
Informe edubina

The objective of the project New Bilingual Intercultural Education in the Andes (EDUBINA) is to help... Read More...

Emergency Response to Disaster Affected Population (ERDAP) Project – Final Evaluation Report

Emergency Response to Disaster Affected Population

Farta Child Survival Project Final Evaluation

The Farta Woreda Child Survival Project is a five-year Child Survival Project implemented by CARE Ethiopia (October 1, 2002 to September 30, 2007). The project aims to improve the health of children under five and women of childbearing age by focusing on the following interventions: Nutrition (35%), Pneumonia Case Management (25%) and Control of Diarrheal Disease (20%). Read More...

The Drought and Frost Response Programmes Evalaution


Income Smoothening Through Agricultural Marketing Interventions (ISAMI) Project


Northern Province Rehabilitation and Development Initiative (NPRDI) Final Evaluation


Civil Society And Media In Transition Program (CSMT) Midterm Report

The CSMT Program was designed to strengthen capacities of civil society organizations (CSOs) and Med... Read More...

Care-fosil end of project evaluation[1]

The FOSIL project in Zimbabwe was aimed at reducing extreme poverty in Masvingo and Midlands Provinc... Read More...

Psur final report


The PROMESA Project Narrative Quarterly Report

During this quarter, the focus was on continuing and supporting some of the activities initiated and achievements of the first phase of PROMESA. Thus we held a number of support meetings with the COPROAGRO Network, their logo was designed, they attended two local fairs and a representative attended an international training and business event. In addition, the cocoa exports to Germany and the local sale of other fruit products continued. Support was given in order to complete the processing equipment of one of the main associations. Read More...

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