

The final evaluation of the “Future for You(th): Young people as Leaders of Life Skills Education in the Balkans” was conducted between December 2023 and March 2024. This end-term evaluation has addressed the full period of the project implementation (March 2021 – February 2024). Its scope covered all four target countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo and Albania) and main project beneficiaries (partner organizations, institutional representatives, teachers, youth, parents, movement leaders, etc.).
The evaluation process employed a mixed-methods approach with a non-experimental design. Its purpose was to assess the intervention's impact on advancing gender equality, examining shifts in cultural norms, behaviors and attitudes, and power dynamics, along with changes in participation, access to resources, and policy adjustments. It also aimed to summarize the main findings, conclusions and recommendations to inform the project's design and implementation phase.
The evaluation process was based on OECD-DAC evaluation criteria, but the priority was given to relevance, effectiveness, (immediate) impact and sustainability of the intervention. The rest of the criteria were not prioritized considering the given time frame, budget and purpose of the evaluation.
The project evaluation has embedded gender-responsive approaches and human rights frameworks from its inception. This approach was instrumental in establishing a holistic evaluation framework, with the aim of ensuring that these aspects were not treated as peripheral concerns but rather integral components of the project's core objectives and activities.
The data collection process comprised a desk review of relevant documents, semi-structured interviews with key informants, focus groups involving young individuals, and validation sessions to confirm clarity and authenticate key findings with project partners and other stakeholders. Data triangulation involved consolidating various methods and sources, thereby enhancing credibility through cross-referencing information from diverse origins.
Key limitations in the evaluation included a lack of representation from policymakers in some countries, restricted involvement of young individuals not engaged in BMCs and limited participation of young law offenders and professionals from youth at risk centers in the evaluation process. Related findings from the informants were cross-referenced with other information extracted from reviewed documents to mitigate potential bias.

Young men and women who participated in a greater number of project activities, including workshops or events related to campaigns, demonstrated more gender-equal attitudes towards gender roles and norms, violence, gender equality. All young people have increased their knowledge in sexual and reproductive health. Parents of BMC members have confirmed that the BMC program serves as a vehicle for continuous and holistic personal growth of their children, positively impacting diverse aspects of their lives.
School staff and professionals from juvenile correctional centers have gained qualitative content and the necessary competencies to effectively present crucial topics to youth in a non-formal manner that aligns with the needs of young people.
BMCs have progressed to comprehensive resource centers, providing safe spaces where young individuals can openly discuss their most sensitive concerns and receive professional referrals to address their diverse needs.
The project has managed to reach out to a remarkable number of people. The partners organized campaigns at the local level, resulting in the implementation of 35 school-based initiatives that reached 9,356 young individuals, and conducted 68 community-based campaigns, engaging with 20,218 citizens spanning across youth and adults alike, significantly increasing awareness on promoting peaceful masculinities, gender equality, and addressing hate speech and intolerance within the targeted demographics.
Despite challenges, such as navigating political instability, the project demonstrated resilience and effectiveness, significantly influencing community attitudes on social issues. It made a substantial impact on policy and practice regarding life skills education, underscoring its commitment to gender equality. Read More...

New Economic Opportunities for Returnees and Vulnerable Citizens in Southern and Eastern Serbia

This report is an external evaluation of “New economic opportunities for returnees and vulnerable citizens in southern and eastern Serbia” project, implemented by CARE International Balkans, Serbia Office and project partner organizations NEXUS from Vranje and ENECA from Niš, financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ); Donor Contract no. 4621. Part of matching funds have been provided by Letter-Day Saint Charities (LDS). Lead applicant of the project was CARE Deutschland e.V. Project implementation period under review was from the November 2020 to October 2023. The evaluation was carried out by the external evaluator at the end of the Project period September – October, 2023.

Overall objective of the project was to contribute to the equal, socio-economic integration of vulnerable citizens and improve the general economic living conditions in the south and east of the Republic of Serbia. The goal of the project was that vulnerable population groups in Southeast Serbia recognize opportunities for socio-economic inclusion in their home region and question emigration more critically. The project has been implemented in six districts of south and east Serbia: Pčinjski, Jablanički, Nišavski, Pirotski, Zaječarski and Borski. Target project groups includes citizens who have returned via the readmission agreement, but also local economically disadvantaged population groups that tend to emigrate to Western countries and their family members.

The purpose of the Final evaluation was to analyse the achievement of the planned results and the impact of the named project on the level of the key stakeholders and to provide findings, conclusions, and recommendations for the future programming, as well as for development of new project proposals. In order to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the Action the evaluation was analysed the project’s achievements after the three years of the project implementation, based on the specific objectives and results as specified in the project proposal and ToR1. The process of evaluation involved 64 participants, 54 of which are direct project beneficiaries. Evaluation was based on participatory approach since this approach can increase ownership of the program, evaluation findings, conclusions, and recommendations.

