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WAYREP Baseline Report

WAYREP’s overall objective is to “Strengthen the resilience of refugee and Ugandan women, girls and youth to live a life free from violence (LFFV) in Uganda”. WAYREP focuses on women and girls’ empowerment within the context of some of Uganda’s most pressing current challenges such as rapid urbanization, regular and high rates of displacement and migration across and within Uganda’s borders and a very young and largely unemployed population. In 2020, this fragile context was further exacerbated with the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID 19) not only in terms of its health implications, but also in terms of its impact on livelihoods, safety and security. WAYREP is built on the hypothesis that Gender Based Violence (GBV) has two main drivers: gender inequality and poverty. This is exacerbated by displacement whether as a refugee or as an urban dweller coming from rural Uganda. WAYREP’s theory of change therefore states that: if refugee and vulnerable Ugandan women and girls have access to dignified livelihood opportunities, and if the gender, social and cultural norms that perpetuate GBV are challenged and minimized, then the likelihood of resorting to negative coping mechanisms - including GBV like early and forced marriage or commercial sex - will significantly reduce and women and girls’ self- reliance will increase.
The project seeks to achieve four result areas namely;
1. Enhanced sustainable and dignified livelihood for women and youth
2. Reduction of the acceptance of GBV
3. Enhanced psychosocial support to survivors of GBV
4. Increased accountability of the Government of Uganda (GoU) on the implementation of relevant
frameworks for women and girls’ protection and rights
The project is being implemented in Gulu Municipality (Pece and Bardege Divisions), Arua Municipality (River Oli Division, Omugo Settlement zones 4, 5, and 6) and Omugo Sub-county (in Obi, Angazi, Anufira, Duku, Boora and Ndapi Parishes).
This report is 81 pages long.

Rapid Gender Analysis MENA – Turkey Program

In an effort to understand the differentiated needs and capacities of the vulnerable Syrian refugee groups affected by the Syrian Crisis residing in Southeast Turkey, CARE updated its Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) conducted in 2019. Turkey hosts the largest share of refugees in the world; 90% of whom are Syrian and have relocated to Turkey since the beginning of the Syrian crisis. A high majority (98%) of the Syrian refugees are residing in urban areas and many face difficulties in meeting their basic needs and adopt negative coping mechanisms such as early marriage, child labor, and illegal employment. Harmful cultural and traditional practices, coupled with the lack of livelihoods and self-reliance opportunities, perpetuate a situation of risk as many families see child marriage as the only way to secure a future for their children.
CARE continues to work to strengthen capacities, to provide targeted protection assistance, including in preventing and responding to GBV, providing protection responses including assessing legal and other specialized services and ensuring families have reduced exposure to safety and security concerns. The assistance provide would be more effective with having gender-based needs and capacities identified and addressed throughout the intervention. To analyze the gendered dimension of the Syrian Crisis in Turkey and update its 2019 RGA data on the changing roles of women, men, girls and boys as well as their needs, capacities and coping strategies, CARE conducted 396 household surveys, 3 Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and a review of secondary data. Read More...


This report presents the results of the baseline survey on the project “Promoting Solar Powered Energy Efficient Stoves in Kyangwali Refugee Settlement”. Kyangwali settlement is one of the eleven (11)1 refugee settlements in Uganda with a population of over 12,780 refugees who mainly come from DRC (118,390 refugees); South Sudan (3,383 refugees); Rwanda (1,124 refugees); Burundi (107 refugees); Kenya (11 refugees); Somali (7 refugees) and Sudan (2 refugees) (UNHCR, 2020). It is located in Kikuube district in Western Uganda bordered by DRC in the West, Hoima district in the North and Kagadi in the South.
This innovative clean energy project is being implemented by CARE International in Uganda in partnership with African Clean Energy (ACE) and Kabarole Research and Resource Centre (KRC) and is supported by the Dutch Relief Alliance Innovation Fund. It aims at improving the accessibility of quality and affordable clean energy solutions to refugees (particularly women) in the Kyangwali refugee settlement. The project’s innovative package includes two complementary programs namely; a) The User Referral Bonus (URB) model whereby the ACE package (ACE one stove + smart phone + solar powered lamp) will be made affordable to refugees in Kyangwali settlement and host communities, by allowing for payment in installments and also enabling URB participants to earn waivers on their monthly instalments through recommendation of peers; and b) Briquetting program whereby the first ten groups (farming cooperatives/VSLAs) which enroll at least half of their members into the URB will be supported with knowledge and equipment for clean, biomass briquette production, and also empowered to set up their own briquetting businesses. Read More...

