Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

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Cocoa Sustainability Initiative III

The Cocoa Sustainability Initiative phase 3 (CSI III) is a three-year partnership between General Mills Foundation and CARE International that will be implemented over the period December 2020 to November 2023. The project seeks to improve the food and nutrition security of over 3,500 cocoa farmers and their families in 20 communities in the Asikuma-Odoben-Brakwa District in the Central Region of Ghana by promoting sustainable agriculture, climate resilience, inclusive agriculture systems, women’s empowerment and improved nutrition practices. Building on the success of CSI phase I and II, CSI III addresses a range of interconnected issues, from low agricultural productivity and income to gender equality and voice to inclusive governance, child protection, nutrition and climate change resilience. The aim of the study was to provide baseline values for project indicators to help track the progress and impact of the project during and after implementation. Drawing on face-to-face interviews, a mixed method approach with critical gender lens was employed in data collection and analysis. Specifically, data were collected through a household survey (N=225) and Focus Group Discussions with men and women (N=10). A summary of key findings and recommendations are presented below. [71 pages] Read More...

Mid-Term Evaluation of the Joint Action for Nutrition Outcome (JANO) Project Funded by the European Union with co-funding from the Austrian Development Cooperation

The project reaches 275,415 pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, married adolescent girls between the ages of 15 and 49, 190,322 children under the age of five, and 421,425 unmarried adolescent girls and boys between the ages of 10 and 19. One thousand three hundred twenty teachers, 50 Master Trainers, and SMC members received training from 330 primary and secondary schools and SMCs. This with the goal to reduce malnutrition and anemia among women of reproductive age and children under five years of age.

Cost-efficiency analysis Conditional Cash for Education and Protection

This case study summarizes an analysis conducted by CARE using the Dioptra tool to generate cost-efficiency estimates for Conditional Cash for Education and Protection in Jordan. The analysis revealed that:
● Conditional Cash for Education and Protection cost $1,474 per child on average, across nine projects within the program portfolio.
● Tweaking the transfer size and frequency can affect cost-efficiency by more than 30 percent. It can free up funds to reach at least 40 percent more children with conditional cash, or allow existing recipient households to benefit from other economic resilience interventions.
● Providing awareness sessions on the importance of education is a small cost component of conditional cash that could be cost-effective.
● Different interventions are required for different groups of children. At minimum, the children receiving conditional cash should be differentiated by age: young (6-11) and old (12-16).
● Providing conditional cash for the full school year of at least 10 months is believed to be more effective and protective for children in need.
● Despite its effectiveness, cash incentives are unlikely to be a sustainable intervention to ensure children’s school attendance. It could benefit from other supporting interventions that address social barriers preventing children from attending school.
● Based on further assessments on different approaches and best practices, the program team intends to test a gradual reduction in transfer amounts for 10 months per year over 3 years, differentiated by age group, including livelihoods support for all recipient households, and referrals to Emergency Cash Assistance for highly vulnerable households.
Cost-efficiency estimates are cited for learning purposes only, and should not be used as the sole basis for future budgeting or benchmarking. All cost-efficiency estimates include Direct Project Costs, Direct Shared Costs, and Indirect Costs. Read More...

Pastoralist Areas Resilience Improvement and Market Expansion (PRIME) Project Impact Evaluation

The Pastoralist Areas Resilience Improvement and Market Expansion (PRIME) project was implemented from October 2012 to September 2017 in one of the most shock-prone areas of the world, the drylands of Ethiopia. A key project goal was to enhance the resilience of households to shocks. In particular, it aimed to enable households to withstand and recover from the recurrent climate-related shocks—mainly drought—to which they are exposed.

This report has drawn on the data collected as part of the PRIME Impact Evaluation (IE) Baseline and Endline Surveys, as well as two Recurrent Monitoring Surveys, to meet three objectives:
(1) Document the changes that have taken place over the project’s implementation period in key resilience-related variables (shock exposure, livelihoods, resilience capacities, coping strategies, wellbeing outcomes, and resilience);
(2) Determine whether the project’s resilience-strengthening interventions served to strengthen households’ resilience to shocks;
(3) Identify which resilience capacities—including specific absorptive, adaptive, and transformative capacities—were strengthened, and by which types of interventions, in order to inform and enhance the effectiveness of future resilience-strengthening projects.

The PRIME impact evaluation was conducted in two of the three project areas: Borena in the regional state of Oromiya and Jijiga in Somali, for a sample of 2,750 panel households. It draws on both quantitative and qualitative data, the latter collected through key informant interviews and focus group discussions [188 pages] Read More...


