This report provides the results of the final evaluation of the Emergency Food Security Program (EFSP) implemented in twelve districts within the four regions of Sool, Sanaag, Galgaduud and Mudug that was conducted during July and August 2019.
Over and above the program performance parameters, the beneficiaries overwhelmingly indicated that the program had had significant positive impacts. The program was considered timely as it was delivered when beneficiaries were getting into months of food insecurity. When asked whether the cash transfer had improved their livelihoods, 93% of the household survey respondents reported that their livelihoods had improved, mainly in terms of improved purchasing power (93%), ease of meeting their basic needs (78%), better social status (22%), better and more recognition (17%), taking children to school (14%), access to healthcare (9%) and in other (non-described) areas (7%). In the household survey, 94% of the respondents received three cycles of the correct amount, whilst 5% who were targeted under the Rapid Response Fund (RRF) received two cycles enabling households to purchase their preferred foods, at least 25Kg of rice, 25Kg of sugar, 25kg wheat flour, 3kg of cooking oil, 10kg of pasta and some vegetables.
The program had a positive impact on the 52,299 households enrolled. The programme resulted in a reduction of distress coping strategies, with an average rCSI of 12.8 reducing from 20.4 at the program baseline. This supports the effectiveness of the program in enabling the beneficiaries to reduce the number of negative coping strategies that they were previously employing in order to meet basic household needs. In addition, as planned, all the households used the cash transfer to meet their basic needs, with 97% of them using the cash transfer to purchase food for the household, indicating that the cash intervention has directly contributed to the enhancement of the household food security during the drought. Trend analysis shows that throughout the program there was a downward trend of the rCSI scores, while there was an increase of household dietary diversity index to 20.4 compared to the baseline of 12.8. Similarly, an analysis of household hunger shows that in general the beneficiaries were experiencing little to no hunger, with only 13% experiencing moderate hunger and 86% of households experiencing little to no hunger. This again indicates that the programme has achieved positive outcomes.
While the evidence suggests that the program generated a number of positive impacts, across many domains, demonstrating effective and efficient implementation, and that the beneficiaries used the cash as per the original objectives of the program, households continue to faces challenges in their capacity to fully recover from the impacts of conflict and drought. Increasing the scale of interventions and developing additional holistic livelihood strategies for the target areas, creating linkages with market-based interventions and improvement in access to water, education and healthcare, experimenting with graduation models combined with local savings (VSLAs) were among some of the areas identified for improving future programming. A more detailed description of these recommendations is provided towards the tail end of the report. Read More...
Over and above the program performance parameters, the beneficiaries overwhelmingly indicated that the program had had significant positive impacts. The program was considered timely as it was delivered when beneficiaries were getting into months of food insecurity. When asked whether the cash transfer had improved their livelihoods, 93% of the household survey respondents reported that their livelihoods had improved, mainly in terms of improved purchasing power (93%), ease of meeting their basic needs (78%), better social status (22%), better and more recognition (17%), taking children to school (14%), access to healthcare (9%) and in other (non-described) areas (7%). In the household survey, 94% of the respondents received three cycles of the correct amount, whilst 5% who were targeted under the Rapid Response Fund (RRF) received two cycles enabling households to purchase their preferred foods, at least 25Kg of rice, 25Kg of sugar, 25kg wheat flour, 3kg of cooking oil, 10kg of pasta and some vegetables.
The program had a positive impact on the 52,299 households enrolled. The programme resulted in a reduction of distress coping strategies, with an average rCSI of 12.8 reducing from 20.4 at the program baseline. This supports the effectiveness of the program in enabling the beneficiaries to reduce the number of negative coping strategies that they were previously employing in order to meet basic household needs. In addition, as planned, all the households used the cash transfer to meet their basic needs, with 97% of them using the cash transfer to purchase food for the household, indicating that the cash intervention has directly contributed to the enhancement of the household food security during the drought. Trend analysis shows that throughout the program there was a downward trend of the rCSI scores, while there was an increase of household dietary diversity index to 20.4 compared to the baseline of 12.8. Similarly, an analysis of household hunger shows that in general the beneficiaries were experiencing little to no hunger, with only 13% experiencing moderate hunger and 86% of households experiencing little to no hunger. This again indicates that the programme has achieved positive outcomes.
