Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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If you have an evaluation or study to share, please e-mail the document to for posting.

Rapport final – etude ptm care-echo (20 dec 2016)

Pour capitaliser ces expériences, CARE a commandité une étude quantitative et qualitative d'évaluati... Read More...

Eye to the Future II Final Report

This report presents an external final evaluation of the An Eye to the Future: Building Skills and A... Read More...

Evaluation finale tarere

This 72 page document shows the final impacts of PROJET D'APPUI À LA RÉINTÉGRATION SOCIOÉCONOMIQUE D... Read More...

Final evaluation report of the usaid ofda-funded “support to populations in humanitarian emergency and enhancing recovery

The Support to Populations in Humanitarian Emergency & Enhancing Recovery Efforts in Somalia (SPHERE... Read More...

Diriswanaag ii (good neighbourliness, hospitality) report on the protection risks faced by internally displaced persons (id

This protection risk assessment was carried out by a private protection consultant, between Septembe... Read More...

Diriswanaag livelihoods final evaluation- final report 29 9 2013

Diriswanaag Project was formulated in response to the worst drought situation to be experienced in S... Read More...

Diriswanaag food security and livelihoods baseline survey report


Pefsa final study report-14march 2014 pakistan

This document decribes the imacts ofPEFSA--providing emergency relief and transitioning from relief ... Read More...

Enhancing community resilience program midterm review july 2014

102 page mid-term review of CARE Malawi's project on building community capacity to enhance resilien... Read More...

Sheltercluster-ph haiyan responsemonitoring-sep2014

This 52 page report of the second round of monitoring is from the Shelter cluster's effort in Typhoo... Read More...

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