Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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The COVID-19 Outbreak and Gender: Regional Analysis and Recommendations from Asia and the Pacific

In March 2020, emerging gender impacts and trends were highlighted in an Advocacy Brief developed by GiHA resulting in key recommendations. Good practices from across the Asia Pacific Region have seen these recommendations being put into action and six weeks on, due to the scale and rapidly changing nature of the pandemic, it was seen as crucial to continue to document evidence of gender impacts across Asia Pacific and to update analysis and recommendations. Read More...

COVID 19 IMPACT Assessment Southeast Turkey May 2020

In order to understand the impacts of the COVID-19 global health emergency on the vulnerable or marginalized populations, CARE embarked on an impact assessment in the implementing provinces in Southeast Turkey; namely, Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa and Kilis. The study demonstrates the varied impacts of COVID-19 on the individuals’ lives in terms of education, shelter, WASH, household division of labour, livelihoods and income, negative coping mechanisms, health, mobility and social life as well as protection. The objectives of this assessment are to:
- Understand the impacts of COVID-19 crisis on the needs, coping mechanisms and vulnerabilities among Syrian refugee and vulnerable communities in Southeast Turkey and inform refugee response in Southeast Turkey accordingly.
- Analyse changing gender roles and relations in Southeast Turkey at household level in relation to gender and power differentials
- Provide recommendations on ways in which actors can respond to women, men, girls and boys in Southeast Turkey and provide inclusive and dignified assistance in line with the findings mentioned in above points (not reflected in the infographic though)

Baseline Report in Conducted in East and South Darfur Focused on Health, Nutrition, and WASH

The humanitarian situation in Sudan has continued to deteriorate since 2018, where the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance steadily rose from an estimated 700,000 to a total of 5.5M individuals. Across Sudan, 3.8 million people are urgently in need of WASH assistance, 5.2 million people are in urgent need of access to basic primary health care services, and a total of 2.8 million
children and Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLW) suffering from acute malnutrition. Darfur remains an epicenter of large-scale protracted displacement.
There have been limited baseline assessments conducted in CARE’s project areas due to the recent political uncertainties, insecurity, staff capacity and funding constraints. This baseline assessment was conducted internally by staff of CARE International Switzerland in Sudan with support from an RRT member deployed for a few days in country. The RRT worked with M&E team in Khartoum to plan
and train volunteers and CARE staff on baseline survey. The volunteers under the supervision of CARE staff undertook data collection and cleaning; and the RRT member performed the analysis and the report writing.
The assessment interviewed 277 sampling units and each unit represented a household using a household questionnaires tool. Of the respondents interviewed 71% were women and 29% men. The age groups interviewed included adolescent (1%), adults aged 18-49 years (83%) and the elderly aged 50+ years (16%). Read More...

WASH in Camps Final KAP Survey in North East Syria

CARE North East conducted an Endline Survey in Areesha and Al Hole camps at Al Hassakeh and Abo Khashab camp in Deir-ez-Zor governorate. In order to achieve the following objective:
• Assess community ability to access the quality of water supply through rehabilitation of water supply networks and chlorination where necessary
• Assess community ability to access to functioning sanitation systems through rehabilitation of sanitation systems and landfills
• Assess community knowledge about maintaining household and community hygiene practices through hygiene promotion.
• Assess the local capacity to sustain these interventions through the development and training of WASH management committees (WMC). Read More...

Palestine West Bank/Gaza Rapid Gender Assessment Early Gender Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic Full report

Among those most impacted by COVID19 are women and girls. Across every sphere, from health to the economy, security to social protection, the impacts of COVID-19 are exacerbated for women and girls simply by virtue of their sex. All of these impacts are further amplified in contexts of fragility, conflict, refuge, displacement and emergencies where social cohesion is already undermined and institutional capacity and services are limited.
CARE Palestine West Bank/ Gaza has carried out a Rapid Gender Assessment in order to highlight for policymakers the importance of addressing the gender impacts of this pandemic and social prejudices and gender norms that discriminate against women in the public and private spheres.
This report is intended for policymakers, the Palestinian Authority, civil society organizations—local and international—community members, donors, and the international community at large. It is organized around broad themes and areas of focus of particular importance to those whose programming advances gender equality and reduces gender inequalities. It seeks to deepen the current gender analysis available by encompassing learning from global gender data available for the COVID-19 public health emergency. Read More...

