
Eth – urban hiv aids prevention – final – june 06

the Project achieved much in terms of increasing knowledge, access to VCT, and community-based care Read More...

MARCH Intervention Project Evaluation

The MARCH intervention is a behaviour change communication project that promotes preventive behaviou... Read More...

Eth025 – fp-hivaids – sept-06

This report focuses on the three outcomes of the coalition project and the corresponding outputs, in... Read More...

Reducing Village Vulnerability in Ethiopia (REVIVE)

REVIVE project was designed using participatory approach to help reduce the vulnerability to food a... Read More...

Eth045 – farta food securtiy – final – 02-06

FFSSP was designed to address people's vulnerability to recurrent food insecurity. It was meant to c... Read More...

Awash FGC Elimination Project Final Evaluation Report

This evaluation study was conducted for the CARE Awash Female Genital Cutting Project (FGC) operatin... Read More...

Eth – cscs final evaluation 06-05

post evaluation of CARE Ethiopia Civil Society Capacity Strengthening Pilot Project Read More...

Strengthening Emergency Obstetric Care (EmOC) Services

The goal of the global FEMME project is to increase utilization of emergency obstetric care services... Read More...

Eth – care evaluation of rehabilitation and greater horn project – ethiopia (june 1997) (47.9kb)

A review of CARE and other agency' experience with rehabilitation in Ethiopia. Read More...

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