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Curiosity Collective : Evidence of Social Changes for Women in Savings Groups

CARE has been working with Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA) since it first launched the model in Niger in 1991. Over the years, VSLAs have reached more 7.6 MILLION members to form 357,000 groups in 51 countries. 81% of these members are women.

The economic impacts of the groups are well documented. Women and men in VSLA groups save between an estimated $400 and $700 million each year. In West Africa, 3.2 million women participate in VSLA. The savings and credit can be transformational, helping women start businesses, pay school fees, and access emergency loans when they have a crisis in the family. A randomized controlled trial of VSLAs conducted by Innovations for Poverty Action showed that VSLAs substantially increased women’s access to financial services, income, and ability to start businesses.

Perhaps more important, but less formally documented, is the impact that VSLAs have on women themselves, and the social fabric of their communities. Anecdotally, women themselves often point to increases in self-confidence, independence, and a greater belief in their own ability to change things in their lives, as the VSLA impacts that are most important to them. For example, one woman in Niger says, “[VSLA]1 has opened my eyes
and now I do not hide anymore and I speak a lot.”


Political Economy Analysis in the Sundarbans and Hakaluki Haor Ecologically Critical Areas


Aid obstruction in Gaza

Aid agencies working in Gaza are demanding the international community take action to address the Israeli government’s continuing and increasing obstruction of aid. While Israeli military attacks on Gaza intensify, lifesaving food, medicine, medical supplies, fuel, and tents have been systematically blocked from entering.

New data backed up by recent footage reveals the scale of aid obstruction, which is driving a humanitarian disaster, leaving the entire population of Gaza facing hunger and disease, and almost half a million at risk of starvation. Read More...

Ukraine Rapid Gender Analysis 2024

This Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) applies a gender lens to better understand specific needs, priorities, and barriers to services and life-saving assistance available to war-affected people in Ukraine. Since the full-scale invasion in February 2022, CARE has conducted several gender analyses1 in the country to highlight the compounding vulnerabilities of internally displaced people (IDPs), returnees, and non-displaced people across diversity categories such as women, adolescents, female-headed households (FHHs), Roma communities, LGBTQI+ people, people with a disability, and older people. This RGA builds upon that foundation to better understand how pre-existing vulnerabilities are changing over time as the war evolves, while centring the essential role of women’s rights organisations (WROs) in the humanitarian response.
A mixed methods approach was used to collect, consolidate, and analyse qualitative and quantitative data for this RGA. While being triangulated with secondary sources, primary data was collected during the months
of March and April 2024 in Dnipropetrovska, Donetska, Kharkivska, Khersonska, Mykolaivska, Odeska, and Zaporizka oblasts. These locations were selected based on the population size of people in need of assistance,
with the addition of three oblasts (Donetska, Khersonska and Zaporizka) since the 2023 RGA.
The RGA primary data comprised: a household survey (HHS) with 2,027 respondents; 17 focus group discussions (FGDs) with displaced and resident people of different genders and ages, both in rural and urban areas; and 23 key informant interviews (KIIs). The KIIs were with sector-specific and cross-cutting theme leads and gender focal points within the humanitarian response, and representatives of the Government of Ukraine (GoU) authorities and international and national non-governmental organisations (INGOs and NNGOs), including WROs and organisations representing the Roma and LGBTQI+ communities.
Building upon the findings of the 2023 RGA, the summary below highlights trends and sector-specific findings to support the development of more inclusive humanitarian programming and inter-agency coordination in Ukraine. Read More...

MÁS DERECHOS Y MENOS PREJUICIOS: Guía de buenas prácticas en comunicación para el desarrollo y salud mental, en el contexto de la migración venezolana

Ante la crisis migratoria venezolana en Perú y la pandemia por la COVID-19, en Tumbes, Piura, La Libertad, Lima y Callao, el Proyecto Alma Llanera se planteó al objetivo general de mejorar la autosuficiencia y la integración de personas refugiadas y migrantes venezolanas vulnerables en Perú, a través de un mayor acceso a los servicios de protección, salud mental y a los medios de vida.
Esta guía se centra en los servicios de salud mental. Particularmente, identifica las mejores prácticas de comunicación para el desarrollo en la promoción de la salud mental. Las mismas que responden a estas dos preguntas clave: (1) ¿Cómo derribamos el estigma asociado a la salud mental entre las personas migrantes para convertirlos en agentes de cambio?, y (2) ¿Cómo evitamos las generalizaciones y transformamos la eventual xenofobia en empatía y confianza? La guía cuenta con cinco capítulos. El primero narra los antecedentes de la intervención. El segundo la describe. Para ello, presenta sus conceptos clave, los territorios en los que operó y los criterios y las dimensiones sobre las que se calificaron las buenas prácticas. El tercer capítulo presenta las cuatro buenas prácticas seleccionadas. Al final de la guía encontrará tanto las conclusiones como las recomendaciones para promover la salud mental, a través de iniciativas de comunicación para el desarrollo.
Las cuatro buenas prácticas destacadas en esta publicación se centran en las personas y adoptan una comprensión integral de la salud mental que, para empoderar tanto a las comunidades venezolanas como de acogida, responde a los determinantes sociales, incluye la continuidad y calidad de cuidados integrales y requiere del trabajo interdisciplinario e intercultural. A través del arte, la música, la cocina y las historias personales, las buenas prácticas de esta guía generaron un espacio (físico o virtual) de divertimento, encuentro e intercambio.
Con el objetivo de promover la salud mental en el país, desde una perspectiva humana y de derechos, la guía tiene como uno de sus propósitos contribuir a que distintas iniciativas también sean culturalmente apropiadas y efectivas promoviendo el bienestar de las poblaciones migrantes y de acogida. Read More...


