Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation

Mid-Term Strategic Review of the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity

CARE commissioned a Mid-Term Strategic Review (MTSR) of the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity to formulate recommendations for the remaining life of the project to increase effectiveness in achieving sustainable impact. The Livelihoods for Resilience Activity is being implemented in 27 Woredas in the three regions of Tigray, Amhara, and Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples and is just over the midway point in its five-year life from December 5, 2016, through December 3, 2021. The purpose of the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity is to reduce food insecurity and increase resilience for 97,900 chronically food insecure households that are enrolled in the fourth cycle of the Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP4), enabling them to graduate with resilience from the PSNP4.

The MTSR for the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity was a formative evaluation exercise intended to provide guidance on ways to improve the effectiveness of the program in achieving intended impact.

Relative to the four global learning questions for the MTSR (see page 4), the MTSR found that the model that the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity is implementing is effective for achieving graduation with resilience, but because frontline delivery is constrained by the number of staff, their technical capacities and the degree of supervision and support that they receive, interventions are not always going deeply enough to ensure behavioral change. The program is empowering women both economically and socially through the VESA platform, but there are significant variations between regions; and outside of the VESA, there is some evidence to suggest that women’s empowerment has not yet been well incorporated, especially in value chain participation and MFI linkages. Progress is certainly being made in transferring ideas and knowledge to PSNP counterparts, but that has not yet translated into practice mainly because of resource constraints. Key approaches that need to be added or strengthened in the coming two years include expanding frontline delivery capacities, expanding efforts to ensure that strategies and approaches are well understood by implementation staff at all levels in all partners, ensuring that women’s empowerment is included in all approaches by all partners, and looking for new ways to facilitate access to jobs, either through self-employment or wage employment, for youth from PSNP households.

The Livelihoods for Resilience Activity is already doing some very nice work in starting to achieve sustainable impact. The project has strong potential to be recognized as a “great” project if it can make some adjustments.

Evaluation Initiale du projet de renforcement de la résilience des communautés les plus vulnérables par l’intermédiaire d’actions de réduction de risques de catastrophes inclusives à Madagascar

Du fait de sa situation géographique dans le sud-ouest de l'océan Indien, Madagascar est le deuxième pays d'Afrique le plus exposé à de multiples risques de catastrophe. Entre 2000 et 2017, Madagascar a enregistré 19 catastrophes majeures déclenchées par l'environnement nécessitant une assistance internationale, ce qui le place bien devant tout autre pays en Afrique australe au cours de la même période. Parmi les divers aléas auxquels le pays est exposé, les tempêtes tropicales et les inondations sont ceux qui causent le plus de dommages socio-économiques et de pertes de vies humaines.
Les districts de Mahajanga I, Mahajanga II et Marovoay qui sont localisés sur la côte Ouest Malgache font partie des districts à risques en cas de catastrophes naturelles en particulier les cyclones et les inondations. Compte tenu de l’historique et de la probabilité que d’autres catastrophes naturelles se produisent au niveau de la zone dans le futur, CARE avec le financement d’ECHO met en oeuvre un projet d’amélioration de la résilience des populations et des institutions pour faire face aux risques de catastrophes d’une durée de 21 mois dans la Région Boeny sur la côte ouest de Madagascar.
A cet effet, CARE a procédé à un appel à consultance pour la réalisation d’une évaluation de référence incluant une enquête sur les connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des communautés cibles du projet qui utilisera des méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives et dont le but est de collecter des données de référence qui aideront éventuellement les parties prenantes du projet à tirer des conclusions rigoureuses sur la performance du projet (pertinence, efficience, efficacité, impact, durabilité) à la fin du projet. Read More...

