
Viable Initiatives for the Development of Agriculture in Nampula Provice- Phase II (VIDA II)

The purpose of the final survey is to measure project indicators in the final year of project implem... Read More...

Emergency Food Support Programme For Children Of Internally Displaced Kayah Ethnics In Kayah State

Emergency Food Support Programmed for Children of Internally Displaced Kayah Ethics “Project of Phas... Read More...

Tza – tuma uma kemp 08-06

objective is sustainably improved food security, economic livelihood and social status of farmers in... Read More...

Ete – tumauma and kemp final eval report aug 2006

Sustainably improved food security, economic livelihood and social status of farmers in five village... Read More...

Earthquake Response in Northern Pakistan Independent Evaluation


Emergency Assistance to Sustain Health Care Services Final Report

The overall goal of this emergency project was to contribute to the improvement of wellbeing of Pale... Read More...

CARE Rwanda’s Case Management Program Evaluation Report

The CM model aims to holistically address the complex and numerous needs of PLWHA with a specific fo... Read More...

Tjk 056 – fact2 agriculture – final – july 06

overall goal:” ”To improve the livelihood of targeted population through increased Food and Health S... Read More...

Title II Development Assistance Program Midterm Evaluation

CARE Madagascar’s current Title II DAP began in 2004. It consists of three sub-programs implemented ... Read More...

Tjk – gef biodiversity – baseline – july 06


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