Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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If you have an evaluation or study to share, please e-mail the document to for posting.

Joint Evaluation of Yogyakarta Earthquake Response

114-page joint evaluation from CARE, Catholic Relief Services, Save the Children (SC), and World Vision Indonesia (WVI) on their separate responses to the Yogyakarta earthquake. Although the agencies worked independently of each other, it was felt that a joint evaluation (JE) of the response would demonstrate greater accountability and the results would be taken more seriously. The objectives of the JE were to assess individual agencies on: • The impacts of their responses and identify promising practices and indicators on impact measurement. • The appropriateness of agency responses.• Whether the responses had helped the recovery of people and communities. • The level of agency accountability to local people. • Organisational preparedness to respond to emergencies Read More...

Livelihood Recovery Program (LRP) Midterm Report

The mid-term evaluation was geared toward assessing the results of livelihood recovery programs in P... Read More...

The Drought and Frost Response Programmes Evalaution


Wbg – emergency water assistance – final – feb 08

Emergency Water Assistance Project focused on infrastructure improvements at the municipality level ... Read More...

SHOUHARDO Program: Mid-Term Review 2007

CARE Bangladesh’s livelihood and food security program, Strengthening Household Ability to Respond t... Read More...

Evaluación externa – reliance

El Proyecto RELIANCE tuvo por propósito evaluar los daños ocasionados por el terremoto del 15 de ago... Read More...

Per – earthquake emergency – final – mar 08


Informe final evaluación aar

Ocurrido el sismo del 15 de Agosto del 2007 en el Sur chico del país, CARE respondió a la Emergencia... Read More...

Uganda – flood response evaluation – evaluation – 2008 february.doc

Response to Northern Uganda floods July - November 2007 Read More...

Puntland Livelihood Recovery Program Technical Report

The project aimed to improve soil and water conservation; mitigate the impact of future natural and ... Read More...

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