Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

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Línea de base del proyecto “IGNITE: Liberando el poder de las empresarias”

El objetivo general de la evaluación es implementar la Línea de Base del Proyecto IGNITE, a través de la medición de los valores de 20 indicadores de desempeño del Proyecto (de impacto, de resultados intermedios e inmediatos), como de factores contextuales y externos asociados. La estimación del valor de los indicadores se ha realizado a partir de los resultados obtenidos de aplicar una Encuesta en mayo del 2021 a 315 personas beneficiarias del Proyecto. Estas personas integran las Bases de Datos facilitadas por CARE para la presente evaluación, que a su vez han sido proporcionadas por socios institucionales de CARE para la implementación del
Proyecto: (a) Financiera Confianza, (b) PROMUC, y (c) Proyecto Mujeres Emprendedoras. Adicionalmente, estas 315 personas cumplían con las siguientes características: contaban con celulares operativos (requisito indispensable ya que la encuesta se realizó exclusivamente por vía telefónica); no se dedicaban a la agricultura o ganadería como único negocio; y tenían personas laborando en su negocio desde antes del inicio de la pandemia. Una limitación ha sido la tasa de no aplicación de la Encuesta debido a que no contestaron el celular o a que desistieron de participar en la Encuesta (aproximadamente el 40% del universo inicialmente previsto). [89 Pages] Read More...


El presente estudio de base es elaborado con el objetivo de medir la situación inicial PROYECTO “MUJERES RESILIENTES: NUEVAS OPORTUNIDADES PARA SU REACTIVACIÓN ECONÓMICA E INCLUSIÓN FINANCIERA EN RESPUESTA AL IMPACTO DE LA CRISIS DEL COVID-19”, el cual viene siendo ejecutado por CARE Perú. Para el desarrollo del estudio se implementó una metodología predominantemente cuantitativa que emplea principalmente fuente y técnica de recojo de información de naturaleza cuantitativa. El ámbito geográfico del estudio de base comprende las zonas donde actualmente interviene el proyecto, las cuales involucra 38 distritos en los departamentos de Arequipa, La Libertad y Lima. Las principales variables analizadas se corresponden con el contexto local distrital en el que opera el proyecto, con características básicas del público objetivo (características personales de las beneficiarias, de sus hogares, acceso a servicios y afectación por el COVID-19), los cambios esperados por el proyecto como estrategia de intervención (capacidades técnicas, estrategias de mercado, servicios financieros) y la transversalización de género. Estas variables se analizaron en la población objetivo del proyecto. Los informantes que proporcionaron la información requerida para el estudio fueron principalmente las mujeres emprendedoras inscritas en el Proyecto. En este grupo de informantes se aplicaron 302 encuestas a mujeres emprendedoras y se complementó con siete entrevistas a funcionarios públicos de Municipios y Programas Públicos. Para el recojo de información, se diseñó un total de 3 formatos de recojo de información primaria, los cuales fueron aplicados durante los meses de mayo y junio del 2021, con algunas limitaciones propias de una aplicación por teléfono (llamadas no contestadas, servicios suspendidos, números equivocados) y otras referentes a la disponibilidad del informante (rechazo directo, falta de tiempo). [90 Pages]

Strengthening WASH basic infrastructure, resilience and livelihoods in return areas in Ninawa, Iraq

This baseline report was prepared as part of the multi-sectoral project in Sinjar and Telafar districts, Ninawa governorate. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, BMZ. CARE International in Iraq, in partnership with two local NGOs, namely Harikar and HOPE are planning to implement the project in two districts in Ninawa governorate, Telafar and Sinjar. It is intended to implement activities in three geographic locations within the two selected districts, Telafar city and Zummar town in Telafar district and Sinjar area in Sinjar district. Zummar’s population is about 118,000 individuals (19,000 families). Approx. 80% (around 15,000 families) of the population have now returned to Zummar. Telafar’s population is about 200,000 individuals (40,000 families). Around 25% of the total displaced population has returned according to local Telafar authorities. Sinjar city hosts a population of about 24,000 individuals (4,000 families) .
Field work was conducted in early January 2019. The aim of the multi-sectorial baseline assessment was to collect information on the current situation in the areas of Water Supply, Hygiene and Sanitation Practices, House, Land and Property (HLP), Livelihood and Governance in the target areas.


Lotus Flower, supported by CARE, started its Women Business Incubator (WBI) project on May 2019. The project was commenced with the recruitment process of staff and followed by an introduction of the project activities to the communities in Rowanga camp. Multiple activities have been conducted as part of the comprehensive approach to meet the objective of the project. Activities included conducting business mentorship training, awareness raising, and psychological support.

The impact evaluation aims at assessing the effectiveness, relevance and sustainability of the project. In addition, project success and challenges faced during project implementation has been assessed.
Specific objectives include:
- To document any gaps in in the project implementation and to identify barriers in running business by women in the male- dominated society;
- Examine whether any of the beneficiaries have the interest to use these skills as a trade/small business; whether they started earning income from their business or not, and how they are benefitting in a highly traditional society with firm gender role.
- To understand whether the women who benefited from the business women incubator project would be accepted as business women , if entrepreneurship is traditionally regarded as “male” job, by their community or not; whether they were interested in the material (and perhaps would want to learn other “male” skills); and whether this training has resulted in any changes among target beneficiaries families/community with respect to gender relations.
- To identify opportunities, and draw lessons learnt as well as recommendations

Where the Rain Falls Phase III (2017 – 2019): Final Evaluation Report

In 2009, the Where the Rain Falls (WtRF) initiative started as a three-year research project investigating the impact of rainfall variability on food and livelihood security, and migration.

