Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP) for Africa Narrative Report

This 103 page report for the Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP) covers an extension period from July 2015 to June 2017. The extension period was funded by UKAid at the Department for International Development and Denmark’s Fund for Climate and Environment for NGOs managed by Civil Society in Development, as well as funds from the Australian Development Agency. The original ALP goal was maintained in the extension period: ‘to increase the capacity of vulnerable households in sub-Saharan Africa to adapt to climate variability and change,’ while the purpose was slightly modified: ‘Community-based adaptation (CBA) approached for vulnerable communities incorporated into development policies and programmes in Ghana, Kenya, and Niger, and replication ongoing in other countries in Africa.’ Read More...

Lend With Care (LWC) Assessment Project

This 21-page document  is part of the Lendwithcare (LWC) assessment project and focuses on the evaluation of LWC Pakistani partner, the Islamic microfinance institution Akhuwat. The report was prepared by the University of Portsmouth (UoP), partner in the project, after a second wave of a household survey to a sample of Akhuwat clients who have been supported by the LWC crowdfunding platform. This report offers an initial snapshot of how the lives of LWC supported entrepreneurs have changed since they became Akhuwat clients.  Read More...

Rapid Gender And GBV Assessment in MMC and Jere Local Governments – Borno State

The unprecedented gender and protection implications of the NE Nigeria insurgency prompted CARE International to initiate a gender and GBV assessment. The assessment was undertaken in two phases: a desk review and consultation with stakeholders in March 2017 to gather relevant data of the gender and protection context in NE Nigeria in conflict and post-conflict situations, as well as information on existing legal provision and frameworks. A field assessment was conducted in January 2018, to complete the first assessment with primary data from affected women and men in Borno and Yobe states.

Rapid Gender and GBV1 assessments provide information about the different GBV risks, needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, boys and girls in a crisis. The analysis is built up progressively using a range of primary and secondary information to understand gender roles and power relations and the implied GBV risks and how they may change during a crisis. The analysis provides practical, programming and operational recommendations to meet the different needs of women, men, boys and girls, to ensure that humanitarian actors ‘do no harm’ in their operations. The global objective of this assessment is to improve the quality and effectiveness of CARE and partner’s response to the North East Nigeria crisis. Read More...

Home-based ECD parent education and support program

32 page impact report of CARE ECD program in Mozambique. The model of intervention employed in the CARE ECD program is based on recent thinking around home-based ECD, especially on the importance of caregiver wellbeing in the development of children under-five. Read More...

Mozambique Early Childhood Development Full Impact Report

This 106 page document looks at CARE ECD program was funded by the Hilton Foundation from 2013 to 2016. Two districts were selected in Inhambane Province that would allow us to illustrate a home-based ECD approach in remote rural villages (Funhalouro) as well as in rural villages closer to urban centers and resources (Homoine). One of the aims was to make sure that the Mozambican government had an example of an ECD model that could work in contexts where a pre-school model would have little chance of being successful. Read More...

Improving Maternal and Infant Health in Bangladesh (IMIHB)

A 36 page evaluation of the IMIHB project which aimed to improve maternal, newborn and child health status of urban and peri-urban areas in Gazipur district of Bangladesh. The project centres around capacity building of the community health provision and support system; awareness generation in the community; and establishing referral and linkages between health facilities. Read More...


A 16 page evaluation of the INTEGRATE project which targets displaced Sri Lankan Tamils. The project aimed to contribute to the successful reintegration of Indian and Australian returnees into their communities in the Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu, Vavuniya and Mannar Districts in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka. Read More...

Highlands Sexual, Reproductive and Maternal Health (HSRMH) Project

A 36 page document outlining and evaluating the HSRMH project that was implemented in Siaka, Papua New Guinea. A highly impactful tool used in this project was a series of educational workshops, aimed at local communities (both men and women). These programs helped to explore how traditional customs and gender norms can negatively affect sexual, reproductive and maternal health, further detailed in this document. Read More...

Tropical Cyclone Winston Response, Fiji

A 21 page report reviewing the response to the category 5 TCW in Fiji. Action taken aimed to aid, support and repair damage to the Fijian communities on various islands. Key responses included the provision of hygiene, shelter and tool kits as well as start-up seed packs. Read More...

Safe Motherhood Project

A 26 page evaluation of the Safe Motherhood Endline study that is to serve as a comparative study against the baseline study (completed April 2015). This document reports the current knowledge, attitudes and practices in the areas of maternal and child health in target communities in Ermera and Covalima, Timor-Leste. Read More...

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