Executive summary Palestine West Bank/Gaza Rapid Gender Assessment Early Gender Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic

This is the executive summary. For the full report, check here:

Among those most impacted by COVID19 are women and girls. Across every sphere, from health to the economy, security to social protection, the impacts of COVID-19 are exacerbated for women and girls simply by virtue of their sex. All of these impacts are further amplified in contexts of fragility, conflict, refuge, displacement and emergencies where social cohesion is already undermined and institutional capacity and services are limited.

CARE Palestine West Bank/ Gaza has carried out a Rapid Gender Assessment in order to highlight for policymakers the importance of addressing the gender impacts of this pandemic and social prejudices and gender norms that discriminate against women in the public and private spheres.
This report is intended for policymakers, the Palestinian Authority, civil society organizations—local and international—community members, donors, and the international community at large. It is organized around broad themes and areas of focus of particular importance to those whose programming advances gender equality and reduces gender inequalities. It seeks to deepen the current gender analysis available by encompassing learning from global gender data available for the COVID-19 public health emergency.Among those most impacted by COVID19 are women and girls. Across every sphere, from health to the economy, security to social protection, the impacts of COVID-19 are exacerbated for women and girls simply by virtue of their sex. All of these impacts are further amplified in contexts of fragility, conflict, refuge, displacement and emergencies where social cohesion is already undermined and institutional capacity and services are limited.

CARE Palestine West Bank/ Gaza has carried out a Rapid Gender Assessment in order to highlight for policymakers the importance of addressing the gender impacts of this pandemic and social prejudices and gender norms that discriminate against women in the public and private spheres.

This report is intended for policymakers, the Palestinian Authority, civil society organizations—local and international—community members, donors, and the international community at large. It is organized around broad themes and areas of focus of particular importance to those whose programming advances gender equality and reduces gender inequalities. It seeks to deepen the current gender analysis available by encompassing learning from global gender data available for the COVID-19 public health emergency. Read More...

Technologically Enhanced Agricultural Livelihoods Mid Term Review

Launched on 1 July 2017, the Technologically Enhanced Agricultural Livelihoods project (TEAL) in Vietnam is a four-year project funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s (DFAT) Australian NGO Cooperation (ANCP) initiative. The project has been implemented in four communes, two in Dien Bien province and two in Son La province.

TEAL is focused on supporting ethnic minority women coffee farmers to improve coffee production, processing, and market linkages to increase their income, and to shift gender norms that are preventing women from having a visible, respective and productive role in the coffee market system and broader society.


Partners for Resilience: Annual Report 2019

Intended impact: Vulnerable people are more often resilient to crises in the face of climate change and environmental degradation, enabling sustainable inclusive economic growth.

Contents of report:
1 Progress on IRM dialogue trajectories
2A Reflection on capacity strengthening
2B Reflection on the Dialogue Capacity Framework
3. Progress on Knowledge Management & Learning
4. Gender
5. Collaboration with the Netherlands Embassy
6. Linking country, regional and global programmes
7 Assess ToC together, visualize progress towards the 2020 goal
8 Country corner
9 Significant change
10 Indicators

Youth Leadership Development (YLD) Ayutthaya (Central) & Rayong (East) of Thailand

NISSAN MOTORCO., LTD. through CARE International Japan (CIJ), supports the project entitled Youth Leadership Development (YLD). The overall goal of the YLD project is to build a better society through successful people with social consciousness, good livelihoods and social skills. As such, the YLD program contributes toward developing children/youth, particularly girls, with the following qualities:

1) Understanding the big picture of sustainable development and good citizenship;
2) Acquiring attitudes and actions of helping others, protecting the environment and working as teams;
3) Acquiring leadership qualities of team building, self-esteem, confidence, analytical and decision-making skills, and management for action;
4) Acquiring occupational skills and experience in initiating and/or engaging in a micro-business activity including technical fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – STEM). Read More...

Adversity and Opportunity: Gender Relations, Emergencies and Resilience in the Horn of Africa

The Gender in Emergencies (GiE) study contributes to this strategy development by examining how the HES can be implemented in the specific context of the Horn of Africa (HoA).2 Commissioned in early 2014 by CARE Australia, the study’s purpose is to ‘contribute to CARE International’s Gender in Emergencies learning and research agenda providing a comparative analysis of the opportunities and challenges in gender equality and women’s empowerment in emergency contexts, and provide lessons for future humanitarian responses.’ Read More...

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