Promoting Resilient Livelihoods in Borana (RESET II) – Midterm

RESET II project, which began in October 2016, has been implemented for 42 months with a total budget Euro 6,586,291 and is financed by European Commission through European Union Trust Fund (EUTF). Implemented through a multi stakeholders consortium which included CARE Ethiopia, Oromo Self Help Organization (OSHO) and Action Against Hunger (AAH), the project was designed to address root causes of displacement and irregular migration in Arero, Miyo, Dire, Moyale, Dillo and Dhas Woredas within the Borena Zone, Oromia region. With the overall aim of enhancing the resilience of over 100,000 PSNP and other vulnerable communities, of which over 70,000 are women covering 21,000 households in total, the project results framework consists of five outcomes i.e. improved access and coverage of health and nutrition, diversified and increased livelihood opportunities and incomes, improved Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) capacity, enhanced research and knowledge management systems and reduced barriers to women empowerment. In order to achieve the above aim, the project partners employed CARE’s Pastoralist Resilience Casual Model (PRCM) using proven CARE’S Village Saving and Loan Association (VSLA), Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (CVCA), Social Analysis and Action (SAA), Participatory Scenario Planning (PSP) and AAH’s as well as Assisting Behavior change (ABC) methods and approaches throughout the project implementation.

The main purpose of this evaluation is to assess the progress, achievements, constraints and lessons learnt from the implementation of the project and to produce sufficient evidence that would help achieve the project overall objective. With that in mind, while the primary audiences for the evaluation are the consortium partners and the European Union, the secondary audience could also include relevant sector government offices and other Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) implementing similar projects as lessons learned here may guide similar programming. Read More...

CARE – FANRAPAN Post-Project Evaluation of Climate Resilient Agriculture Practices

CARE and FANRPAN share common approaches to sustainable economic and social development. We jointly recognize the challenges to inclusive agricultural development in Africa. We also recognize the importance of agriculture research, policy advocacy and capacity strengthening, all of which are needed to improve agricultural production and productivity. This study is an integral part of these shared objectives and is a collaborative effort of the CARE and FANRPAN teams in Mozambique.


Final Project Evaluation Northern Uplands – Promoting Climate Resilience

The Northern Uplands - Promoting Climate Resilience (NU-PCR) is implemented by CARE International in Lao PDR in partnership with the Comité de Coopération avec le Laos (CCL) and the Sustainable Agriculture and Environment Development Association (SAEDA). The project, funded by the European Union (EU), CARE Denmark, and OXFAM (OHK), is designed to improve the resilience of local ethic communities in Phongsaly to the impacts of climate change and to strengthen the capacity of government authorities and local ethnic communities. The objective of the project is to enable improved resilience of remote ethnic upland communities, in particular women, to the impact of climate variability and change, and contribute to the achievement of MDGs 1, 3, and 7. The purpose of the evaluation was to determine the project’s success in implementing activities and in attaining the project’s goals and expected results.

NU-PCR has implemented a wide variety of activities to increase the resilience of ethnic communities to climate change and climate variability. The project has been successful in achieving its objectives and expected results. Improvements in households’ resilience to climate change have been validated from results of the end-line study in comparison to baseline values. Project support for cardamom and tea production; intercropping galangal, pineapple, and fruit trees; piloting rattan, bee keeping, and soybeans; vegetable gardening; improved rice production; mushroom production; fishponds; and support to women’s savings and loans groups has resulted in reducing the impact of climatic hazards and improving villagers’ incomes.
(69 pages)

Northern Uplands Promoting Climate Resilience (NU PCR)

The objective of the Northern Uplands – Promoting Climate Resilience (NU-PCR) project is to support vulnerable households in remote areas in three districts in Phongsaly to better understand the current trends and changes in climate and adapt their agricultural livelihoods to these changes. The project is funded by the European Union and was jointly and successfully implemented by CARE, CCL and SAEDA, in close collaboration with local communities (in Mai, Samphan and Gnot Ou districts of the Phongsaly province), the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Lao Women’s Union (among others).
The current report summarises the achievements accomplished during the four years of its implementation (2014-2018).
The greatest achievements (see resilience graphic on page 15) refer to improvement on women’s agency (not least through the establishment of VSLAs), farmers’ long term planning, division of labour through gender equitable shared workload, access to agro-climate information services and livelihood recovery rate. Interestingly, the project could not influence livelihood diversification. This is rooted in the fact, that livelihood of remote ethnic communities in the Northern Uplands of Lao PDR is already highly diversified. Further diversification may rather result economically risky (too much time and resources to be invested dispersive in large variety of farming options, at the cost of investment in value addition of existing livelihood priorities). Therefore, the support provided rather focused on the expansion and value addition to already existing practices (e.g. cultivation, processing and marketing of Cardamom, Tea, Honey, Galangal, Mushroom, Rice, Fish, etc.). (54 pages) Read More...