CARE International et Cargill WA ont noué un partenariat stratégique pour la mise en oeuvre de projets de développement en faveur des producteurs de cacao et de leurs communautés. A cet effet, depuis 2010, CARE bénéficie du soutien financier de Cargill. Dans la continuité de ce partenariat, en Septembre 2017, General Mills a conclu un partenariat avec CARE, pour la mise en oeuvre du projet Cocoa Sustainability Initiative II (CSI II) et cela, jusqu’en fin Août 2020. En guise de préparation de la clôture du projet, CARE a commandité une évaluation finale, conduite par une Consultante, appuyée par une équipe technique de CARE Côte d’Ivoire, pour mesurer les progrès réalisés en rapport avec les objectifs et résultats cibles. Dans la perspective de répondre aux objectifs et résultats attendus de l’évaluation, une stratégie participative a été mise en oeuvre, ce qui a permis d’analyser et d’évaluer de manière qualitative et quantitative, l’ensemble des éléments caractéristiques du projet. Read More...

START Fund Distributions In Pakistan

The activities of the START Fund were designed in lieu of the communities' needs identified by the existing field staff monitoring flood situation and working in Muzaffargarh. As part of the activities, medical supplies were given to target beneficiaries and hygiene promotion sessions were conducted to inform the communities of the risk and prevention measures from COVID-19, and water borne diseases
CARE International in Pakistan conducted post distribution monitoring study with 10 participants (90% female and 10% male) in UC Rang Pur of District Muzaffargarh. The study was conducted to get beneficiaries feedback. satisfaction about the distribution, familiarity with feedback & complaint response mechanism, and COVID-19 information and compliance.

Every Voice Counts Programme

In 2020 after COVID 19 restrictions were relaxed, a CSC Meeting in October 2020 was organized at District Mirpurkhas and Umerkot with community and government departments to discuss gender related issues and to review and develop action plans regarding the inclusiveness of communities in government level decision making. It also worked on getting the District Gender Forums activated in Districts Mirpurkhas and Umerkot for effective district public authorities and community representatives, participation included local government, district administration, police, health and education department endorsed that they will continue this forum with the support of Social Welfare Department and other civil society organizations. The civil society organization showed their interest to continue Gender Forum activities in Mirpurkhas and Umerkot against Child Marriages and Domestic Violence.

Two trainings of Union Council Secretaries of both Districts have been conducted during this reporting month, on the Sindh Child Marriage Restraint Act 2013, the mandate of the local government department and the role of the union council secretaries to register marriages, births, nikkahs and nikkah registrar and pundits as per the laws. More than 90 union council secretaries of both district actively participated in the trainings. Regional Director and Additional Directors of Umerkot and Mirpurkhas concluded the training and distributed the certificates among the participants in a closing ceremony. [13 pages] Read More...

Flood Emergency Response – Umerkot, Sindh 2020

Flood Emergency Response Umerkot, Sindh, a three months’ project with an overall objective to provide emergency lifesaving food and NFI assistance to flood effected population in district Umerkot. The overall approach of the ERF project was to address the immediate, underlying and basic needs of households through a combination of activities i.e. food commodities, NFI and water.

The object of the study was to validate the supported beneficiaries, assess distribution process and satisfaction of beneficiaries with the intervention. A sample of 63 (10%) was systematic randomly drawn from the population of 600 households. Read More...

Post Distribution Monitoring study in selected union councils of district Pishin with the beneficiaries of food package & hygiene kit during COVID-19

CARE international in Pakistan conducted post distribution monitoring study in selected union councils of district Pishin with the beneficiaries of food package& hygiene kit. The study was conducted to get beneficiary’s feedback on utilization of food package & hygiene kit, distribution process, beneficiaries’ selection criteria, relevance, satisfaction about quality and quantity of kit items, feedback and complaint response mechanism, and COVID-19 information/risk communication.
CIP provided support to the vulnerable community of district Pishin, who were affected due to lock down and spread of COVID-19 pandemic. The support was focused to provide immediate needs such as food package and hygiene kits to reduce the financial burden on the selected beneficiaries and to increase their resilience to prevent COVID-19.
PDM Study was conducted with beneficiaries of eleven (11) villages of Union Council (UC) Bostan, UC Walma, UC Ghaizh. Total 60 recipients of food package & hygiene kit were interviewed considering 5% as a sample out of the total distribution. [20 pages] Read More...

Heatwave Response Sibi District

CARE international in Pakistan implemented heatwave response project in district Sibi. The project aimed to protected the vulnerable community from heatwave by provision of protection kit, cooling stations, information though IEC material displayed at various parts of the districts. provided heatwave protection. In district Sibi 250 individuals were provided with heatwave protection kits. [15 pages] Read More...

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