Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

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Endline Evaluation of Udaan II: Catching the Missed Opportunity

Udaan II “Catching the Missed Opportunity” Project, funded by OPEC, is one of the most important initiatives for girls’ education and economic prosperity. As an instrument to women and girls’ empowerment through transforming harmful social norms, building life skills and advocating related policy reforms; the Project was operated for 3 years (November 2017 to October 2020). The project was focused on out of school girls (10 to 14 year old) from marginalized and socially excluded communities and have never been to school or dropped out in their primary education for delivering an accelerated learning approach. This project was implemented by Care Nepal in Krishannagar Rural Municipality, Kapilvastu Municipality and Maharajgunj Rural Municipality of Kapilbastu district in cooperation with its local partner Siddhartha Social Development Centre (SSDC).

The objective of the evaluation study was to measure both, the intended and unintended outcomes and impact of the project against the targeted results.

The evaluation study followed both the qualitative and quantitative methods for data collection. The focus group discussion, in-depth interview, and key informant interviews were the methods for field data collection. The data collected were analyzed and presented in tables, figures, and themes. [58 pages] Read More...

Endline Evaluation of Haushala Initiative of LEAD Program

Care Nepal has been implementing Haushala project which was designed to strengthen girls’ agency along with education outcomes, economic empowerment and adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) practices, hence helping to build sustainable change, including through creating a safer and more secure learning environment, facilitating social networks and gradually transforming traditional social norms with a negative impact on girls. The project also aimed to improve accountability and gender responsiveness of service providers for improved learning for girls.

During the evaluation both qualitative and quantitative data were collected using questionnaires, FGD and KII checklist for girls, parents, head teachers, cooperatives and school management committee. The data collection faced few limitations arising from COVID-19 which limited the logistical flexibility of the project along with created greater ethical consideration regarding health of the enumerators.

Girls reported that they perceived high parental support in their studies but this perception decreased with age. Parents and Girls both credit UALC and its program for aiding them and their children to attend formal schools. Parents were highly motivated by UALC and its stakeholders to help their daughter(s) to join formal education. However, it was also observed that the effort put by stakeholders such as schools and social mobilisers on influencing the parents who did not enroll their daughter(s) in formal school after UALC was not enough. But, as the transition was already very high and parents who did not send their daughter(s) for the first time were not that willing to re-enroll. Hence, the project can be deemed a success to certain point. [151 pages] Read More...


This report is an external evaluation of “Economic Strengthening for a Sustainable Return to Kosovo* ” project, implemented by CARE Interrnational Balkan, Serbia Office and two co-applicants – NEXUS Vranje and the City of Vranje, financed by the European Union (IPA/2017/154545-2/7, Contract no. 2018/397-386). Lead applicant of the project was CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg e.V. Project implementation period under review was from the 11th July 2018 to 10th September 2020. The evaluation was carried out by the external evaluator in the September 2020.
Overall objective of the project was to enable IDPs and returnees from the readmission process exercise full rights, supported by enabling migration policies and processes in Republic of Serbia. This overall goal was planned to be achieved through reaching the specific objective - Support the prospect of sustainable return to Kosovo by increasing the skills and employability of IDPs and readmissants in their current place of living to provide the necessary basis for an eventual return when the political situation has altered in a way that return becomes more realistic.
This project was well designed, led and implemented. The results achieved until the end of the implementation of the project have been assessed as fully accomplished. The entirety of planned activities, in spite of some of them being delayed due to COVID19 pandemic, was realized until the end of the project cycle. The estimated number of beneficiaries that was to be covered with this Action was reached, while the number of beneficiaries of in-kind grants was surpassed. As was planned all project activities were based on the needs of direct beneficiaries, matching those needs to available resources, supporting and nurturing communication and cooperation between all relevant stakeholders. Read More...

ProJeunes Final Evaluation Prévenir les mariages précoces et forcés au Bénin

Prévenir les mariages précoces et forcés au Bénin (PROJEUNES) est un projet de 3 millions de dollars canadiens destiné à lutter contre les mariages précoces et forcés d'enfants au Bénin, dans 20 villages aux départements de l'Alibori et du Borgou. PROJEUNES est un partenariat entre CARE, Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights et le gouvernement du Bénin (Ministère de la Santé, Ministère des Affaires sociales et de la Microfinance et Ministère des enseignements secondaire, technique et de la formation professionnelle). Le projet est un partenariat de trois ans, d'avril 2018 à mars 2021, financé par le gouvernement du Canada. Ce rapport présente les progrès réalisés pour l’atteinte des résultats ultime, intermédiaires et immédiats du projet. Plusieurs collectes et analyses des données de fin du projet ont été réalisées par l’équipe de projet et un consultant externe entre mars et juin 2021. Les différentes évaluations effectuées sont les suivantes : Revue et analyse documentaires des principales lois, politiques et stratégies béninoises relatives à la SSRD/SSRAJ, aux MPFE et aux VBG; Évaluation de groupements FaFa Wa et de certaines de leurs members; Évaluation de filles à risque/vulnérables et survivantes de MPFE; Enquête auprès des ménages; Analyse qualitative contextuelle et Évaluation de 12 CS et 4 CPS. Read More...