While the evidence suggests that the program generated a number of positive impacts, across many domains, demonstrating effective and efficient implementation, and that the beneficiaries used the cash as per the original objectives of the program, households continue to faces challenges in their capacity to fully recover from the impacts of conflict and drought. Increasing the scale of interventions and developing additional holistic livelihood strategies for the target areas, creating linkages with market-based interventions and improvement in access to water, education and healthcare, experimenting with graduation models combined with local savings (VSLAs) were among some of the areas identified for improving future programming. A more detailed description of these recommendations is provided towards the tail end of the report. Read More...
Gender, Cash Assistance, and Conflict: Gendered Protection Implications of Cash and Voucher Assistance in Somalia/Somaliland
Protection issues are multi-dimensional in Somalia and Somaliland. Vulnerability is as much about physical violence as it is about drought and chronic food insecurity. The challenges that Somalia, Somaliland, and Puntland face can be roughly categorized into (a) environmental, or climate related, and (b) human-made crises. The recurring droughts of 2016 and 2017 left 5.4 million people in need of assistance and protection. Climate-related emergencies and increased violence with the rise of al-Shabaab and other violent non-state actors has led to migration internally and externally. Conflict shapes gender and protection issues across the region, increasing vulnerability, particularly for already marginalized groups like women, the disabled, and minority clans. The effects of conflict are not homogenous nor evenly distributed. Those living in the central and southern areas of Somalia have been particularly affected by the consequences of war, whereas those in the northeast (Somaliland) have experienced relative peace for almost a decade.
This study followed a five-phase empirical strategy that relied heavily on a multi-method approach. This empirical strategy involved the collection of original qualitative and quantitative data collected in Somaliland, Puntland, and Nairobi. Supplementing this primary data was a rigorous review of project data, ACLED violence datasets, and academic and practitioner literature. Issues which may not have strongly impacted the selected data collection locations— communities in Sool and Mudug—may in fact be some of the most prominent and challenging protection issues throughout Somalia and Somaliland as a whole. A structured review of primary data against the background of secondary data mitigates selection bias, whereby research findings are merely an artifact of the sample chosen to study. In a place like Somalia/land where there are high numbers internally displaced communities, the impact of violence—including gendered violence—is mobile, following survivors as they move from less secure areas to those that are more secure. Read More...
This study followed a five-phase empirical strategy that relied heavily on a multi-method approach. This empirical strategy involved the collection of original qualitative and quantitative data collected in Somaliland, Puntland, and Nairobi. Supplementing this primary data was a rigorous review of project data, ACLED violence datasets, and academic and practitioner literature. Issues which may not have strongly impacted the selected data collection locations— communities in Sool and Mudug—may in fact be some of the most prominent and challenging protection issues throughout Somalia and Somaliland as a whole. A structured review of primary data against the background of secondary data mitigates selection bias, whereby research findings are merely an artifact of the sample chosen to study. In a place like Somalia/land where there are high numbers internally displaced communities, the impact of violence—including gendered violence—is mobile, following survivors as they move from less secure areas to those that are more secure. Read More...
Dutch Relief Alliance Horn of Africa Joint Response in Ethiopia and Somalia/Somaliland
This evaluation assesses the impact of the Dutch Relief Alliance’s (DRA) multi-sectoral Horn of Africa (HoA) joint response implemented in Somaliland and Ethiopia from April to December 2018. The five project components, i.e. Food security and livelihood (FSL); Livestock and agriculture; Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH); Health; and Nutrition, were assessed against a set of key evaluation criteria including relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability, impact, localization, accountability, gender mainstreaming, and coordination.