El presente documento sistematiza la estrategia de salud del proyecto “Alma Llanera” de CARE Perú que se viene implementando en las regiones de Tumbes, Piura, La Libertad, Lima y Callao desde septiembre del 2019 hasta agosto de 2023. Dicha estrategia busca promover el acceso a servicios de salud de personas migrantes y refugiadas en sus ámbitos de intervención. Esta sistematización, enmarcada en un enfoque comunitario y participativo, consideró las miradas de las diferentes personas involucradas en la estrategia de salud del proyecto: equipo central y regional, consultores, agentes comunitarios de salud y beneficiarios del proyecto. Para ello, se recolectó la información a través de grupos de discusión, entrevistas individuales y encuestas, a la par de la revisión de documentos concernientes al programa y a la estrategia en particular; a fin de recoger buenas prácticas, lecciones aprendidas y procesos innovadores, que permitan generar aprendizajes internos e interinstitucionales. Los temas de salud y bienestar están atravesados por variables estructurales de pobreza, violencia, discriminación y corrupción aunados al limitado acceso de la población a los servicios de salud, en especial la refugiada y migrante. La pandemia por COVID-19, agudizó estás problemáticas y evidenció la importancia y necesidad de atender adecuadamente la salud física y mental. Para el proyecto “Alma Llanera” este contexto género una reorganización de su diseño y presupuesto para la priorización de la salud en la población migrante, a través de las ferias integrales, la entrega de vales de salud y la derivación a establecimientos de salud, considerando la vulnerabilidad de la población de refugiados y migrantes.
Entre las lecciones aprendidas resalta el que la estrategia de salud ha permitido acercar a la población refugiada y migrante a los servicios de salud, siendo esta una necesidad básica, sobre todo en situaciones de emergencia como ha sido la pandemia por la COVID-19. En este sentido, los vales permitieron atender situaciones de emergencia, pero evidenciaron las dificultades para la sostenibilidad del tratamiento producto de otras necesidades (alimentación, vivienda) que, en consecuencia, requieren igual atención inmediata. Read More...

Ecological Assessment and Detailed Scoping Study in the Sundarbans and Hakaluki Haor Ecologically Critical Areas (ECA) for Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and Locally Led Adaptation (LLA)

The Ecologically Critical Areas (ECAs) in Bangladesh, notably the Sundarbans and Hakaluki Haor are vital for biodiversity and livelihoods. The UK government’s Adaptation in Ecologically Critical Areas known locally as NABAPALLAB- (Nature Based Adaptation towards Prosperous and Adept Lives & Livelihoods in Bangladesh) project aims to enhance resilience of the ecosystem and livelihoods through Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and Locally Led Adaptation (LLA). The project has conducted three separate assessments (Ecological Assessment and Detailed Scoping study; Stakeholder Mapping and Political Economy Analysis; and Baseline Study) simultaneously during its inception stage. This report synthesizes findings from the ecological assessment and detailed scoping study. Insights were gathered to understand ecological status, community needs, and intervention opportunities in the Sundarbans and Hakaluki Haor. The report further highlights current and emerging threats, drivers and complexities in both ECAs. The status of the natural resource base, degradation pattern and ecosystem health were also analysed and documented using physical data and recent satellite imagery.
In the Sundarbans, the study found different ecosystems, including wetlands, low-lying lands, riverside areas, homesteads, croplands, and coastal embankments. All of these ecosystems are affected by various climatic stressors such as salinity, tidal inundation, erratic rainfall, and cyclones. They are also impacted by anthropogenic drivers such as shrimp farming, water logging, overharvesting, illegal fishing, deforestation, poaching. For example, the study shows that shrimp cultivation has a profound effect on agriculture with changes in land use and intrusion of saline water, which lead to decreased soil fertility, crop failure and lower productivity. Shrimp cultivation also contributes to surface water pollution, leading to scarcity of drinking water and negative impacts on WASH. The study also highlights significant threats to important endangered wildlife species in the Sundarbans ECA, including the Masked Finfoot and White-Rumped Vulture. In addition to the anthropogenic threats, the study has identified other problems such as fishing with poison, bird hunting, use of illegal fishing equipment, canal siltation, and intrusion of saline water into freshwater wetlands. These issues result in decreased fish population, depletion of wildlife and reduced agricultural productivity.
The Hakaluki Haor, encompassing 276 interconnected beels (wetland lakes) over an area of 18,000 hectares, faces significant threats from both anthropogenic and climate change stressors. Extensive sedimentation and agricultural expansion have led to the conversion of over 20 beels to agricultural production, impacting wetland productivity, aquatic vegetation, fish populations, and local livelihoods. Degradation of rivers, canals, and hill streams within the Haor has further exacerbated these problems and challenges, affecting crop production, fish yields, and biodiversity. Encroachment on protected swamp forest areas after phase-out of previous projects, wide-ranging deforestation, and conversion of raised land (Kandas) for agriculture have negatively impacted the habitats of fish and birds, and other wetland-dependent wildlife as well as waterfowl migratory routes. Furthermore, elite capture excludes poor fisher folk and landless individuals from fishing and accessing natural resources, while agricultural expansion in Kanda areas raises concerns about increased use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers that pollute wetlands. Read More...