Young Men’s Initiative (YMI) Impact Study Research

Since 2006, a coalition of local, regional, and international organizations has been promoting positive masculine identities under the banner of the Young Men Initiative (YMI). YMI is a regional program built upon CARE’s comprehensive and programmatic effort to fight interpersonal and gender based violence (GBV), as well as improve gender equality in the region and address preventative measures related to youth extremism and violence. The program is being implemented in municipalities and high schools in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Croatia, Kosovo*1, and Serbia. The heart of YMI is “Program Y” (youth), which focuses on transforming the school environment into one that promotes gender equality and a culture of non-violence. The core of Program Y’s intervention is a series of group educational workshops accompanied by social norms campaigns that promote a
critical and personal reflection on gender, masculinities, and health, with a strong focus on violence prevention. The objective of the impact study is to discover the changes that occurred in implementation sites in terms of the
perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of young people in the period from 2014 until 2020 in key program areas: (1) gender attitudes; (2) violence prevention; (3) sexual and reproductive health; (4) alcohol and drug abuse; and (5) the prevention of sexual violence, as a result of the direct engagement of CARE and its partners. The study also aims to identify which methods and approaches Read More...

CONEX Balkan Project Rapid Gender Analysis Report Western Balkan Region – Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia

CONEX is a regional project implemented in six Balkan countries designed to support the marginalized groups of people in the targeted communities that have suffered the most during the Covid-19 crisis, namely the elderly, unemployed women, minorities, refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and persons with disabilities to transition from relief to recovery and onwards to development.
The Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) has been conducted to provide essential information about gender issues and concerns that should be addressed and will not only be used to define concrete action points and possible adaptations of project design but also as a learning tool and advocacy platform with national NGO networks and local/national authorities. The RGA objectives are to:
 Assess the ways and the extent to which women and other vulnerable groups are affected by social and economic deprivation due to consequences of the COVID-19 crisis;
 Explore how the prevailing gender norms and roles relate to the project activities and objectives, in particular with regard to the access to information, ability to access services, employment and effects of gender based violence (GBV) and
 Increase the gender analysis and integration related capacities of project staff (gender-sensitization, RGA data collection training).
The RGA was conducted in the period May-October 2021 and consisted of three main segments facilitated by the CARE team: 1. Capacity building of partners on gender and how to conduct the RGA; 2. Coordination of data collection, analysis, and validation 3. RGA report writing.
In total, 28 implementing partners’ staff members from nine organizations in 21 locations in six target countries organized and facilitated 53 events (focus group discussions - FGDs and key informant interviews -KIIs) during which they directly talked to 195 persons (66% female), 21% ethnic minority (Roma and Ashkali), over 29% persons from rural areas and 11% persons with disabilities – PWD. Read More...

Regional project FAIR III “ For Active Inclusion & Rights of Roma Women in the Western Balkans III”

This intervention builds on extensive CARE’s expertise and experience in facilitating process related to women’s empowerment and gender equality across the globe and in the Balkan region. It also intends to scale up approaches and models that have proven successful over the last six years of the FAIR projects’ implementation (FAIR and FAIR II). The project seeks to empower Roma women and girls to be free and able to exercise their rights to live a healthy, dignified life free from violence, inequality and discrimination with support from their partners, families and communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro. This will be accomplished through four output level results that need to be met for the longer-term changes to happen, they are inter-connected and mutually reinforcing since only in that way the outcome can be accomplished.

The first one (Output 1) refers to the enhanced capacities of Roma CSOs, youth and key community actors to practice and promote gender equitable, healthy and non-violent lifestyle with help of tested models and approaches. Under the second expected result (Output 2) Improved access to and provision of services for Roma, Egyptian (RE) women and girls (in particular on SRMH, GBV and Education) will be ensured through strengthening of the Roma CSOs and the existing participatory accountability community mechanisms. Output 3will enable three national-level Roma women networks to be active and contribute to the effective functioning of the regional Roma Women Balkans Network and its enhanced efforts towards Post 2020 EU Roma Integration Agenda. In the last expected result (Output 4), Roma women and girls, CSOs and Networks are part of the regional and global social movement initiatives promoting and advocating for gender equality and (minority) women’s rights. The project will directly target 26,150 people in total –aiming at 85% Roma and over 60% women and girls. Data collection under this project will be disaggregated by sex, age and ethnicity, whenever possible. Over20,000 people are expected to be reached in the three target countries through a series of promotional activities. Final Beneficiaries will include about 78,000 people in the 3 target countries based on the assumption that each target group person will reach out to at least 3 persons in his/her direct environment. [13 pages] Read More...


