Sexual|Reproductive Health

Keneya ciwara final performance report october 2003-september 2008


Ciwara evaluation final

Final Evaluation

Malaria Outreach and Safety Initiative (MOSI) Project Midterm

The purpose of the project is to reduce malaria-related mortality and morbidity among children under... Read More...

Promoting food access, rights and community mobilization final eval report

The goal of the project is to promote self-reliance in food production and increase food security by... Read More...

Farta Child Survival Project Final Evaluation

The Farta Woreda Child Survival Project is a five-year Child Survival Project implemented by CARE Ethiopia (October 1, 2002 to September 30, 2007). The project aims to improve the health of children under five and women of childbearing age by focusing on the following interventions: Nutrition (35%), Pneumonia Case Management (25%) and Control of Diarrheal Disease (20%). Read More...

Etude de base initiatives en faveur de la nutrition et de la démographie (ppind)

This 96 page document presents the baseline findings for the for the Initiative promoting nutrition ... Read More...

Communities Responding to HIV/AIDS Epidemics (CORE)

The major focus area for the project is to raise general awareness on HIV, implement community based... Read More...

Guria Adolescent Health Project (GAHP) Final Evaluation

The purpose of the Innovations Projects has been to help build a body of evidence in support of CARE’s conviction that addressing the key structural and underlying causes of poor FP/RH is essential to sustaining lasting, positive change in this area. In Georgia, the Innovations Project has been known as the “Guria Adolescent Health Project” (GAHP). The Guria Adolescent Health Project (GAHP) has been a 3-year pilot project for CARE Georgia, beginning in April 2004 and concluding in 2007. Read More...

Models for Inclusive and Equitable Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Final Evaluation

34-page final evaluation of The Models for Inclusive and Equitable Sexual and Reproductive health (MINESRH) Project, which was one of four Innovations Projects funded by the CARE Reproductive Health Trust Fund (originally funded by USAID) to contribute towards addressing underlying causes of poverty, build technical excellence, and establish a learning environment for developing new approaches. It was implemented from May, 2004 – December, 2007, and targeted three Group Village Heads in two Traditional Authorities in Ntchisi District in Malawi, with a total population of approximately 6,000 people. Read More...

Evaluation Finale du Consortium SCVM


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