IMPACT ASSESSMENT: CARE’s Psychosocial Support Program

As part of the CARE’s response under the Syria Regional Response Plan (3RP), CARE International in Jordan is providing Psycho Social Support (PSS) to refugee and Jordanian women, girls, boys, and men in urban areas and Azraq camp, covering the second and the third layers of IASC’s intervention pyramid; community and family supports and focused, non-specialized supports. The main purpose of the PSS program is to protect them from psychosocial distress, improve their emotional and social well-being, and strengthen their coping mechanisms and resilience.
With more than twenty-one Jordanian staff as of August 2021, according to CARE, the program has benefitted over 44,627 women, 17,936 girls, 19,265 boys, and 33,049 men including 94,421 refugees and 20,456 Jordanians to date. There are eight safe spaces at CARE’s community centers in urban areas (Amman, Mafraq, Zarqa, and Irbid) and Azraq camp.
This document presents the findings of a qualitative impact assessment that aims to explore the impact of the PSS interventions, including both intended and unintended impact on targeted beneficiaries. The Programs Quality (PQ) Department used the Outcome Harvesting participatory approach, which collects evidence of what has changed “outcomes” and, then, working backwards, ascertaining whether, how, and to what extent the intervention has contributed to these changes.

Rapid Gender Analysis Ukrainian Refugees in Poland

Poland has received the majority of Ukrainian refugees fleeing the conflict. At the time of writing, UNHCR reports that 1,830,711 people have crossed the Ukrainian/Polish border. There has been an outpouring of solidarity in Poland for the Ukrainian refugees. Polish authorities and citizens mobilised swiftly. For example, a law was passed to allow Ukrainians to stay in Poland for 18 months and receive an identification card that facilitates their access to cash assistance and services. Third country nationals (TCNs) have 15 days to find a way out of Poland. The sheer scale and pace of the refugee influx is already creating cracks in the response. Many of these cracks have important gender and protection consequences. This Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) researched by CARE highlights the most significant gender and protection issues for Ukrainians in Poland and flags urgent actions required to address them. This RGA of Ukrainian Refugees in Poland builds on the RGA Brief for Ukraine published in February 2022. The RGA is based on observations from site visits to Medyka border crossing, Przemsyl train station, Korczowa Reception Centre, Krościenko border crossing as well as Warsaw train station and accommodation centres; conversations with organisers at these sites – both official and volunteers – and with refugees and Polish Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). The RGA also benefits from consolidating and triangulating information coming out from multiple reports and online coordination meetings. Read More...

Projet : « L’Autonomisation des femmes et des jeunes dans le cadre du projet RESILAC/GENRE, financement DFID

Le projet « L’Autonomisation des femmes et des jeunes dans le cadre du Projet RESILAC» sous le financement DFID est une réponse aux besoins des populations déplacés et hôte de Bagassola, Nguelea 1 et 2, Bol afin de renforcer le genre. D’un coût total 561 000 €, il a été mis en œuvre pour une durée de 11 mois (juin 2019 – avril 2020). Il vise spécifiquement à renforcer le rôle et responsabilité de genre dans le cadre du projet RESILAC.
 Pertinences : Le projet a répondu aux attentes des bénéficiaires, il a contribué à modifier le regard sur le genre et a abordé la constructions sociales et des relations de pouvoir homme/femme, de la perception de leur place et rôle respectif au sein du ménage et de la communauté, le renforcement des mécanismes de prévention/protection et de prise en charge des violences basées sur le genre Formation en leadership pour les membres de groupements (AVEC, groupements de producteurs, groupes de femmes, etc.). Le projet a contribué à travers ses actions, au développement des Plans de développement Locaux. Il a été et reste novateur aujourd’hui dans la province.
 Impact : Le projet a permis de renforcer le cadre légal et institutionnel en matière de genre/VBG. En outre le projet a consolidé la synergie d’action entre les différents acteurs dans le cadre de la prévention et la prise en charge des cas de VBG. Dans le cadre de l’accès des victimes de VBG aux structures adéquates via la synergie d’action entre les acteurs humanitaires de la zone, l’on note aussi que le projet a contribué à la formation des acteurs et/ou les parties prenantes sur le VBG pour une meilleure offre de services et ou compréhension du thématique. Des stratégies de prévention et lutte contre les VBG ont été proposées et fournies aux bénéficiaires et aux services techniques déconcentrés de l’Etat dans la province. L’approche d’intervention des acteurs sur le système de remontée et de gestion de cas de VBG a été améliorée et l’évaluation note un début de changement. L’impact est positif sur les acteurs, notamment ceux des comités départements d’action (CDA) qui est une entité étatique composé des différents services déconcentrés de l’Etat dont le préfet préside les rencontres. Cette entité, veille sur les activités des acteurs humanitaires intervenants dans la zone, etc.