Enhancing Social Protection by Empowering CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina

This report is the summary of the findings and recommendations by the team of the evaluators (Zlatko Sarić and Mirna Dabić Davidović) within the evaluation of the project “Enhancing Social Protection by Empowering CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. “The main purpose of the evaluation is to capture findings of the process and make recommendations for potential future programmatic engagement in similar actions. The evaluation was carried out in the period October-December 2020.
The project implementation period is from May 2018 until December 2020 and it was carried out in different geographical areas across Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Project was implemented by CARE International in cooperation with 7 partner Civil Society Organisations that work with different marginalized groups. Read More...

Lesson Learned from the construction of a 1800m3 capacity gabion in Wadi Hassan Valley, Khanfer district, Aden governorate under Food for Assets (FFA) Project

What is the specific situation that the lesson learned relates to?
It is about this asset that serves and protects more than 5,000 acres of agricultural land from drought and adds value in different aspects such as increasing underground water level of Abyan and Aden, as such, leading to diversified livelihood options e.g. livestock rearing and bee farming.

How is this impacted by the local context/environment/culture?
The agricultural sector is one of the most important economic sectors in Abyan governorate, and the main source of income for most of the people, as many of them are engaged in agriculture activities. Abyan governorate is famous for its agricultural valleys including Wadi Banna, Wadi Hassan, Wadi Delta Abyan, Delta Ahour.

Because of previous conflicts and wars that occurred in Abyan, the irrigation system was destroyed and was subjected to destruction and neglect. The Abyan Delta agricultural area located in the districts of Zanzibar and Khanfar in Abyan governorate experienced high flow of water from seasonal rainfall, however, the flow of water irrigated a small part of agricultural areas in Khanfar and Zanzibar districts. The bulk of these flood water went into to the sea, as well as causing damages such as eroding farmers' lands, damaging roads, damaging irrigation channels, bridges, and even the destruction of homes that affected some villages and population centres.

After the failure of the dam project in Wadi Hassan in year 1992, many irrigation channels, including Hussein Canal, were deprived of floodwater, which led to the drought of agricultural lands, in the process, depriving more than 2000 families of their main source of income. Hussein Canal covers more than 5000 Hectares of agricultural land that has been deprived for more than ten years of seasonal floods, which is its main source of irrigation by torrents.

In this project, five villages (Al-Dergag, Al-Komblyah, Maykalan, Kadmat Al-Saeed qasem and Obar Otman) that are inter-connected as a sub-district were targeted and benefited from the floodwater that came through the Hussein Canal. Based on the community leaders and irrigation office’s request, a 1800m3 capacity Gabion (360 inter-connected sub-gabions each with size 5m length X 1m depth X 1m breadth) covering a distance of 105 meters was constructed in Wadi Hassan to bring water from the valley to Hussein main channel for irrigation for villager’s lands by floods and torrents water. [5 Pages]

Addressing Gender-Based Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in Vietnam and Cambodia

Purpose: This final evaluation aims to build an impact assessment of the sexual harassment prevention (SHP) package in the targeted suppliers of Primark in Vietnam. In particular, the final evaluation aims to assess the appropriateness and the effectiveness of interventions of the SHP package and review the possibility and lesson learnt to scale up the SHP intervention to other suppliers of Primark in Vietnam.

Methods: The study employed a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods. Regarding qualitative methods, the study organised and collected information from 2 focus group discussions (FGD) with the Sexual Harassment Committee (SHPC) members, 6 in-depth-Interview with leaders and workers, the four most significant change stories and a program reflection workshop. The quantitative method was a survey with a sample of 196 employees working in the targeted factories. [76 pages]

Main findings: The intervention package of the project had 3 major domains of activities which included training and advocacy to leaders and managers of the factories participating in the project on SHP, supporting the factories to develop and implement SHP mechanisms, and awareness-raising and behaviour change campaigns. The project’s activities that focus on training and advocacy for the targeted factories’ leaders and managers had promoted them to proactively participate in address sexual harassment in their factories. The factory management board had publicly shown their commitment to implement the established SH prevention policies and actively participating in implementing all the project activities and creating role models at the forefront of good practice performance. Also, the findings of this evaluation show significant improvements in behaviours and the capacities of SHPC members and resource persons regarding implementing SHP activities and SH case handling. Read More...

Gendered Violence Research Network: Enhancing Women’s Voice to STOP Sexual Harassment Final Evaluation – Vietnam

CARE Australia, through its partner CARE Country Offices (COs), has been working to prevent and address the issue of sexual harassment in mainland Southeast Asia’s garment sector since 2017. STOP is funded by CARE Australia and the Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) and the Gender Action Platform (GAP).

