
Final evaluation of hrf-funded emergency nutrition response project

CARE Ethiopia in partnership with the government implementing partners implemented the UNOCHA funded... Read More...

Emergency relief and rehabilitation (err) project

Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation project aimed to contribute to the emergency relief and rehabili... Read More...

Myanmar girier endline assessment-may2011

The Cyclone Giri – Emergency Response Project for shelter reconstruction was implemented by CARE Mya... Read More...

New revised adapt report final

compromises of findings of the Agro-dealer project that was implemented by CARE Zambia with funding ... Read More...

Myanmar pfhab finalreview may2011

PFHAB provides 9.1 million Australian Dollars (AUD) to the following projects in the health and liv... Read More...

New revised adapt report final executive1 summary 2011[1]

compromises of findings of the Agro-dealer project that was implemented by CARE Zambia with funding ... Read More...

Final evaluation of afar women and girls’ sexual reproductive health, livelihood and right project in afar regional state

As part of its women empowerment effort, CARE‐Ethiopia has been implementing a four years project (... Read More...

Sfssp evaluation final report 23 05 11

Improve food and livelihood security for 60,940 drought affected pastoralists living in Taleeh, Lasq... Read More...

Somali food security support project

CARE and its partners in Somalia work with vulnerable communities to address the underlying causes o... Read More...

Ete – health equity proejct, april 2011

Health Equity envisions the creation of an emerging popular health movement promoting the progressiv... Read More...

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