In addition to an in-depth desk review of the DRA HoA joint response documentation to examine quantifiable targets and progress, the evaluation was conducted through qualitative and quantitative data collection in four different project locations in four different regions. In order to provide variety of geography, context, implementing partners, and project components, Bulale (Jarar), Kabri Dahar (Korahe), Ainabo (Sool), and Lughaya (Awdal) were selected. A total of 29 key informant interviews and eight focus group discussions targeting 72 beneficiaries were conducted. A quantitative
household survey collected data from 428 beneficiaries across all four locations.
Based on findings in this report, the DRA’s greatest strength lies in its coordination and flexibility between implementing partners and ability to adapt to changing local contexts. This was seen across multiple project locations when dealing with insecurity in the Somali region of Ethiopia and Sanaag region of Somaliland or changing project activities in Awdal region after the cyclone in May severely impacted the local situation. Partners also felt the CARE focal point was extremely communicative and responsive and that decisions could be approved at higher levels within a few hours, which was particularly relevant for an emergency response program when response time is crucial. The DRA was
effective in incorporating localization measures into their program designs as well. While many of the partners have had established field offices in the target locations for many years, in some cases program activities were implemented through local NGOs who have an in-depth understand of the local context and well-established relationship with the communities they work in.
In addition to an in-depth desk review of the DRA HoA joint response documentation to examine quantifiable targets and progress, the evaluation was conducted through qualitative and quantitative data collection in four different project locations in four different regions. In order to provide variety of geography, context, implementing partners, and project components, Bulale (Jarar), Kabri Dahar (Korahe), Ainabo (Sool), and Lughaya (Awdal) were selected. A total of 29 key informant interviews and eight focus group discussions targeting 72 beneficiaries were conducted. A quantitative
household survey collected data from 428 beneficiaries across all four locations.
Based on findings in this report, the DRA’s greatest strength lies in its coordination and flexibility between implementing partners and ability to adapt to changing local contexts. This was seen across multiple project locations when dealing with insecurity in the Somali region of Ethiopia and Sanaag region of Somaliland or changing project activities in Awdal region after the cyclone in May severely impacted the local situation. Partners also felt the CARE focal point was extremely communicative and responsive and that decisions could be approved at higher levels within a few hours, which was particularly relevant for an emergency response program when response time is crucial. The DRA was
effective in incorporating localization measures into their program designs as well. While many of the partners have had established field offices in the target locations for many years, in some cases program activities were implemented through local NGOs who have an in-depth understand of the local context and well-established relationship with the communities they work in.
Horumarinta Elmiga II (Education for Empowerment through Cohesive and Harmonized System
Horumarinta Elmiga II (Education for Empowerment through Cohesive and Harmonized System) was a three-year (September 2015 – August 2018) education program funded by the European Union (EU), and implemented in all the six administrative regions by a consortium of Save the Children (lead agency), CARE International and Norwegian Refugees Council (NRC), in partnership with the MOEHS of Somaliland. The specific objective of the program was ‘education and training services, responsive to the priorities, needs and requirements of the population of Somaliland, efficiently and equitably delivered.’ [49 pages] Read More...
Waxbarashadu Waa Iftiin (Education is Light) Phase II Project: Endterm Evaluation
This is the report of the End Term Evaluation (ETE) of Waxbarashadu Waa Iftiin (Education is Light) Phase II Project, a 21⁄2 year European Union (EU) funded project implemented in Puntland State of Somalia from 2015/2016 to 2017/2018. The project was implemented by a consortium of International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) comprising CARE (the Lead Agency), Save the Children, ADRA and VU Amsterdam University, in close collaboration with, coordination by, and guidance of the Ministry of Education. The ETE field work was done in July 2018. Data entry, processing, analyses and report were done in August, 2018.
The overall objective of the project was: “Education and training efficiently and effectively delivered’, contributing to poverty alleviation within a peaceful, secure and democratic Somalia”
Its specific objective was: “Education and training services, responsive to the priority requirements of the Somali population, efficiently and equitably delivered.” The project had three (3) expected results: Result 1: Increased access to equitable and quality education for learners; Result 2: Increased participation of youth and adults, including vulnerable groups, in technical and vocational education and training; and, Result 3: Capacity of education institutions, administrations and systems strengthened. Read More...
