Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

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Provision of lifesaving and sustainable WASH services for Vulnerable Populations in South Darfur and South Kordofan states, and emergency WASH services to Tigray refugees in Gedaref State Endline

This final evaluation conducted for the project “Provision of lifesaving and sustainable WASH services for Vulnerable Populations in South Darfur and South Kordofan states, and emergency WASH services to Tigray refugees in Gedarif State." The was evaluation conducted internally by CARE staff, led by the MEAL coordinator and the MEAL team in the field with support and cooperation from the project team. The evaluation took place in the three States (South Darfur, South Kordofan and Gedarif States) where project operated. The evaluation team used different methods for data collection, including FGDs, KIIs and desk reviews.
The project contributed to the reduction of morbidity and mortality through increased access to lifesaving and sustainable WASH services for 265,914 914 people (71877 women, 69058 men, 63740 girls, 61239 boys), especially targeting vulnerable refugees, IDPs and host community members in South Darfur, South Kordofan, and Gedaref states. The project also pre-positioned essential WASH supplies for any emergency or outbreak, which exceeded the targeted 248,017 individuals.
Based on the findings from direct consultation of the project beneficiaries and other stakeholders; the project was implemented with high effectiveness and efficiency, and good signs for sustainability for most of it is interventions. The project achieved all the planned interventions, and supported targeted beneficiaries to improve access to safe water, sanitation and improve hygiene practices.

Tipping Point Global Impact Evaluation Summary

This summary presents the major findings from a mixed methods impact evaluation study conducted in Bangladesh (Rangpur district) and Nepal (Rupandehi and Kapilvastu Districts) in 2021. This impact evaluation was coordinated by CARE and led by its research partners, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b) in Bangladesh and Emory University & Interdisciplinary Analysts (IDA) in Nepal. Read More...

Impact Evaluation Summary of Tipping Point Nepal

This brief summarizes the methods, key findings, and results and the implications of the Tipping Point impact evaluation in Kapilvastu and Rupandehi, Nepal. Read More...

Impact of Tipping Point Initiative, a social norms intervention, in addressing child marriage and other adolescent health and behavioral outcomes in a northern district of Bangladesh

Written by Tipping Point’s research partner, the International center for diaorrheal disease research, Bangladesh, this impact report provides the methodology for the three-arm cluster randomized control trial, results of that trial that assessed the impact of the Tipping Point model, and implications for the field. Read More...

Tipping Point Global Impact Evaluation Summary

CARE's Tipping Point Initiative gathered adolescent girl activists, technical advisors from diverse fields, activists fighting for girls’ rights, government officials, and staff to discuss not just what the last decade has taught us but importantly where we want the girls’ rights field to evolve. This series of briefs discusses what interventions have demonstrated impact on child, early and forced marriage (CEFM) and girls’ rights. It establishes ways to center girls’ experiences and evidenced-based strategies to facilitate transformative change within the movements, donors and governments that seek to empower and expand the voices, choices, agency, and rights of adolescent girls. Read More...

Reducing Vulnerabilities for refugees and internally displaced persons in Afghanistan – CARE/ABADEI Baseline

Reducing vulnerabilities for returnees and IDPs in 4 provinces of Afghanistan is a Resilience Building Program in Afghanistan, which is implemented by CARE Afghanistan. This project, which is funded by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is targeting 312,800 vulnerable people (153,272 female & 159,528 male). This program is aimed at reducing vulnerabilities for returnees and IDPs through the provision of essential services to local communities and protecting them against natural disasters; source to support rural livelihoods through strengthened social cohesion.

Towards the end of 2021, CARE conducted a multi-sectoral need assessment, which confirmed the lack of access to health & food. The chronic conflict, lack of humanitarian assistance, poor outlook for the population and lack of available basic services, the assessment emphasized a strong need to meet the basic humanitarian needs for local people, IDPs and, returnees. In particular, health response, cash for work, food provision, and economic improvement / livelihoods initiatives were identified as priority assistance areas. Read More...

COVID-19 & Women: Saving for Resilience

The COVID-19 pandemic has not had an equal impact on women and men. Through our data we are seeing a significant increase for women in caregiving duties, household chores and gender-based violence, as well as a devastating and worsening impact on livelihood for everyone. Despite this, small glimmers of hope are where women from VSLAs are increasingly taking on leadership roles within their communities and men are beginning to engage more in household chores.

The Women (in VSLAs) Respond data includes the voices of 4,185 Village Savings & Loan Association (VSLA) members (3,266 women and girls) in Burundi, Ethiopia, Mali, Nigeria, Niger, and Uganda. This initiative sought to assess how VSLA members, both as individuals and groups, are affected by the pandemic
and how they responded and adapted to cope with the crisis. The data specifically looks at the impact on individuals and their needs, as well as how groups
have been affected, and how they have adapted.

EVALUATION FINALE DU VOLET – Mission d’Action de proximité via des ONGs

Amélioration de la situation sanitaire de la CUA et la réduction des problèmes d’inondations liés au réseau d’assainissement pluvial. Read More...


Financé par UE et AFD, d’un montant de 750 000 Euros, opérationnalisé par un consortium d’ONG à vocation humanitaire, le Projet « Riposte à la crise sanitaire COVID-19 à Madagascar », intégra la Stratégie de riposte nationale, en réponse à la découverte des trois premiers cas importés malagasy le 20 mars 2020, suivie de l’annonce de l’instauration de l’état d’urgence sanitaire dans tout le pays par le Président de la République de Madagascar. Ce consortium est formé de trois ONG internationales et d’une ONG nationale, notamment ACF-CARE-MDM et ASOS. Ce projet ambitionnait de contribuer à la réduction de la morbi-mortalité due à l’épidémie de coronavirus, ainsi que des impacts sociaux des mesures prises pour éviter sa propagation à Madagascar.

La présente évaluation a pour objectifs de mesurer l’impact de cette riposte sur une crise inédite à travers la recherche de réponses aux questions d’évaluation liées à des critères d’évaluation ci-après : (i) impacts ou effets larges du projet au niveau individuel, communautaire , et institutionnel ; (ii) son adéquation aux besoins des bénéficiaires, à la stratégie nationale, (iii) sa gouvernance, pointant la qualité des structures et mécanismes de coordination intra-consortium, et envers les autres intervenants et cibles bénéficiaires ; l’optimisation des ressources à travers des réponses à des questions d’économie, d’efficience, d’efficacité, d’équité ; (v) l’analyse de sa durabilité à travers quelques domaines clés : renforcement des capacités (formations, dotations, infrastructures) et l'approche au niveau communautaire, etc. Read More...


The Empowered Women for an Equitable Coffee Value Chain (EW-EVC) project, funded through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) was implemented in Sekong Province from July 2017-June 2022, with a goal of “Reduced poverty and improved access to food for remote ethnic communities through women’s economic empowerment”. This project aligns perfectly with the CARE Laos priority of supporting women and girls through economic empowerment. Read More...

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