Evaluation of the 2017 Somalia Humanitarian Cash-Based Response

Cash Based Assistance (CBA) has been used by humanitarian organisations in Somalia to assist people in need since 2003. After several years of poor rainfall, the humanitarian community responded to a famine alert issued in January 2017 with a significant scale-up of funding and programmes. Having originally published a 2017 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) in November 2016, by May 2017, the Somalia Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) revised the HRP upwards to target 5.5 million people needing assistance. The United Nations (UN), Red Cross, Red Crescent Movement and numerous international and national NGOs delivered a wide variety of life-saving and livelihood support CBA to vulnerable people across the country. [72 pages] Read More...

Mahafatoky Baseline

Mahafatoky est un projet qui cible 250.000 personnes (l’équivalent de 50.000 ménages) qui vivent en milieu rural dans les deux districts du Nord – Est de Madagascar. Les moyens de subsistance de la population cible proviennent des revenu de l’Agriculture et de la pêche. Ce sont les groupes spécifiques que le projet Mahafatoky atteindra afin de renforcer la résilience de cette communauté tout en respectant leur diversité. En effet, le mot malagasy « Mahafatoky » veut dire librement « inspirer la confiance » et se réfère aux système ou outils pour se protéger et s’adapter à une situation.
Mahafatoky couvre une partie de la région de SAVA, à savoir : les 12 Communes du District d’Antalaha et 2 Communes du Districts de Sambava durant 3 ans – Janvier 2015 à Décembre 2018.
L’objectif du projet Mahafatoky est d’augmenter la résilience de la communauté à travers le renforcement de capacité de la communauté à s’adapter et à réduire les effets négatifs du changement climatique sur leur sécurité alimentaire. (107 pages)

MAHAFATOKY project final evaluation

CARE Madagascar a mis en œuvre un projet qui s’intitule MAHAFATOKY dont l’objectif est d’accroître la résilience de 50.000 ménages dans les deux districts côtiers de la Région SAVA. Généralement, les actions tournent autour des renforcements de capacités pour que la population cible, notamment les plus vulnérables, s’adapte à réduire les effets néfastes du changement climatique sur leur sécurité alimentaire. L’objectif du projet Mahafatoky est de renforcer la résilience des 50000 ménages dans les deux districts côtiers de la Région SAVA à Madagascar, par une plus grande capacité à s’adapter aux effets du changement sur leur sécurité alimentaire et à réduire ces effets. Le projet comprend trois volets essentiels et complémentaires: i) La Gestion des risques et des catastrophes, ii) La sécurité alimentaire et iii) Le groupe d’épargne villageois. Ces trois volets se répartissent en sept (7) résultats attendus (RA) dont les analyses des valeurs actuelles de chaque indicateur sont développées dans ce rapport. Au terme du projet, les bénéficiaires finaux du projet sont de 73 032 ménages soit 365.160 Personnes qui représentent 146% de l’objectif fixé. (118 pages) Read More...

Informe Evaluacion Final: Mejorando la capacidad de resiliencia y la respuesta a desastres de poblaciones expuestas a multi-amenazas, de los municipios de San Pedro Jocopilas y San Bartolomé Jocotenango, departamento de Quiché

Esté proyecto buscó reducir las vulnerabilidades institucionales, educativas y sociales y mejorar la capacidad de resiliencia ante escenarios de multi-amenaza de las comunidades de los municipios de San Pedro Jocopilas y San Bartolomé Jocotenango, del departamento de Quiché, fortalecer las capacidades de las comunidades y de las estructuras de la COMRED en los municipios mencionados para proteger sus medios de vida y responder eficaz y oportunamente con enfoque de ciudadanía inclusiva a situaciones de emergencias y/o desastres, ante escenarios de multi-amenaza. [33 paginas] Read More...

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