Niong Axe transversal Gouvernance et Gestion de proximité du projet Partenariat pour l’Apprentissage Final Evaluation

Le système éducatif haïtien fait face à des défis considérables sur le plan de l’accès, de la qualité et surtout de la gouvernance. CARE, par le biais du projet partenariat pour l’apprentissage, vise à appuyer les MENFP à adresser ces défis, avec une insistance sur l’amélioration de la gouvernance du système éducatif haïtien. Ainsi, dans l’axe gouvernance et gestion de proximité dudit projet, CARE cherche à créer, former et accompagner des structures de gestion de proximité. A travers cet axe, le projet vise à Renforcer la gouvernance scolaire et locale pour une amélioration de la qualité de l’éducation fondamentale en Haïti. De manière spécifique, le projet cherche à appuyer la mise en application d’un système scolaire décentralisé par le renforcement de capacité et l’implication des structures de gestion de proximité et des cadres locaux.
Les principaux résultats attendus de l’intervention sont : a) Les structures de gestion de proximité créées, renforcées et formées, élaborent, mettent en œuvre et suivent des plans d’action qui contribuent à la rétention et à l’équité de genre, b) Les structures déconcentrées de l’Etat et cadres locaux exercent leur leadership pour la bonne mise en œuvre de la politique éducative et sont plus redevables face à la communauté. Pour mettre en œuvre ce projet, une enveloppe d’un million six cent vingt-neuf quatre-vingt-onze euros (1,629,091.00 €) a été mobilisée avec une contribution de 50% de l’Agence Français de Développement (AFD) [43 pages]. Read More...

Emergency Response After Action Review for CARE Ghana’s Response to the 2019 Floods in Upper East Region Final Evaluation

Torrential rains in the Upper East region of Ghana occurred from the 2nd to the 15th of October 2019. The continuous rains led to flooding in all the fifteen (15) administrative districts/municipalities which resulted in the collapse of buildings, deaths and displacement of a sizeable percentage of the population . The most affected districts were; Builsa North, Kassena Nankana Municipal, Bongo, Kassena Nankana West, Builsa South, Tempane and Talensi .
CARE International in Ghana, collaborated with government agencies namely National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO), National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), Ghana Health Service (GHS) and Information Service Department in the region to respond to the emergency. Key interventions implemented as part of the emergency response were the distribution of food and non-food relief items, cash disbursements, Covid-19 risk communication to victims in four worst affected districts. The districts are; Bongo, Talensi Builsa North and Kassena Nankana Municipal. The relief items included; rice, oil, gari, sugar, Winimix, maize, beans, fish aqua tabs, sanitary pads, buckets bar soap and cloth. Additionally, cash to the tune of GHC 814.00 per flood affected household was disbursed through mobile money system and physical distribution to a total of 700 flood victims across the four districts in three tranches. The cash transfers were meant to enable beneficiaries rebuild after the disaster [12 pages]. Read More...

Jarablus Needs Overview

Since January 2020, Syria's economic future is increasingly becoming uncertain. Regional actors and local commmunities, who were previously acting as an economic bridge to the outside world, are facing their own economic turmoil and leaving Syria isolated with unprecedent depreciation of the Syrian Pound. The interlinked nature of Syria’s politics, economy and infrastructure are now forcing citizens to choose between the uncertainty of a pandemic or reality of household deprivation at the confluence of the conflict, economic crisis and COVID-19 pandemic.

This infographic aims to present an overview of the needs in Jarablus through an internal analysis of data collected by
Humanitarian Needs Assessment Programme during the months of July and August 2020. Read More...

2nd RAPID ANALYSIS How are female garment factory workers during COVID-19

CARE Bangladesh has conducted the mobile based 1st Rapid Analysis in April’20 to understand COVID-19 impacts on lives and livelihoods of female factory workers. That study reveals, 25% doesn’t know protection measures, 35% feels uncertain about salary, 35% faced food shortage, 28% were getting fear to loose job and 91% were suffering from anxiety. 2nd Rapid Analysis is a follow-up survey on the same target group keeping the same objective, looking into more deep-dive issues. Read More...


CARE Perú viene ejecutando desde setiembre del 2019 el Proyecto Alma Llanera (el Proyecto) en las regiones de Lima, Callao, La Libertad, Piura y Tumbes con el objetivo general de mejorar la autosuficiencia y la integración de los/as refugiados/as y migrantes venezolanos/as vulnerables en Perú a través de un mayor acceso a los servicios de protección, salud mental y apoyo a medios de vida.
El objetivo general de la investigación ha sido medir el nivel de satisfacción de la población atendida por el Proyecto ante los niveles de seguridad en y alrededor del lugar donde habitan, así como con los servicios de protección, salud mental y apoyo psicosocial que ellos/as o sus familias reciben del Proyecto y/o del Estado. 98 pages. Read More...