STOP is aligned with CARE International’s organisational remit of working in gender transformative ways to cultivate gender equality and justice and uses an adapted version of the World Health Organisation’s ‘socio-ecological model of violence prevention.

STOP’s key objectives can be summarised as follows:
1. To support garment factories in developing effective workplace mechanisms to respond to sexual harassment.
2. To make female garment factory workers feel safe enough to report sexual harassment, and through engagement with garment factories, enable them to do so without negative consequences.
3. To strengthen the national regulatory environment to promote laws, policies and mechanisms to address sexual harassment in the workplace. STOP works with participating factories to implement STOP’s Workplace Sexual Harassment Prevention Package (WSHPP) to create workplaces where female workers feel safe and experience less sexual harassment. This is achieved using a ‘social norms approach’ at the individual, factory, and societal levels. [32 pages] Read More...

Integrated Humanitarian Assistance Program (IHAP) South and East Darfur

WASH, Health and Nutrition project is supporting the most vulnerable populations in South and East Darfur States. The project aims to provide lifesaving and integrated WASH, Health and Nutrition Services to 443,190 individuals 332,764 individuals in South (including 253,191 IDPs and 79,573 host community members) and 110,426 individuals in East Darfur (including 10,000 IDPs and 100,426 host community members). CARE target IDPs and host communities in both South and East Darfur states by increasing access to safe water supply, sanitation facilities and hygiene supplies, improving access to basic curative and preventive primary health care, and increased access to nutrition assistance for affected children under 5 and pregnant and lactating women (PLW). Integrating WASH, Health, and Nutrition activities the project will contribute to saving lives by reducing wasting and stunting levels caused by Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) and Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM).

In October 2020, CARE International Vibes Consultancy Services to conduct an end-line evaluation of the project implemented during the period 2019 to 2020 in two States (South and East Darfur) The evaluation is expected to contribute to strengthening accountability of CARE International for its donors and key stakeholders (including beneficiaries), and to learn from this experience to inform future WASH, Health and Nutrition projects. Key evaluation questions have been special focus on project relevancy, efficiency, effectiveness and impact of the project. This report therefore documents key findings of the evaluation as well as lessons learnt and recommendations useful in guiding the implementation of future projects. [44 Pages] Read More...


La vaccination et les services de planification familiale sont deux composantes importantes des soins de santé primaire. La plupart des femmes en période post-partum prolongée souhaitent retarder ou éviter d’autres grossesses mais beaucoup d’entre elles n’utilisent pas de méthode moderne de contraception. Une analyse des données provenant de plusieurs pays a montré que les besoins de contraception non satisfaits chez cette population étaient très importants, allant de 45 % à plus de 80 % des femmes en post-partum (Borda and Winfrey, 2008). La planification familiale permet aux couples d’avoir le nombre d’enfants qu’ils désirent et de choisir le moment et l’espacement des grossesses, ce qui permet d’améliorer la santé de la mère et de l’enfant. Les grossesses trop rapprochées peuvent représenter un danger pour la santé de la mère et de l’enfant (OMS, 2007a). Les grossesses espacées de moins de 18 à 24 mois ont été associées à des risques plus élevés de naissance prématurée, de faible poids de naissance, de décès fœtal, néonatal ou du nourrisson, et d’effets négatifs sur la santé maternelle (Conde-Agudelo et al. 2012). La vaccination des enfants est l’un des services de santé les plus équitables et les plus utilisés dans le monde. Le calendrier de vaccination et de soins de santé primaire recommandé pendant la première année de vie de l’enfant donne lieu à de nombreux contacts pour des soins de santé. Veiller à ce que des services et conseils de planification familiale soient liés aux contacts pour la vaccination des enfants via des services de santé primaire bien gérés peut permettre de proposer aux mères des informations et des services de planification familiale pendant la période critique des 12 mois suivant l’accouchement. Une modélisation à partir de données provenant de cinq pays d’Afrique subsaharienne a montré que le fait d’entrer en contact avec les femmes en post-partum au moment de la vaccination infantile pouvait faire diminuer les besoins de planification familiale non satisfaits de 3,8 à 8,9 points de pourcentage (Gavin et al. 2011). Dans ce contexte, CARE Benin/Togo, sur financement de la Fondation GSK en collaboration avec le Ministère de la Santé et de l’Hygiène Publique du Togo, a mis en œuvre depuis Décembre 2018 une initiative de renforcement du système de santé et d'intégration des services de vaccination et de planification familiale dans 11 Formations Sanitaires du district de la Binah dans la Région de la Kara au Togo, dénommée « Promotion de la Santé de la Mère et de l’Enfant (PSME) [48 Pages]. Read More...

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