
Care sl rvcd final report v2 111015

Promoting increased efficiency of agricultural value chains in food crops including an increase in v... Read More...

Laos drr sekong eop 011

The DRR Project was designed “To increase resilience and reduce vulnerability in Sekong Province thr... Read More...

Ete – pastoral basket fund program, july 2011

The key activities of the CSOs include capacity building of pastoralist communities on: Policy analy... Read More...

Sfssp evaluation final report 23 05 11

Improve food and livelihood security for 60,940 drought affected pastoralists living in Taleeh, Lasq... Read More...

Somali food security support project

CARE and its partners in Somalia work with vulnerable communities to address the underlying causes o... Read More...

Laos attapeu food security and drought rte 2011

he objective of the project was: to contribute towards rapid food security and livelihood recovery o... Read More...

Laos reducing uxo risk and livlihoods midterm review 2011

The project had two main components: i) reduced vulnerability to UXO and ii) improvement in rural li... Read More...

Care-lipfund ete final report – dec 2010 (2)

Livestock marketing model in NE Kenya, aiming to enhance livelihood security. Read More...

Final evaluation food security through increased incomes, assets and protection from grain price rises (fs-iap) project

Overall objective: Contribution to sustained decrease in levels of food insecurity in PSNP and othe... Read More...

SEHAT Project Baseline Study

The overall objective of SEHAT Project of CARE is to improve the under weight of the poorest and the most disadvantaged tribal children in 2 north east districts of Madhya Pradesh, through improved service delivery, behavior change & community empowerment. The overall objective is further elaborated in the project that focuses significantly on improving the nutrition & health status and pre-school education. Read More...

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