-19 is evident in following six broad areas:
• Increased risks and evidence of GBV in the context of the pandemic and its responses;
• Unemployment, economic and livelihood impacts for the poor women and girls;
• Unequal access to health, education and WASH services;
• Unequal distribution of care and domestic work;
• Women and girls’ voices are not being included to inform a gender-targeted response; this is particularly the case for those most left behind;
• Policy response mechanisms do not incorporate gender analytical data or gender-responsive plans. Read More...

Final Evaluation Multi-stakeholder Model for Ending Gender-Based Violence Project Kayah

The “Multi-Stakeholder Model for Ending Gender-based Violence (GBV)” project in Kayah State involves collaborating with a range of stakeholders to put in place a model designed to prevent and respond to GBV in Kayah state. This new phase of the project, started in 2018, intervened in 92 villages belonging to three townships: Loikaw, Demoso and Phruso, with a total target population of 56.863. The methodology employed a mixed-methods approach, with qualitative data collection through KIIs and FGDs and quantitative data, in the form of household surveys.

The overall objectives of the end of project evaluation are:
• To determine the project’s achievements of its objectives and outcomes.
• To identify intended and unintended outcomes, best practices, lessons learned and recommendations to improve future programming in terms of sustainability. Read More...

Umodzi Project: Men, Women, Boys and Girls in Alliance to Achieve Gender Equality Endline Report

Umodzi Project: Men, Women, Boys and Girls in Alliance to Achieve Gender Equality, was a research project, whose aim was to test the effectiveness of adding gender conscious practice curriculum (GCP) and intergenerational dialogues on existing Auntie Stella life skills curriculum to accelerate and enhance adolescent life skills and sexual reproductive health programming. The project was implemented in Suza Zone. CARE Malawi, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) at district level, had already been working in Suza and Linyangwa Zones to implement an enhanced life skills curriculum that was being implemented by public school teachers in two zones in Kasungu District. The initiative was supported by PCTFI under the CARE Malawi Adolescent Girls’ Empowerment (AGE) program.

Under the Umodzi project, the idea was to test the effectiveness of adding a gender conscious practice curriculum to the existing life skills curriculum. Therefore, the main activity that was implemented under the project was the delivery of a gender synchronized intervention through the Gender Conscious Practice (GCP) curriculum to the supplementary life skills curriculum that was delivered after school by trained teachers in Suza and Linyangwa Zones in Kasungu District. To enhance adoption of GCP, the project promoted intergenerational discussions through the Working with Men and Boys to Advance Gender Equality and SRH (WMB/SRH) manual targeting mostly older men, commonly called ‘Male Champions of gender’ that were recruited through the Pathways program.

This document is a report of findings of an end line evaluation of the Umodzi Project implemented in Suza Education Zone in Kasungu District in the Central Region of Malawi. Data collection and analysis for the end line evaluation took place in February 2018 while the report was compiled in March 2018. The end line evaluation was part of evaluation activities for the project, which were subcontracted to CDM to support learning. Read More...

Analyse Rapide Genre pour COVID-19 Cameroun Mai 2020

Les effets nuisibles induits de cette pandemie affectent plusieurs secteurs et touchent différemment les filles, les garçons, les femmes et les hommes.Ces effets sont perceptibles sur le plan psychologique, sanitaire, economique et social. Globalement, les popluations les plus impactées sont les ménages pauvres en milieu urbain dépendant du secteur informel. Du fait de leur rôle d’encadrement et de soins à la famille, les femmes et les filles sont fortement impliquées dans la sphère sanitaire. Nombre d’entre elles sont sages-femmes, infirmières, aides-soignantes ou agentes de santé communautaires, des rôles qui les placent en première ligne et les exposent à la pandémie. La fermeture des écoles augmente la charge du travail domestique, qui leur incombe habituellement ; les restrictions des déplacements affectent les secteurs des services et du travail informel, dans lesquels elles constituent la majorité de la main-d’oeuvre ; et les tensions qui les accompagnent a aussi augmenté les violences conjugales et d’autres formes de violence basée sur le genre.
Bien que les femmes et les filles soient les plus impactées par cette pandémie au Cameroun, leur manque de leadership leur faible implication dans les sphères de prise de décision au niveau du ménage et dans la communauté fait en sorte qu’elles sont quasiment exclus des comités de gestion de crise. Read More...

Gender Implications of Cash Transfers in Malawi

The government of Malawi operates a national safety net program targeting the poorest 10% of the population with unconditional cash transfers and the next poorest 15% with conditional cash transfers through a Cash for Work (CfW) program and vouchers for subsidized agricultural inputs. In 2019 the Government, with support from development partners, has started implementation of an ultra-poor graduation program in nine districts which support ultra-poor households with livelihood grants and complementary services. This safety net is designed to quickly scale to more people or to provide more money to existing participants in case of emergencies.
CARE Malawi set out to identify the gendered implications of this cash programming and how participants’ experiences of cash transfers affected gender equality. To do so, CARE used a combination of literature review and primary data collection with stakeholder consultations, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions (FGDs) at national, district, and community levels. Because of the large-scale cash response to Cyclone Idai in 2019—largely operated through international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)—the study also compared gendered impacts of the government program and NGO humanitarian response. Read More...

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