This research culminated in a global policy report (2012) and the development of more action-oriented community-based adaptation (CBA) pilot projects in each India, Thailand and Bangladesh. A second phase (2014 – 2016), and later a third phase (2017 – 2019), aimed to scale results, impacts and lessons learned to date for broader support for, and uptake of, CBA methods and approaches.

In October 2019, CARE France engaged an International Consultant to lead WtRF’ first multi-county evaluation. As per the Terms of Reference (TORs) for this evaluation (see Annex IV) the main objectives of the evaluation are two-fold:
(i) to assess the degree of achievement of the WtRF global and specific objectives in India and Thailand respectively; and
(ii) to extract common and/or comparable lessons learned about factors contributing to and hindering achievements (e.g. barriers and enablers) Read More...

Enhancing social protection by empowering CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The CARE project team has collected and analysed baseline data regarding each project partner. The information collected has allowed us to have a clearer picture of each partners’ current capacity, needs and areas for further improvement. This information was collected during the last quarter of 2019 and is presented below for each partner organisation. Read More...

Enhancing social protection by empowering CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina Midterm

In May, 2018, CARE International in cooperation with 7 project partners started implementation of the project: Enhancing social protection by empowering CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Financed by CZDA and CARE Czech Republic which will be realized within a three year timeframe (2018, 2019 and 2020).

The project is aimed to contribute to strengthening the weak social welfare and social protection as well as access to rights and social inclusion for the marginalized and most vulnerable. Poor economic performance and high unemployment cause shocks in the country’s social welfare system which largely effects the socio-economic position of citizens, especially most vulnerable and marginalized. The state and non-state service providers are under-capacitated and underfunded and their inability to provide adequate social protection services to the marginalized and most vulnerable populations has created a need and space for CSOs to get involved in the service provision. CSO efforts and involvement, however, have not been adequately recognized, supported and financed by the governmental institutions.

The evaluation of the impact of the initiative is done in line with the ToR that was created for the purpose of this assignment. The objective of the midterm evaluation is measuring the level of achievements of the objectives as well as level of satisfaction of project partners and other beneficiaries of the initiative. The evaluation process is internal and participatory with direct involvement of beneficiaries of the initiative. The midterm evaluation report includes report on implemented activities as well as lessons learned and recommendations.

Final Report On End Line Study of Promoting Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls in Clothing Industry Project

Employing more than 2.5 million women (60%), the RMG sector in Bangladesh is one of the largest sources of employment for women. CARE Bangladesh and UN Women partnered to undertake the Promoting Women Worker’s Empowerment Project as a 5 months pilot to help workers, particularly women, develop their skills and experience and access leadership opportunities which may lead to career advancement, improved work environment for the workers. The study was undertaken with several objectives- (i) To identify the progress on knowledge, skill and aspiration of women RMG workers in the working factories from the baseline (ii) To identify the initiatives that Management of the working factories are planning for career Advancement for women RMG workers (iii) To examine the appropriateness of the career pathways that was identified in baseline and identify the further recommendations for career Advancement for women RMG workers (iv) Evaluating the project indicators to measure the progress of the project (v) Developing a learning brief on the Project from baseline and end line . Read More...

Better Governance for Education End of Project Evaluation Report

Better Governance for Education (BG4E) is a 4 year project (July 2016 – June 2020) funded by the Australian Government’s ‘Australian NGO Cooperation Program’ (ANCP) with a total budget of 1.7 million Australian dollars. It is a pilot project that aims to develop and test a model that shows that better governance (and therefore better decision-making, resource allocation, project implementation oversight, monitoring & evaluation) results in improved service delivery. BG4E is based on CARE International’s Governance Framework, which states that if marginalised citizens are empowered, if power-holders are effective, accountable and responsive, and if spaces for negotiation are created, expanded, effective and inclusive, then sustainable and equitable development can be achieved, particularly for marginalised women and girls. The project worked intensively in four school communities, within the Obura Wanenera District, and at sub-national level in 3 districts (Obura Wonenara, Okapa and Lufa) within Eastern Highlands Province.

The evaluation focused on answering four key evaluation questions:

1) IMPACT - Has improved gender inclusive governance led to better service delivery in education?

2) MODEL - Has this project produced a proven or promising approach?

3) RELEVANCE - How relevant is the project to the policy context?

4) SUSTAINABILITY - Are the outcomes and impacts likely to be sustained after the end of the project? Read More...

End-Line Assessments Report: Emergency Response for Drought Affected Households in Northern Afghanistan Project

CARE implemented Emergency Response for Drought Affected Households in Northern Afghanistan project since between August 2018 and August 2019. Initially the project was designed for a 12 months’ period, but the project received approval from donor for a no cost extension following CARE request for a month NCE in order to offset the setback experienced in identifying/selecting local partner’s for the project. The project, was therefore completed in 13-month timeframe.

The project was aimed at improving health, economic condition, hygiene behaviors and practices, and protection for the most vulnerable people affected by drought in Northern Afghanistan. Through this project CARE responded to humanitarian needs of 4,100 HH (24,600 individual) vulnerable IDPs and host communities affected by seasonal drought, including the most affected children in two selected provinces of Balkh and Samangan provinces. In addition, most vulnerable women headed household/their adult children received support through multi-purpose cash as well health, and hygiene awareness interventions.

This report summarize key findings and results of end line assessment conducted in the intervention areas targeted under the project in order to evaluate the project’s effectiveness and outcome achieved in comparison to the baseline situation. Read More...

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