This study has been elaborated in order to respond to the needs of CARE International Balkans for the design of the project “New economic opportunities for returnees and local marginalised local people in South-East Serbia”. The research is comprised of several approaches with the aim to deliver sufficient information and data on prospects for the successful implementation of the planned action: information on possibilities for socio-economic inclusion of returnees (in Serbia) and prospects of economic improvement for other groups of citizens vulnerable to migration to western countries.
Purpose of this study is to provide a sound basis for developing a project concept and proposal, by identifying project preconditions, opportunities and risks for its implementation. This study provides relevant information on the socio-economic status of returnees and vulnerable local population, their capacity for economic engagement and employment, access to the labour market, as well as economic potential of local business environment.
CARE International Balkans as the lead organization has selected two partners from civil society organizations, ENECA and NEXUS, as project partners which are situated in the regions in which the project would be implemented. The initial project idea has defined geographical coverage which would include 6 administrative districts in Serbia, concentrated in South East Serbia (districts of Pcinj, Jablanica, Nis, Pirot, Bor and Timok). According to the Population Census conducted in 2011 in Serbia, the population of 6 identified districts totals to 1 089 142 inhabitants of which 481 576 are females. These 6 districts make up 15.15% of the overall population of Serbia according to the 2011 Census. Of the 32 local self governments, 21 are classified in the 4th category of development, 5 are in the 3rd category of development, 4 are in the 2nd category and only 2 (Nis and Bor) are in the 1st category of economic development defined by the Regional Development Agency of Serbia. Additionally, a large number of the LSGs in the 4th category are additionally classified into the group of devastated areas/LSGs.

Final Evaluation of the Regional Project: Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and the Prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans – Young Men Initiative – YMI II

The Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans or Young Men Initiative II (YMI II) project was set to enable positive and peaceful societies for young people in Serbia, Kosovo , Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, that support gender equality and decrease interpersonal violence and its extremism. The project builds on the efforts dating from 2007 when YMI started to encourage gender-equitable attitudes and behaviors amongst young men, to decrease violence against (young) women and peer violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia. YMI II project started on October 1, 2017 and ended on December 31, 2020.
The evaluation addressed the whole implementation period, all four target countries and main target and beneficiary groups – representatives of partner organizations, teachers, youth, movement leaders and governments. With the purpose to assess results achieved based on OECD-DAC evaluation criteria, the evaluation focused on relevance, impact, and sustainability of project activities – in relation to the expected results, outcome and outputs, as well as on key learning on approaches to inform future programming.
This report is 55 pages long.

Economic Strengthening for a Sustainable Return to Kosovo Midterm Report

Provision to the improvement of living conditions of IDPs and returnees from readmission process in Serbia and support to the sustainable return to Kosovo/Economic Strengthening for a Sustainable Return to Kosovo

The project “Economic Strengthening for a Sustainable Return to Kosovo”, being implemented over a period of 24 months, from July 11, 2018 to July 11, 2020. It is funded by the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia and implemented in Serbia, specifically South Serbia, Pcinja District, the City of Vranje, and municipalities Vladicin Han, Surdulica, Bosilegrad, Trgoviste, Bujanovac and Presevo, by CARE and local CSO Nexus as a project partner, and municipality of Vranje, as the supporting project partner.

The overall goal of the project is to enable IDPs and returnees from the readmission process to exercise their full rights, supported by enabling migration policies and processes in Republic of Serbia. This wider impact is planned to be achieved through reaching the specific objective - to support the sustainable process of return to Kosovo, for IDPs and readmissions - persons returned to Republic of Serbia according to the Readmission Agreement in the process of reintegration. The Action was envisaged to provide actions to support a sustainable return of beneficiaries interested to move their households and businesses to Kosovo*. As the narrative interim report demonstrated, there were some alterations in the setup of the project as a result of external political circumstances, which influenced these activities.


The Men and Boys as Partners in Promoting Gender Equality and Prevention of Youth Extremism and Violence in the Balkans or the Young Men’s Initiative II (YMI II) project is a follow-up to CARE’s comprehensive and programmatic effort to fight interpersonal and gender-based violence (GBV), as well as to improve gender equality in the region and address preventative issues related to youth extremism and violence.

The Endline Assessment was carried out to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the overall project progress, focusing on changes in knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to gender-based violence, gender equality, healthy lifestyles amongst young men and young women from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo* who participated in ‘Program Y’ in target schools in the period 2018-2020. The endline assessment examined the effects of project activities on: views regarding gender relations; health of young men and women, including mental health, use of psychoactive substances; knowledge about sexual reproductive health; experience of young people who suffered and perpetrated violence. Read More...

Evidence of Change In Gender Equality and Women‘s Empowerment in the Balkans 2005-2012

This is a report about CARE’s work to advance gender equality in the Balkans and what we have achieved over the past seven years. Our goal is to give account and to demonstrate our commitment to change the lives of the people we serve. We want to illustrate the real life impact of the work we do with our partners and to document the process, methods and the tools used. We want to show that what we and partners have achieved, is relevant to the regional context and that our approaches and methodologies make a demonstrable difference. We also want to learn from our challenges and limitations, and we will use these lessons in our future work. Read More...

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