McGovern-Dole Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program in Timor-Leste HATUTAN Sustainability Study Liquica

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has supported Timor-Leste through the McGovern-Dole Food for Education and Child Nutrition Initiative since 2018. The McGovern-Dole funded Hahán ne’ebé Atu fó Tulun ho Nutrisaun no Edukasaun/ Food to Support Nutrition and Education program – HATUTAN - supported 455 schools and surrounding communities in four of Timor-Leste’s most disadvantaged municipalities: Ainaro, Ermera, Liquica, and Manatuto. Between 2018 and 2023, HATUTAN reached 431,244 students, out of whom 109,065 received school meals.

HATUTAN’s final evaluation show that the integrated intervention has achieved remarkable results, including:
-A gain of 4.8 percentage points in literacy scores, over and above the comparison group.
-A major reduction in teachers’ use of traditional practices: the proportion of students who spent the class copying from the board declined by 15 percentage points over and above the comparison group, while the proportion of students repeating after the teacher declined by 25 percentage points; and
- A major improvement in infant feeding practices, reducing by 13.6 percentage points in the proportion of mothers feeding formula to babies under six months of age.

In 2023, the schools14 in the municipality of Liquica – 101 in total, out of which 35 receiving the full intervention15 - graduated out of the program following demonstrated improvements in school management, SFP delivery, increased use of participatory teaching practices and reduction in negative teaching practices, and improvements in hygiene and sanitation. Among other results, the final evaluation showed that 91% of the schools in Liquica had reading corners in grade 2, compared to HATUTAN’s 65% average; the average attendance rate reached 78%, compared to a 64% average; and teacher attendance rate reached 85%. The second phase of the program has continued to support schools in Ainaro, Ermera, and Manatuto since 2023, and expanded operations to Oé-cusse in 2024. Read More...

Examining Barriers to Family Planning Information, Products, and Services Among Ukrainian Refugees and Host Communities in Poland (English)

Cash and Voucher Assistance for Family Planning in Poland Assessment Report: This report examines barriers Ukrainian refugees and Polish host communities face in accessing family planning (FP) services. Refugees struggle with financial obstacles like transportation and private healthcare costs, compounded by Poland’s restrictive sexual and reproductive health (SRH) policies. The report highlights the potential of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) to improve access to FP services, with the need for contextual adaptation to Poland’s healthcare system.

Poland SRHR Stakeholder Workshop Learning Brief (August 2024): This brief shares insights from a workshop on sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) for Ukrainian refugees and Polish communities. It identified financial barriers, restrictive policies, and stigma as major challenges, and explored how CVA could improve SRH access by partnering with local stakeholders and adapting to Poland's restrictive policy environment. Read More...

Community Nutrition and Health Activity Equity Gap Analysis

The Community Nutrition and Health Activity (CNHA) conducted an equity gap analysis to investigate the existing inequities in health and nutrition outcomes within its target areas in Bangladesh. This analysis aimed to identify not only the current inequities but also the underlying reasons for these disparities. Using USAID’s Unofficial Guidance to an Equity Gap Analysis, the CNHA team defined desired outcomes, assessed differential health and nutrition outcomes among various population groups through secondary data, and conducted stakeholder consultations with marginalized groups to understand the reasons behind these inequities. The findings highlighted that individuals in the two lowest wealth quintiles face significant barriers to accessing health care services, with persons with disabilities particularly excluded. Stakeholder consultations revealed issues such as lack of respectful care from community health care providers, restrictions on women's mobility, and inadequate participation in government safety net programs.

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