
Protections and Choice for Marginalised Urban Women (PACMUW) Final Report

47 page endline report of PACMUW project, which was implemented between July 2013 and June 2017 with AUD $1,272,061.00 funding from CARE Australia under the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP). The PACMUW project was designed to address multi-faceted vulnerabilities of key MUW in Laos – specifically for entertainment workers, factory workers and domestic workers in three districts of Vientiane Capital. PACMWU builds on previous programs and focuses on three thematic areas – legal protections, gender based violence and health (nutrition and sexual and reproductive health), as well as strengthening the motivations and skills of relevant duty bearers.

PACMUW Project Baseline Study

The Protection and Choices for Marginalised Urban Women (PACMUW) Project, funded by the Australian Department for Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Australian NGO Co-operation Program (ANCP), is being implemented by CARE International in Lao PDR in Vientiane City, over a 4-year period. The project purpose is: To strengthen the capacity of local groups and implementing partners to lead development actions for stronger protections and positive choices among marginalised urban women. [62 pages] Read More...

Tamil Nadu Flood Recovery Project Final Report

In 2015, Tamil Nadu witnessed torrential rainfall and subsequent flooding in many of its coastal districts as the North East Monsoon intensified. The flood caused large scale damages to public and private infrastructure, properties, housing and assets resulting in loss of livelihoods for hundreds of thousand people and loss of 470 human lives. It was declared as ‘calamity of severe nature’ by the Government.

CARE was one of the first humanitarian agencies to be on the field to support the flood-hit communities. Poor households in Cuddalore, Kancheepuram and Chennai city were extended with required relief support to tide over the difficult circumstances caused by flooding. Subsequent to the relief support, CARE formulated a proposal to extend support for recovery for some of the worst affected families in the Kumaratchi block of Cuddalore district. CARE launched the ‘Tamil Nadu Flood Recovery Project’ with the support of BNP Paribas, a renowned corporate in financial services.

Atmanirbhar Project Impact Assessment Report

Implemented between December, 2014 to February 2017 with three months no cost extension, the project targeted newly married adolescent girls and women, women from ethnic and religious minority (Muslim women), groups and poorest strata of women of upper castes in the project VDCs Chhotkiramnagar, Rayapur, Semara, Thu. Pipaharahawa, Maryadpur, Bairghat, Ekala and Tenuhawa. The VDCs are located in mid-western and southern (Murchwar area) part of Rupandehi district. Atamnirbhar project focused to entrepreneurships skills development of women which has economically empowered to women and supported for the institutionalization of the seven cooperatives in project VDCs. These Women Agriculture Cooperatives are directed towards creating the sustainable rural employment, too. The main objective of the project was to make 1500 women members in 8 different women led saving & credit cooperatives and to create enabling-business environment to start up high growth potential women friendly micro business. It had of which 600 will be capable to run their own micro entrepreneurs.

Madhya Pradesh Nutrition Project (MPNP) Final Report

The Madhya Pradesh Nutrition Project (MPNP) was a project being implemented by CARE India with funds from Cargill, addressing malnutrition in three districts of Chattarpur, Tikamgarh and Panna in the Bundelkhand region of the state of Madhya Pradesh. The project was aimed towards achieving reduction in underweight (severe underweight) and undernutrition among children and creating awareness on issues associated with malnutrition. It also aimed to strengthen governance, accountability and mutual responsibility of service providers and communities. As the project was an opportunity to provide long term support to the state government’s Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) which was attempting to harness human, institutional and financial resources with high quality and with an increase precision and efficiency. Read More...

Enhancing the Sustainable Farming Initiative through Gender and Nutrition (EnSIGN) Project Endline Study

Enhancing the Sustainable Farming Initiative through Gender and Nutrition (EnSIGN) is a nutrition sensitive pilot intervention. It seeks to integrate gender and nutrition into PepsiCo’s Sustainable Farming Initiative. The project is implemented by CARE. The project intervention site is Kotulpur block. The block is predominantly rural and is situated in Bankura district of West Bengal - a medium ranking state of India. IIHMR University has carried out the endline evaluation of the project. A mixed methods approach has been used. The study complies with the cardinal principles of research ethics. EnSIGN project is robustly relevant. It fulfils the global development agenda and has a nutrition sensitive design. The project intervention site has high levels of iron deficiency anemia in women, thereby justifying its selection. Read More...

Ghana’s Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) Project Third Quarterly Report

The Third Quarter of the USAID-funded Ghana’s Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) project spanned the period April-June, 2017. CARE, IBIS and ISODEC supported 26 CSO partners to complete a number of citizen monitoring and dissemination activities started in previous quarters in the 50 SA districts and to commence another round of citizen monitoring of capital projects. As at the end of June, 88 capital projects had been selected from the 2016/2017 Annual Action Plans (AAPs) in 43 of the 50 social accountability (SA) districts for citizen monitoring, majority of which are education (42%) and health-related (36%) projects. Below is a summary of the key activities implemented during the quarter and the results thereof.

Ghana’s Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) Project First Quarterly Report

The Ghana Strengthening Accountability Mechanism (GSAM) project is a five (5) year USAIDfunded project, which focuses on strengthening citizens’ oversight of capital development projects to improve local government transparency, accountability and performance in 100 districts of Ghana. GSAM is designed to strengthen social accountability by improving availability of District Assembly capital project information to citizens to enhance their capacity to demand accountability. The GSAM project interventions directly contribute to the attainment of USAID/Ghana Country Development Cooperation Strategy, - Strengthened Responsive, Democratic Governance under intermediate results; IR 1.2.1 “increased capacity of CSOs to advocate on behalf of citizens for improved government services’’; and sub IR 1.2.2 ‘‘strengthened CSO and National Audit Authority oversight of government services’’. Read More...

Ghana’s Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) Project 2nd Year Annual Report

The Ghana Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) Project” is five year social accountability project which was formulated by the Government of the United States of America through its development agency, USAID, in collaboration with the Government of Ghana. The project focuses on strengthening citizens’ oversight of capital projects to improve local government transparency, accountability and performance in 100 districts of Ghana.
The implementation of the GSAM project directly contributes to intermediate results; IR 1.2.1 “increased capacity of CSOs to advocate on behalf of citizens for improved government services’’; and sub IR 1.2.2 ‘‘strengthened CSO and National Audit Authority oversight of government services’’ under USAID/Ghana Country Development Cooperation strategy,- Strengthened Responsive, Democratic Governance. Read More...

Ghana’s Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) Project Quarterly Report

The Ghana’s Strengthening Accountability Mechanisms (GSAM) Project seeks to strengthen citizens’ oversight of capital projects to improve local government transparency, accountability and performance in 100 districts of Ghana. CARE International in Ghana, IBIS in Ghana and Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC) are implementing the project in collaboration with twenty-seven Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and other stakeholders.

This report highlights activities carried out in Quarter Two (January-March, 2017) of Year 3 of the project’s implementation. It presents information relating to administration and project infrastructure, programme activities, as well as monitoring and evaluation. Information on project implementation challenges, lessons learnt for the period, conclusions and recommendations are also presented as part of the report. Read More...

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