Food and Nutrition Security
Great Ruaha River Basin Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA)
This report presents the methodology and findings of the CARE-WWF Alliance Climate Vulnerability and Capacities Analysis (CVCA) in the Great Ruaha Basin of south-central Tanzania, conducted in September 2017.
The CARE-WWF Alliance is embarking on an ambitious initiative in the Ruaha Basin to have impact at scale on food and nutrition security and climate resilience. Given the context outlined above, undertaking a CVCA with communities in the catchment is critical to effective project design and implementation. This CVCA is intended to be one of three integrated assessment tools that will contribute to a CARE-WWF Alliance approach to markets, ecosystems, and social vulnerability in the context of a changing climate. [49 pages] Read More...
The CARE-WWF Alliance is embarking on an ambitious initiative in the Ruaha Basin to have impact at scale on food and nutrition security and climate resilience. Given the context outlined above, undertaking a CVCA with communities in the catchment is critical to effective project design and implementation. This CVCA is intended to be one of three integrated assessment tools that will contribute to a CARE-WWF Alliance approach to markets, ecosystems, and social vulnerability in the context of a changing climate. [49 pages] Read More...
Final Evaluation of the Adaptation Learning Programme for Africa Extension Period (2015 – 2017)
The Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP) has worked to improve the capacity of vulnerable people and households in sub-Saharan Africa to adapt to climate variability and change. Since 2010, ALP has been working directly with communities in Kenya, Niger, Ghana and Mozambique (Mozambique: 2010 – 2015 only) to identify, develop and refine approaches and strategies that can help build communities adaptive capacity and resilience to climate-related risk – an area known as community-based adaptation (CBA). In total, ALP has received over £11.3 million GBP ($17M USD) since 2010 through the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (Danida), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). Since 2015, funds received under the 2-year costed extension are valued at approximately £3M GBP ($4.6M USD) from DFID (75%), ADA (9%) and the Danida financed association Civil Society in Development (CISU) (16%). [106 pages] Read More...
Social Cost Benefit Analysis of CARE International’s Pathways Program Technical Report
The following technical report for the Pathways Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA) provides the rationale and detail for all assumptions and data sources used in the SCBA. It is designed to provide the reader with a clear understanding of the different pieces of data employed in the creation of the SCBA model. The report concludes with the survey materials employed in the study. [72 pages] Read More...
Origination and Development of the Soy bean small holder farmers in Egypt”
This 46 page final evaluation on CARE Egypt, with the support of Cargill Inc. and Cargill Egypt, implementation of the “Origination and Development of the Soy bean small holder farmers” project in the governorates of Minia, Benisuef and Beheira. The purpose of the 3-year project was to support the communities through increasing agricultural linkages by working to improve socioeconomic conditions for rural communities by increasing local production of Soy beans to reach 6000 metric tons of Soy beans throughout the project life. The project cooperated with the government through Extension Officers, farmers through their cooperatives and professional think tanks through the Agricultural Research Centers. Read More...
ECOFERME Final Evaluation
This 28 page document details the results of the ECOFERME project, including a 100% yield increase in a very bad agricultural season and a 154% achievement of farmers adopting conservation agriculture techniques Read More...
PNG Coffee Industry Support Project Mid-term Evaluation Report
The Coffee Industry Support Project (CISP) is funded by the Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development (Pacific Women) program and implemented by CARE International in Papua New Guinea (CARE). It supports coffee industry stakeholders in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea to mainstream gender equity in their policies, practices and approaches. CISP increases women’s access to training and extension services. It improves family business management practices so smallholder coffee farming families can work together more effectively. This enables the whole family to benefit from coffee production and income. This evaluation was a mid-term review of Phase 2, focusing on the period mid-2015 to early 2017. The evaluation assessed if the Project model was good value for money; the extent to which it was meeting its objectives; and to provide advice to the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) on whether to fund the continuation of this phase [48 pages] Read More...
Improving Community Climate Resilience in Nissan Final Evaluation
CARE International in PNG is supporting women and men living on Nissan and Pinepel Island to build resilience to the impacts of climate change. The communities that live on these remote coral atolls in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville are highly exposed to the impacts of climate change. Support has been provided the ”Improving Community Resilience in Nissan” project since April 2015. The overall objective of the project is: “Increased community resilience to the impacts of climate change, through improved coastal and marine resource management and enhanced livelihoods in Nissan District” The project is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Pacific American Climate Fund (PACAM). [53 pages] Read More...
Where the Rain Falls (WtRF) Pilot Phase Impact Report
CARE Bangladesh has designed a project titled “Where the Rain Falls (WtRF)”, based on a research, which has been implemented in two sub-districts of Kurigram district in the northwestern Bangladesh with financial support from Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. This study provides an account of the effectiveness of a few measures considered under the project, in order to meet the above-mentioned needs of the smallholder farmers of the two target sub-districts. [63 pages] Read More...
A-Card Progress and Prospects
A-card (A stands for Agriculture) is a brand new micro-credit mechanism, the only example in Bangladesh aimed at providing smallholder farmers financing to a digital purchase of farm inputs at a low cost (10%) through the formal financial system linked to a debit card and ICT-enabled platforms.
Addressing the problem of smallholder farmers' lack of access to finance required a consultation among different stakeholders particularly in finding an effective solution. It eventually led to the idea and design of the A-card model. In this regard, the USAID Agricultural Extension Support Activity (AESA) project's interventions effectively engaged with different stakeholders, including small-holder farmers, microfinance institutions (MFIs), formal lenders (i.e. banks) and rural agricultural inputs retailers. The aim of this collaboration was to work for a common goal with differentiated responsibilities. [14 pages] Read More...
Addressing the problem of smallholder farmers' lack of access to finance required a consultation among different stakeholders particularly in finding an effective solution. It eventually led to the idea and design of the A-card model. In this regard, the USAID Agricultural Extension Support Activity (AESA) project's interventions effectively engaged with different stakeholders, including small-holder farmers, microfinance institutions (MFIs), formal lenders (i.e. banks) and rural agricultural inputs retailers. The aim of this collaboration was to work for a common goal with differentiated responsibilities. [14 pages] Read More...
A-Card Pilot Initiative Impact Assessment
mSTAR/Bangladesh, working with the Agriculture Extension Support Activity (AESA) led by Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM), conducted pre- and postassessments in Faridpur district to understand the impact that a micro-credit product (called A-Card) delivered to smallholder farmers through Bank Asia’s agent banking had on participating farmers, associated ag-input retailers, and other relevant stakeholders, as well as to understand what further action can be taken to improve uptake of these services.
This report includes findings from the pre- and post-assessment surveys, beginning with farmers and retailers’ demographic information, including age, sex and education; as well as their mobile phone ownership, access and usage patterns. It also examines the knowledge and perceptions that stakeholders have of digital financial services (DFS), in addition to their perceived benefits from A-Card, associated challenges, and opportunities to scale up. In addition, this report includes some findings from a separate survey conducted solely by AESA. It concludes with recommendations based on the findings and feedback from stakeholders. [28 pages] Read More...
This report includes findings from the pre- and post-assessment surveys, beginning with farmers and retailers’ demographic information, including age, sex and education; as well as their mobile phone ownership, access and usage patterns. It also examines the knowledge and perceptions that stakeholders have of digital financial services (DFS), in addition to their perceived benefits from A-Card, associated challenges, and opportunities to scale up. In addition, this report includes some findings from a separate survey conducted solely by AESA. It concludes with recommendations based on the findings and feedback from stakeholders. [28 pages] Read More...