Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

Final evaluation quipungo

Increase and enhance sustainable supply of potable water for IDPs and people living in surrounding n... Read More...

Programa para La Salud a través de Agua y Saneamiento (Prosaguas)

La meta de impacto es la reducción de la prevalencia de diarrea en niños (as) menores de cinco años,... Read More...

North Kordofan Water Harvesting Project Final Narrative Report

Over 85% of households are engaged in rain-fed subsistence agriculture. Project beneficiaries obtain... Read More...

Water and Sanitation for Health II (WASH II) Final Report

The purpose of the Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH-II) was to decrease water and excre... Read More...

Lubagua eval final

Final evaluation of the third phase of the Lubango Peri-Urban Social Mobilization and Hygiene Educat... Read More...

Kadugli Emergency Water Supply Project (KEWSP) Final Evaluation Report

KEWSP aimed to reduce the incidence of morbidity and mortality from water related diseases by increa... Read More...

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