Basic and Girls' Education

Innovation through Sport: Promoting Leaders, Empowering Youth (ITSPLEY) Strategic Objective 2

Innovation Through Sport: Promoting Leaders, Empowering Youth (ITSPLEY), was a four-year project (2... Read More...

Kirumara final evaluation

Kirumara II project is funded by the Austrian Government (ADA) and CARE International Austria. This ... Read More...

Dvties final tracer study

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in conflict and post conflict areas is a crit... Read More...

Basline evaluation werise ethiopia

CARE’s program, Women’s Empowerment: Improving Resilience, Income and Food Security (WE-RISE), focus... Read More...

Empowering Roma Women in B&H Final Evaluation

The overall project aim was to contribute to the promotion of minority and human rights, eradication... Read More...

Women and Girls Empowerment Program Mali Midterm Report

CARE Mali WEP Midterm Review

Women Empowered – Bringing Livelihood Opportunities and Options to Marginalised Women


Care gap report mem program final


Early Childhood Care Cover Page

The ECDE project implemented in Chattisgarh focuses towards strengthening five domains – Health, Nut... Read More...

Rapport evaluation finale inkerebutsi

L’initiative INKEREBUTSI a travaillé dans trois communes du Burundi à savoir : Gitega et Makebuko de... Read More...

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