Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.
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Estudio de la Linea de Base del Proyecto “Ella Alimenta al Mundo – Perú”
Por definición, se elabora el presente estudio con el objetivo de contar con una Línea de Base que permita medir por comparación los resultados y el impacto del mencionado proyecto (desarrollado en alianza institucional con PepsiCo), cuyos ejes fundamentales se encuentran en el apoyo a mujeres agricultoras y sus familias en tres regiones del Perú (Piura, Lima e Ica): en este contexto, el proyecto proveerá educación, recursos y apoyo económico para ayudarlas a aumentar el rendimiento de sus cultivos, sus ingresos y el acceso a la nutrición a nivel local (Nutrición es el Componente 1 del proyecto). Read More...
Tropical Cyclone Harold Rapid Gender Analysis
Any cyclone in Vanuatu creates difficulties for the population particularly in relation to food security for a country where 75% of the population live in rural areas and are reliant on subsistence agriculture. Vanuatu is currently also responding to the very real threat of the global pandemic COVID-19 and so disaster response mechanisms have to refocus to respond to the effects of a category 5 cyclone affecting around 58% of the nation’s population. TC Harold could disproportionately affect women and girls in the Northern provinces impacting their shelter, food security, nutrition, health and protection. In Vanuatu, women have the prime responsibility to ensure that the family has food, they are also the primary care givers for children, the elderly and the disabled who if displaced are at risk of health and protection issues. Maternal and sexual reproductive health (SRH) needs continue in an emergency, but can be overlooked or deprioritised. Women are also responsible for caring for children especially in response to the COVID-19 school closures in Sanma province so if schools are damaged by the cyclone then this will add an extra burden to women’s already considerable workloads. Read More...
COVID 19 Rapid Gender Analysis Middle East and North Africa Region
preventative measures even more challenging.
Women and girls in MENA faced numerous barriers to education, mobility, financial and asset control, and public leadership prior to the pandemic, and any positive gains made recently are at risk. They are impacted by losses in the informal labor market, elevated levels of violence and harassment, and increased burdens of caregiving for out-of-school children, sick and elderly family members.
Levels of psychosocial distress, already high in a volatile region are only escalating, with reductions in men’s roles as providers
being felt in a context of strict gender roles and stigmatization. The potential shift in men’s and boys’ role to provide increased
caregiving should be explored in contextually-appropriate manners.
Latin America & Caribbean: Venezuelan Migrants & Refugees in Colombia
CARE Rapid Gender Analysis, Latin America and the Caribbean – The Bahamas / Hurricane Dorian, September 2019
The objectives of this initial RGA are to present some early findings and recommendations related to the impact of the crisis on women, men, boys and girls. The intention is to not only inform CARE’s own understanding, but also to provide useful information and recommendations to actors responding to the current crisis to support them deliver gender-appropriate interventions, including UN agencies, Bahamian disaster response authorities, local and international NGOs, and other service providers such as churches and volunteer groups. Read More...
Tropical Cyclone Gita Kingdom of Tonga Rapid Gender Analysis Sub-focus on Shelter and Food Security and Livelihoods
This rapid gender analysis (RGA) is designed to provide initial information about gender roles, responsibilities, capacities and vulnerabilities of women, men, girls and boys, SOGIE and other marginalised people prior to and after
TC Gita. It provides a snapshot of the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of particular groups in the
affected communities. Taking into consideration the tight time-frame, rapidly changing context and limited information.
This is the first inter-agency rapid gender analysis that has been organized and conducted in the Philippines. The agencies mobilized are a mix of women’s rights organizations that are active in the Gender-based Violence Sub-Cluster and civil society organizations/INGOs with extensive humanitarian experience that are members of CARE’s Humanitarian Partnership Platform. Read More...
Assessment on the Impact of the El Niño Event in PNG, October 2015
In order to better understand the needs and capabilities of affected communities, CARE International in PNG (CARE PNG) undertook a series of assessments in three droughtaffected provinces between September 21 and October 2 2015. In parallel to the needs assessments, CARE PNG did a rapid gender analysis on the differing impact of the drought on women, men, girls and boys. The assessments were done in OburaWonenara (Eastern Highlands Province), Menyamya (Morobe) and Gumine (Chimbu) districts in communities not yet covered by National Disaster Center (NDC)-led assessment teams. Read More...
Initial Rapid Gender Assessment Report Papua New Guinea 2015 El Niño: Select Communities of Eastern Highlands, Morobe and Chimbu (October 2015)
This initial gender analysis and subsequent recommendations will serve to inform CARE International in PNG’s (CARE PNG) programming response to the 2015 El Niño event in ways which respect the different needs of women, men, girls and boys in El Niño affected communities in Papua New Guinea. Read More...
CARE Rapid Gender Analysis Papua New Guinea – Highlands earthquake
The objectives are to better understand:
how women, men, girls and boys are affected by the earthquake
the impact of the earthquake on gender dynamics
emerging opportunities to provide an emergency response that meets the differing needs and protect women,
men, boys and girls.
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