The overall objective of the project was: “Education and training efficiently and effectively delivered’, contributing to poverty alleviation within a peaceful, secure and democratic Somalia”
Its specific objective was: “Education and training services, responsive to the priority requirements of the Somali population, efficiently and equitably delivered.” The project had three (3) expected results: Result 1: Increased access to equitable and quality education for learners; Result 2: Increased participation of youth and adults, including vulnerable groups, in technical and vocational education and training; and, Result 3: Capacity of education institutions, administrations and systems strengthened. Read More...
Durable Solutions for Returnees and IDPs in Somalia (DSRIS): Midterm Review
The 96-page mid-term evaluation (MTE) of the DSRIS project, implemented by the NGOs CARE, Save the Children, ACTED, SSWC and IMPACT, has been carried out by a four-person evaluation team (ET) of the Nairobi-based company, Intermedia Development Consultants (iDC). It has conducted a documentary study, carried out key informants interviews (KIIs) and held focus group discussions (FGDs) in four of the five of the project’s target districts, Bosaso and Galkayo North in Puntland, Adado and Galkayo South in Galmadug. Also, it has conducted a household survey in these and the fifth target district of Dhusamareb.
The ET has followed the conventional ‘big five’ evaluation themes in its data collection and reporting methods:
Relevance: An assessment of the significance of the needs the project is designed to address;
Efficiency: An appreciation of the quality of programme management, in terms of coordination between implementing partners, work planning, competencies of staff, funding – towards determining value for money;
Effectiveness: An assessment of the extent to which envisaged outputs (facilities and services put in place) are being achieved and the appropriateness of the strategies being implemented;
Impact: An appraisal of the actual or likely outcomes of the programme – changes in attitudes and practices;
Sustainability: An assessment of the likely continuation of project activities, outputs and outcomes.
The ET has followed the conventional ‘big five’ evaluation themes in its data collection and reporting methods:
Relevance: An assessment of the significance of the needs the project is designed to address;
Efficiency: An appreciation of the quality of programme management, in terms of coordination between implementing partners, work planning, competencies of staff, funding – towards determining value for money;
Effectiveness: An assessment of the extent to which envisaged outputs (facilities and services put in place) are being achieved and the appropriateness of the strategies being implemented;
Impact: An appraisal of the actual or likely outcomes of the programme – changes in attitudes and practices;
Sustainability: An assessment of the likely continuation of project activities, outputs and outcomes.
Every Voice Counts Somalia Midterm Review
Overall, Forcier’s research showed CARE to have maintained a healthy program implementation during the first half of the Every Voice Counts (EVC) program, resulting in gains within the domains of the EVC program’s theory of change. More specifically, CARE’s programmatic efforts between 2016-2018 focused entirely on Domains 1-3 relating to the empowerment of women and youth, capable civil society organizations (CSOs), and responsive public authorities and power holders. Nevertheless, the intertwined nature of the four domains of change allowed for results to organically occur within the fourth domain, which aims to establish effective spaces for dialogue and negotiations, as well. [64 pages] Read More...
BRIDGES Project Baseline Report
CARE International commissioned a consultancy to conduct the BRIDGES baseline study in Mogadishu, Garowe, Galkacyo, Kismayo and Hargeisa Districts in December 2017. The main objective of the baseline study was to establish a baseline measurement for the BRIDGES project objectives, results and indicators which will be used as benchmarks against which progress of achievements, as well as impact, effectiveness and efficiency of the project will be measured and evaluated using verifiable indicators presented in the logical framework during the project implementation phase. The specific objectives of the baselines study were:
1. Determine the baseline status on all indicators as established in the project’s log-frame
2. To review the relevance, feasibility and targets of indicators established in the project’s
log-frame and provide recommendations on possible improvements
3. To provide a baseline understanding of the market/employment situation
1. Determine the baseline status on all indicators as established in the project’s log-frame
2. To review the relevance, feasibility and targets of indicators established in the project’s
log-frame and provide recommendations on possible improvements
3. To provide a baseline understanding of the market/employment situation