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Vamos de casa en casa, a ver la cosecha! Línea de base final – Estudio (CAP) Capacidades, Aptitudes y Practicas.

End of project CAP study highlighting the evolution of the project DIPECHO X Honduras that aims at strengthening resilience of vulnerable families from the Dry Corridor. The document intents to provide an overall vision of the operation implemented and the impact they had on the field. [38 pages] Read More...

Estudio Final de Conocimientos, Actitudes y Practicas del Proyecto “mejorando la capacitad de resiliencia y la repuesta a desastres de poblaciones expuestas a multi-amenazas en el departamento de Quiché, Gautemala”

This document is the final CAP study from project DIPECHO X Guatemala, a project that aims at enhancing the resiliency and adaptation capacities of vulnerable populations living in Quiché department who are facing multiples risks (earthquake, drought…). The project focus on most vulnerable people it is to say women, youth and disabled people.[51 pages] Read More...

Informe Taller Lecciones Aprendidas y Buenas Prácticas Proyecto DIPECHO 2016-2017

This document gathers good practices and lessons from project DIPECHO X Guatemala, a project that aims at enhancing the resiliency and adaptation capacities of vulnerable populations living in Quiché department who are facing multiples risks (earthquake, drought…). The project focus on most vulnerable people it is to say women, youth and disabled people. [25 pages] Read More...

Mejorando la capacidad de resiliencia y la respuesta a desastres de poblaciones expuestas a multi-amenazas, de los municipios de San Pedro Jocopilas y San Bartolomé Jocotenango, departamento de Quiché: Informe Evaluación Final

This document is the final evaluation of project DIPECHO X Guatemala, a project that aims at enhancing the resiliency and adaptation capacities of vulnerable populations living in Quiché department who are facing multiples risks (earthquake, drought…). The project focus on most vulnerable people it is to say women, youth and disabled people. [33 pages] Read More...


The Partners for Learning (P4L) project is implemented by CARE in collaboration with 20 partner organizations and 465 schools since November 2013. P4L’s goal is to identify, enroll, and retain 50,000 out-of-school girls and boys (OOSGB) in the Haitian education system. After three years of implementation, this midline evaluation was conducted to assess the prevalence of OOSGB in targeted areas, given contextual changes such as the destruction caused by Hurricane Matthew; analyze the contribution of P4L training activities on teaching practices; and assess the validity of P4L’s strategies.

The recommendations from the midline are:
- Increase mobilization efforts to identify and enroll OOSGB in areas of high out-of-school prevalence;
- Need to reinforce the project strategy to strengthen retention, as dropout remains a major issue in targeted areas;
- Mobilize other actors in the education sector (MENFP, NGOs through CEC, civil society associations, etc.) to design a national strategy to address retention issues;
- Promote VSLA in each area to support families to enroll and keep their children in school;
- Mobilize funds and create partnerships to improve infrastructure conditions in partner
schools. [39 pages]

Desarrollo Económico Inclusivo – Impacto en la reducción de la pobreza de familias ganaderas en Puno

Entre diciembre de 2005 y noviembre de 2008 CARE Perú desarrolló en las provincias de Azángaro, Huancané y Moho, departamento de Puno, el proyecto Generación de ingresos y empleo en unidades productivas familiares del altiplano mediante la cadena de valor de ganado vacuno para carne, que contó con el apoyo financiero del Fondo Nacional de Capacitación Laboral y Promoción del Empleo (FONDOEMPLEO). Esta intervención se orientó a mejorar la economía de las familias pobres de la zona y contribuir de esa manera a la reducción de la desnutrición crónica infantil. La implementación del proyecto ha revertido significativamente esta situación de desventaja y ha validado una exitosa propuesta de mejoramiento de la cadena productiva de vacunos para carne, que combina tres componentes: el incremento de la productividad del ganado vacuno para carne, la formación de una oferta de asistencia técnica a cargo de productores locales y la comercialización directa del ganado.[64 paginas] Read More...

Stop TB and AIDS through RTTR (STAR): Program Report

The program goal is to end AIDS in Thailand by 2030 (reducing annual new infections to below 1,000 cases (from the current 8,134 estimated new infections annually)) and to reduce the prevalence of TB from 159 per 100,000 to 120 per 100,000 between 2015 and 2019. From 1 October 2016 to 30 September 2017, the program performed outstandingly over the target in three indicators of MSW, FSW and MW reached with HIV prevention program. The percentage of result over target reported at 115.58%, 120.40%, and 119.83% consecutively. Overachieving results of these indicators described as following:

i) For MSW, the program could exceed the reach target because SRs conducting BCC workshop in
bar. At the workshop, SR introduced knowledge and information of HIV prevention including HIV,
VCCT, STIs, TB, PrEP, and PEP. Condom and lubricant were made available for MSWs. SR MPLUS
targeted non-venue based MSW who work around the public park in Chiang Mai. The online
application was also used as a channel to reach non venue-based MSWs. The SRs conducted
face-to-face individual talk for the online-reached MSWs. HIV Testing Center (HTC) operated by
SRs could offer additional service of syphilis testing to MSWs.

ii) For FSW, the outstanding performance of resulting from the high season for tourism in Thailand.
SR SWING engaged with employers and organized outreach session in bar before FSWs started
working. The SR reached out to new FSW area in Surawong.

iii) For MW, SRs reached performance were access the target resulting from combination HIV-TB
service provided to migrants in community and at workplace. SR STM started engaging
employers of FSWs at the border of Songkhla. [20 pages] Read More...

“My Solar Water” Participatory Research Project: REPORT 3

The aim of My Solar Water is to improve the quality of drinking water in scattered rural populations of the Amazon. The purpose of this intervention is to evaluate the technical and social response of My Solar Bag, as an instrument to improve the quality of drinking water in the population of rural communities scattered in the Amazon, affected by flooding or in situations of sanitary emergency. The project is implemented with the help of USAID, Puralytics, and Bluewaves. [43 pages] Read More...

Home-based ECD parent education and support program: Impact Evaluation Short Report

The CARE ECD program has been operational in the two districts of Funhalouro and Homoine in Inhambane Province since 2013. The program is focused around once-a-week, home visits to vulnerable families by volunteers. This report outlines the results of the impact evaluation (using a control study and qualitative and quantitative data and conducted between 2014 and 2016). The results prove conclusively that impact has been made on caregiver status, child status and the caregiving environment – the pillars of ECD as identified by the Essential Package. The program was funded by The Hilton Foundation. [32 pages] Read More...

Project for Financial Inclusion in Rural Areas (PROFIRA) Baseline Report

The Government of Uganda in partnership with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) jointly designed the project for Financial Inclusion in Rural Areas (PROFIRA). The overall goal of PROFIRA is to increase income, improve food security and reduce vulnerability in rural areas. Its development objective is to sustainability increase access to and use of financial services by the rural poor population focusing on outreach, sustainability and poverty alleviation. The project has 3 major components (1) SACCO Strengthening and Sustainability (2) Community Based Financial Services and (3) Policy and Institutional Support. CARE international in Uganda is in a Consortium with Karamoja Private Sector Development centre (KPSDPC) received funding from the Government of Uganda to implement the Project for Financial inclusion in rural Areas (PROFIRA) in North Eastern Uganda. The consortium will contribute towards PROFIRA’s overall goal through sub component 2.1 of “Establishment of new CSCGs” [88 pages] Read More...

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