CARE Rapid Gender Analysis Northeast Nigeria – Borno

Borno is a state in northeast Nigeria. Borno has been the epicentre of the Organized A since it began its insurgency in 2009. Records of Boko Haram operations show that thousands of people have either been murdered or kidnapped as a result of the group’s activities from July 27, 2009, through late 2019.
For Borno, COVID-19 is a “crisis within a crisis” and presents a range of challenges in a context with limited resources. In most localities (named local government areas or LGAs), access to quality health services, including intensive care, is limited. Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) e.g. malaria, water borne illnesses (including cholera) and malnutrition represent the main cause of premature mortality in the state. In addition, food security and livelihoods are particularly precarious due to semi-subsistence lifestyles and heavy dependence on the informal sector for income.
Because Borno has been in a protracted crisis since 2009, gender has been a key consideration in the response. However, an outbreak of COVID-19 in Borno continues to disproportionately affect women and girls in a number of ways, as women are more likely to stay home to help with the increased domestic tasks. With the fear of contracting COVID-19, permission granted by men to access health services is decreasing which is negatively affecting women and girls’ access to maternal, sexual and reproductive health services. In addition, Gender Based Violence (GBV) service providers in Borno have reported a heightened risk of increased domestic violence in areas where pre-existing rates of violence against women in IDP camps are already very high. Additionally, with the recent loss of livelihoods, strained humanitarian interventions and inadequate field feedback handling mechanisms, Prevention of Sexual Harassment Exploitation and Abuse (PSHEA) and mitigation is a pressing concern as people in need are left vulnerable in the face of insufficient food and resources. Read More...


Since the onset of global COVID-19 pandemic in December, Bangladesh has been in a state of high alert. The first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Bangladesh was recorded on 8 March 2020. By 26 March, containment measures were implemented, impacting an already vulnerable population. As of 13 September there have been 337,520 total cases, with 4,401 in Cox’s Bazar and 179 across all 34 refugee camps. However, it is highly likely that these low case numbers are more indicative of negligible testing than of the actual
spread of the virus; the true incidence of the disease is unknown. COVID-19 and the accompanying containment measures have had a significant impact on women, girls, men and boys, including female sex workers, transgender persons and people with disabilities,
across all camps, exacerbating existing conditions, such as overcrowding, movement across hilly terrain, uneven access to a limited number of WASH and health facilities and inadequate access to protection and hygiene resources. This has hindered the ability of refugees to take the necessary preventive measures to limit infections. The host community faces similar difficulties, and, moreover, the containment measures had an adverse economic impact on both host and refugee communities.
This Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) builds on the secondary data analysis done in May 2020 by the Gender Hub, UN Women, CARE and OXFAM. This RGA aims to answer the following research questions:
􀁹 How has COVID-19 impacted women, girls, men and boys and key vulnerable and marginalised groups’ ability to meet their basic needs and entitlements?
􀁹 What achievements made on gender equality and the empowerment of women, girls and LGBTQ+ groups are now at risk of being undone by COVID-19?
􀁹 What new or heightened protection and safety risks are arising from COVID-19?
􀁹 How can women, girls, men and boys, and key vulnerable and marginalised groups articipate and lead in the COVID-19 response?
The research was conducted using primary data collected in Rohingya and host communities in Cox’s Bazar between 15 June and 9 July 2020 to understand the impact COVID-19 has had on age, gender and other social characteristics, and to analyse how the socio-cultural context helps or hinders people’s ability to cope with the crisis. The purpose is to generate evidence to support the design of gender-responsive intervention/strategies for the COVID-19 response in Cox’s Bazar that can be used for advocacy and fundraising purposes. Read More...

Haiti COVID-19 Rapid Gender Analysis

Suite à la propagation de la pandémie de la COVID-19 en Haïti qui a fait, jusqu’au 11 juillet 2020, 6727 cas de contamination et 139 morts, la population haïtienne, comme cela se passe au niveau mondial, est en train de subir les diverses conséquences de cette crise.
Certainement, celles-ci ne sont pas les mêmes partout dans le monde.
Elles changent avec la réalité socioéconomique des pays. Les retombées de cette crise sont de nature sanitaire, économique, psychologique et sociale. Cependant, les hommes et les femmes et les différentes catégories sociales ne sont pas affectés au même degré, selon leur niveau de vie, leur habilité (physique et mentale), leur orientation sexuelle et probablement d’autres facteurs qui ne sont pas pris en compte dans le cadre de l’enquête. L’Analyse Rapide Genre (ARG) vise à fournir des données et preuves sur les besoins
différenciés des femmes et des hommes par rapport à l'impact de la COVID-19 sur la vie des deux sexes en Haïti, en particulier les femmes qui représentent un groupe vulnérable et font face à de multiples discriminations. Cette démarche permettra de développer advantage des efforts sensibles au genre visant la prévention de la propagation de la COVID-19 par toutes les parties prenantes au niveau national, régional et local. En ce sens, l’ARG prend fondamentalement en compte les inégalités entre les sexes, les inégalités socioéconomiques, et tout ce qui peut engendrer des différences dans la manière dont les groupes sociaux sont affectés par la crise de la COVID-19. L’enquête qui conduit à cette analyse a été réalisée sur les dix départements géographiques du pays. Read More...

Nigeria VSLA COVID-19 Survey September 2020

CARE is working with women in savings groups to better understand their needs in COVID-19 and how they are already leading and adapting to cope with the crisis. This is the first of 3 planned rounds of data collection to better understand how women's needs are evolving during the crisis. The findings in this survey are informing CARE's programming for VSLAs in Nigeria and globally. Read More...

Malawi VSLA Survey for COVID-19 September 2020

CARE is working with women in savings groups to better understand their needs in COVID-19 and how they are already leading and adapting to cope with the crisis. This is the first of 3 planned rounds of data collection to better understand how women's needs are evolving during the crisis. The findings in this survey are informing CARE's programming for VSLAs in Malawi and globally. Read More...

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