
Final evaluation of tufaidike wote addendum

This 10 page addendum highlights the comments of the external evalutor on the process of the Tufaidi... Read More...

ECRAS Enhancing Community Resilience and Sustainability multi hazard risk assessment

This 112 page report is focused on providing a contextual analysis, hazards and risk profiles, capac... Read More...

Final evaluation report of kadem el-khair project final

This 60 page document reports the results of the Kadam Elkhair Project Read More...

Kore lavi market study branded report – 20-02-17x

This 62 page document highlights the market impacts of the USID-funded Kore Lavi program, which uses... Read More...

Impact assessment atmanirbhar

This 69 page document highlights impacts from the Atamanirbhar project in Rupanedhi that focuses on ... Read More...

Midterm Performance Evaluation of the Bangladesh NGO Health Service Delivery Project (NHSDP)

This 159 page evaluation assesses the status, relevance and sustainability of the NHSDP project and ... Read More...

Prococoghana final report

This 25 page report highlights the endline findings of the PROCOCO project (Cargill-funded) in Ghana... Read More...

Nourishing the future

This 28 page report highlights the final M&E findings from the CARE-Cargill partnership Read More...

Comparative evaluation on savings led approach in the mekong

This 200 page report compares savings-led approaches from Vietnam, Lao, Cambodia, and Myanmar with f... Read More...

Agriculture service center evaluation

This 35 page evaluation highlights the findings of how the service center model affects agriculture ... Read More...

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