Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.
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Livelihoods, WASH and Protection Support to Drought and Conflict-Affected IDPs & Host Communities in Somali Region, Ethiopia
life of the target community.
Integrated WASH and Multipurpose Cash Support to IDPs and host Communities in Oromia and Somali Regions
Integrated Wash, Health And Protection Response To Covid-19 In West And East Hararghe Zones Of Oromia Region, Ethiopia
RAPPORT FINAL Etude de base Projet Voix Collective des Femmes et des Filles dans les régions de Ségou & Mopti
Résultat 1 : La société civile est redynamisée via la structuration les Associations Villageoises d'Epargne Crédit (AVEC) en fédérations et le renforcement des capacités de leurs membres.
Le mouvement associatif féminin occupe un espace politique indéniable et compte un nombre important ’organisations faîtières. CARE International au Mali a mis en place plus d’une cinquantaine de réseaux villageois et une trentaine de réseaux communaux dans les régions de Ségou et Mopti. Les capacités de ces réseaux MJT ont été enforcés sur les techniques de plaidoyer et de négociation sociale, de leadership, de la planification, le suivi et la réponse à la crise alimentaire, etc.
Dans les sept communes enquêtées sur les 14, on compte 69 conseillères communales, soit 26% des élus communaux. Dix-huit (18%) des femmes, membres d’un parti politique, estiment être en mesure d’influencer les décisions au niveau de la communauté et non au niveau régional ou national.
Neuf personnes sur dix (9/10) des enquêtées font partie d’une association communautaire de base dont la plupart sont membres des groupements MJT créer par CARE MALI, soit 84%. La proportion des femmes enquêtées qui sont membre d’un organe décisionnel au niveau des collectivités territoriales et qui estime être capable d’influencer les décisions au sein de la communauté est de 48%. En effet, 26% affirment pouvoir influencer beaucoup les décisions au sein de la communauté, 19% modérément et 2% estiment qu’elles n’exercent aucune influence sur les décisions prises au sein de la communauté. Read More...
Harande Most Significant Change Stories
Harande s'attaque aux causes profondes de l'insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle dans 238 villages de 16 communes des quatre cercles ci-dessus cités de la région de Mopti, en se focalisant sur les ménages vulnérables
The USAID-funded Harande program is implemented in the Mopti region for the 2015-2020 period with the aim of sustainably improve the food, nutrition and income security of 224,100 members of vulnerable households by 2020 in Youwarou, Tenenkou, Bandiagara and Douentza districts in the Mopti region — an area in Central Mali that suffers from frequent drought and current conflict and instability. The program is a DFAP (Development Food Assistance Program) and is implemented by a Consortium made of CARE International (lead), Save the Children International (SCI), Helen Keller International (HKI) and national NGOs: YAGTU and Sahel Eco.
Harande addresses the root causes of food and nutrition insecurity in 238 villages in 16 municipalities in the four districts of the Mopti region, focusing on vulnerable households Read More...
• Increase availability and access to good quality agricultural inputs in rural communities by 50% through a private sector-led agro-dealership scheme that will establish and support 50 women and men rural agro-dealers by the year 2020.
• Increase availability of and access to certified seed through a community seed production system in partnership with the private sector, which will engage 200 smallholder women, farmers, as out-growers.
• Improve utilization of good quality agricultural inputs by enhancing knowledge of smallholder farmers through input fairs, demonstration plots, and training.
• Create an enabling environment for women in agri-input systems through improving gender responsiveness of both private and government sector partners. Read More...
CARE Endline Evaluation Report: Restoration of water infrastructure and prevention against COVID19
The Somalia Relief and Recovery Project-SRRP's main goal was to address the most urgent and basic needs of drought-affected communities in Bari, Galgaduud, Lower Juba, Mudug, Sanaag, Hiraan, and Sool regions that have been severely affected by the recurrent drought crisis. In particular, the project aimed to improve access to safe water and hygiene in drought-affected communities, provide temporary employment opportunities, deliver treatment services for acutely malnourished children and pregnant and lactating women, provide basic health services, and protection services. The project also aimed at improving coordination through the Somalia NGO consortium to a concert and coordinate efforts to adequately address the recurrent humanitarian challenges in Somalia. Read More...
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