Migrants and Refugees

Endline Assessment for Multi-Sectoral Assistance to South Sudanese Refugees and Ugandan Host Communities in Bidibidi, Palorinya and Rhino Camp

Mercy Corps and its consortium partners Save the Children (SCI), CARE, Oxfam, and DanChurchAid (DCA) implemented the 21-month “Multi Sectoral Assistance to South Sudanese Refugees and Host Communities in West Nile (Bidibidi, Palorinya and Rhino Camp Settlements)” from May 2017 to February 2019, funded by European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO). The project delivered life-saving and protection assistance to vulnerable South Sudanese refugees and host communities in Bidibidi (Yumbe), Palorinya (Moyo) and Rhino Camp (Arua) settlements through 1) General and child protection; 2) Water and sanitation infrastructure and hygiene promotion; 3) Livelihoods and cash-based interventions; and 4) Market development, financial services and enhanced coordination. Specifically, the project aimed to increase resilience of South Sudanese refugees and host communities while promoting peaceful coexistence between and among the target groups. Read More...


CARE international in Uganda has been implementing a project on “Lifesaving Shelter, Protection and Health Support for South Sudanese Refugees in Uganda” between July 2017 and March 2018. The grant was awarded by the department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), International Humanitarian Assistance Division, through Global Affairs Canada (GAC). The GAC project was implemented in Rhino camp extension, Omugo, with a total project cost of 750,000 Canadian Dollars. The ultimate aim of the intervention was to save lives, reduce suffering, and maintain human dignity of refugees and the host communities in the Rhino settlement expansion site, with focus on the three thematic areas;
1) Increased access to appropriate, safe and dignified emergency temporary shelters for South Sudanese refugees, especially women, children and persons with special needs (PSNs) in Rhino Settlement Expansion Site;
2) Increased protection from GBV and sexual exploitation and abuse for refugees & host communities, particularly women and girls in Rhino Settlement Expansion Site; and
3) Increased access to critical SRMCH services for newly arrived refugee Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLW) to Rhino Settlement Expansion Site.
The project was designed to reach a total of 26,400 beneficiaries, 15,840 (60%) of whom are women and girls. Persons with Special Needs (PSNs) were a core target under this intervention, as well as women and girls, including Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLW). The majority of direct beneficiaries were South Sudanese refugees, with activities such as training and awareness raising also benefiting members of the host population. Read More...

Inter-agency Rapid Gender Analysis and GBV Assessment – DRC Refugee Influx, Uganda

Overstretched and underfunded, the humanitarian response for the influx of DRC refugees into Uganda is struggling to meet the large basic needs. This Inter-Agency Rapid Gender Analysis and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) assessment was conducted with the objective of understanding the gender dimensions of the crisis, and needs and vulnerabilities of the refugees in order to inform a more gender responsive humanitarian response. In particular, it aimed to identify the specific GBV risks and vulnerabilities facing the affected population, and provide targeted recommendations to both CARE and other humanitarian actors on how to address these gaps and vulnerabilities.
GBV is a daily reality in Eastern DRC – both within and outside of the ongoing conflicts. Sexual violence has been a longstanding weapon of war used by parties to the conflicts and, increasingly, this sexual violence has extended through to every-day perpetration by civilians. This violence is situated within a society with deeply rooted discriminatory gender norms, in which women suffer entrenched inequality in all spheres of life and where a man’s worth is largely based on his capacity to provide for and protect his family. The sustained conflicts within the country have resulted in decreasing opportunities for men to perform this role, similarly so in displacement in Uganda, where livelihood opportunities are severely diminished.
This assessment found that in conflict, in transit, and in displacement in Uganda, the Congolese refugee population is facing numerous highly traumatic forms of human rights abuses, including various forms of GBV. In the conflict in DRC, sexual violence is systematically perpetrated against women and girls; and kidnapping, physical assault, torture and massacres are used against men and boys. Women and girls often face a compounded risk of additional sexual violence during flight. Read More...

Key findings from CARE’s rapid gender analysis in Rhino and Imvepi settlements, March 2017

CARE has conducted a rapid gender analysis (RGA) during the week of 12th March 2017 in Rhino and the newly opened Imvepi settlements in the Arua district of the West Nile region of Uganda. The following are a set of initial findings pulled out of the analysis to support engagement with ECHO regarding potential work in the West Nile region.

Methodology: RGA can provide information about the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, boys and girls in a crisis by examining the experiences and relationships between women, men, boys and girls. However, an RGA should be built up progressively, and therefore the forthcoming report will provide an initial but incomplete insight into the gendered situation within the South Sudanese refugee community in West Nile. Read More...