 Efficacité : L’appréciation de l’efficacité se basant sur l’atteinte des résultats à travers la comparaison des réalisations aux prévisions. Il ressort que les activités du Projet ont été réalisées avec un niveau d’efficacité très appréciable. En effet, au-delà de la pertinence de son approche et les résultats positifs obtenus par le projet, les témoignages des bénéficiaires et des acteurs impliqués dans la mise en œuvre corroborent cet état de fait.


CARE International est l'une des principales organisations humanitaires internationales de lutte contre la pauvreté dans le monde. Elle est présente au Tchad depuis 1974 et intervient dans la zone de Biltine, MARO, GORE, MOISSALA et dans le LAC. Au Sud du Tchad, ses interventions visent principalement les populations réfugiées, les retournés tchadiens de la République Centrafricaine ainsi que les communautés locales les plus pauvres et vulnérables. Suite à l’afflux des nouveaux réfugiés centrafricains au sud du Tchad principalement dans le Département de la NYA-PENDE et du MANDOUL dû à la crise centrafricaine, CARE a obtenu l’appui de BPRM pour le financement du projet dénommé « Projet d’Assistance Multisectorielle aux Refugies, Retournes Et Aux Communautés Hotes Dans Le Sud Du Tchad En Matiere De Securite Alimentaire Et Nutrition, Protection Et Wash à GORE et de MOISSALA».
La mise en œuvre dudit projet BPRM a démarré en septembre 2019 et a ciblé 48158 bénéficiaires (réfugiés, retournés et communautés hôtes vulnérables). Les actions essentielles envers ces différents bénéficiaires s’articulent autour de la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle, accès à la protection et aux mécanismes Wash pour une amélioration du niveau de vie des populations cibles. Après,12 mois de mise en œuvre, une évaluation a été menée auprès des bénéficiaires de l’action pour évaluer les résultats et les effets induits du projet.

Knowledge Attitude & Practice (KAP) Survey of WASH Services Project in Dadaab Refugee Camps

The European Commission Directorate General Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection (ECHO) funded CARE to implement Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) project in Ifo, Dagahaley and Hagadera refugee camps in Dadaab. The overall objective of the project was self-reliance in the provision of essential WASH services for persons of concern in Dadaab refugee camps.
Specifically, the project focused on provision of potable water, managing solid waste disposal and delivering a comprehensive environmental sanitation program that incorporated vector control and health/hygiene promotion for refugees and COVID-19 response. The overall objective of this survey was to examine knowledge, attitudes and practices of the beneficiaries, gaps in the WASH activities in Dagahaley, Ifo and Hagadera camps and to provide information that would improve future programming.
The survey adopted a cross-sectional descriptive research design, and employed quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection which included: Literature Review, 392 Household Surveys, four Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), three Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and direct observations.

Rapid Gender Analysis Brief Ukrainian Refugees in Moldova

Since the escalation of the war in Ukraine on 24 February 2022, Moldova has been one of the countries in the region hosting people from Ukraine. Communities, as well as local, national and international non-governmental organisations (INGOs), have mobilised to support the refugees with basic needs and services. To date – 28 June – a total of 8,402,336 border crossings from Ukraine have been recorded, with 5,493,437 individual refugees from Ukraine recorded across Europe.1 As of 4 July, 521,549 individuals from Ukraine have arrived in Moldova; 334,903 or 64 per cent are female, of which 25 per cent are girls; and 186,646 or 36 per cent are male, of which 46 per cent are boys2. The majority (92 per cent) of those arriving are Ukrainian and 8 per cent are third country nationals (TCNs).3 No verifiable disability-disaggregated data has been identified and a Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) by Action Aid on 27 April reported that there is no data on Roma populations or the registration of transgender people. Read More...

Rapid Gender Analysis Brief Ukrainian Refugees in Romania

Since the escalation of the war in Ukraine on 24 February 2022, there has been an outpouring of kindness, solidarity and support in the form of basic goods and services from the Government and people of Romania to Ukrainian refugees.
As of 1 June 2022, 1,098,326 Ukrainians refugees have arrived in Romania. Of these, only 84,470 (7.7 per cent) have remained in Romania.1 Of those arriving in Romania, 54 per cent are adult women, 32 per cent are children and 14 per cent are adult men. The top five counties hosting refugees are Bucharest, Constanta, Brasov, Galati and Iasi.
This Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) brief highlights the most significant gender and protection issues for refugees from Ukraine in Romania and sets out key recommendations to address them. The RGA brief was conducted jointly by CARE/SERA, the Federation for Child Protection, the Federation for Social Services and Plan International in Romania.


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