WASH Knowledge Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Baseline

CARE Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) Base-line Survey Report is part of the Global Affairs Canada 2017-2019 Project on WASH. CARE’s proposed three-year WASH program will provide critical water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services to IDPs and host communities in Duhok and Ninawa governorates; improve overall WASH services for women, men, boys and girls; and reduce tensions between the host community and IDPs.

In collaboration with local authorities and communities, CARE and its partners will undertake WASH activities including repair and maintenance of latrines and water supply systems, water quality testing, improved waste management and establishment or support to existing WASH Committees and authorities to operate, repair and manage WASH facilities. The proposed activities will complement CARE’s existing GAC-funded WASH programs, and expand our reach within Duhok and into Ninawa. CARE’s programming choices also reflect the increased burden of host communities in the Iraqi crisis. Read More...

WASH support to IDPs & host communities in Duhok & Ninawa 2017-19

The project started in January 2017 to assist the IDP and host community vulnerable families in the areas of 4 IDP camps (Mamrashan, Essyan, Sheikhan, and Chamishko), and host community collectives (Ardawan, Ba’adre, Kalakchi, Mahate and Ayas) of Duhok Governorate and emergency response in November 2017 in West Mosul of Ninawa Governorate in three neighbourhoods named Al-Mansour, Al-Jawsaq and Wadi Al-Hajar. The project is being implemented through local partners Harikar and REACH; working through partners is a key modality of CARE’s country strategy to strengthen the capacity of local NGOs. This approach, through a previous Global Affairs Canada WASH project and the current one, had a significant impact in achieving the GAC aim of supporting vulnerable and conflict-affected people in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The ongoing WASH intervention aims to provide to 55,572 IDPs, host communities (27,318 women & 28,434 men) with access to water supply, safe sanitary facilities and increased awareness on safe hygiene practices in a dignified, gender-sensitive and culturally appropriate manner. (46 pages) Read More...


In Darfur, CARE has been focusing on providing assistance and support in the areas of health, nutrition, WASH, agriculture, food security, early recovery of market systems and peace building with various donors such as OFDA, ECHO, Dutch MoFA, UNDP UNICEF, WFP, and other private agencies.

CARE has been working through ECHO funding in East Darfur and South Darfur implementing emergency WASH activities since 2009. The 2018 funding covered the same areas of East and South Darfur as well as extension activities in South Kordofan, reaching refugees, IDPs and affected nearby host communities.

CARE International was able to sustain operation and maintenance of 6 water yards in Geredia (4 mortised and 2 solar pumps) and sustain O&M in Kalma (,6 solar pumps, one mortised system, rehabilitation of existing 12 water points and 9 hand pumps). In East Darfur, CARE contributed to the rehabilitation of one yards in Kairo for host community, O&M for 2 water yards in Kairo Refugees camps and 11 water distribution points in addition to 30 km of distribution network. CARE was able to construct and distribute 100 slabs household latrines in Gereida, and construction of 186 households’ latrine in Kalma camp. All details including hygiene promotion activities issues are reflected in the body of discussion.

Thanks to CARE’s actions, all water points visited were hygienic and protected from contamination with human and animals using separate water trough and drainage basins. The average water consumption per day is near 15 liters/consumption/day with proper distance. All plans were implemented as per the observation the team had in the visited sites and the reports received from the project staff and community representatives. In some cases, over plan accomplishment were reported.



Summary of CARE’s “One Neighbourhood Approach,” a programme approach that bridges several areas of expertise – shelter, housing and settlements, infrastructure, livelihoods, markets and economics, community-based protection mechanisms and community regeneration, and through which inclusive governance is mainstreamed. CARE recognised the importance of working with the whole community, so individuals are targeted according to need, while the wider neighbourhood is improved through communal spaces and shared infrastructure. The needs, concerns and rights of both landlords and tenants are addressed through tripartite rental agreements generating greater tenure security over a longer period alongside physical improvements to the building and living space and shelter conditions.

The “One Neighbourhood Approach” in Lebanon has been funded by BPRM since 2015 over a three-phase project in Tripoli and Beirut, with US $7 million cumulatively reaching over 5,000 people directly through household-level shelter interventions and 20,000 people through community infrastructure, both refugees themselves or hosts. Phase 4 of this intervention is due to start in 2018. Read More...

Humanitarian Aid and Resilience Building in Refugee and Host Communities in Lake Chad (PARELAC)

This is the final internal evaluation of the project PARELAC in Chad from 2016 to 2017 (37 pages). This humanitarian assistance project to reinforce of the resilience of the population displaced and the host communities. The project was in partnership with Action Against Hunger and funded by ECHO. Read More...

Evaluation bangladesh dignified work project care-pace

This 44 page document highlights the results of the Personal Advancement and Career Enhancement at C... Read More...

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