Emergency|Humanitarian Aid

Rapid Gender And GBV Assessment in MMC and Jere Local Governments – Borno State

The unprecedented gender and protection implications of the NE Nigeria insurgency prompted CARE International to initiate a gender and GBV assessment. The assessment was undertaken in two phases: a desk review and consultation with stakeholders in March 2017 to gather relevant data of the gender and protection context in NE Nigeria in conflict and post-conflict situations, as well as information on existing legal provision and frameworks. A field assessment was conducted in January 2018, to complete the first assessment with primary data from affected women and men in Borno and Yobe states.

Rapid Gender and GBV1 assessments provide information about the different GBV risks, needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, boys and girls in a crisis. The analysis is built up progressively using a range of primary and secondary information to understand gender roles and power relations and the implied GBV risks and how they may change during a crisis. The analysis provides practical, programming and operational recommendations to meet the different needs of women, men, boys and girls, to ensure that humanitarian actors ‘do no harm’ in their operations. The global objective of this assessment is to improve the quality and effectiveness of CARE and partner’s response to the North East Nigeria crisis. Read More...

Tropical Cyclone Winston Response, Fiji

A 21 page report reviewing the response to the category 5 TCW in Fiji. Action taken aimed to aid, support and repair damage to the Fijian communities on various islands. Key responses included the provision of hygiene, shelter and tool kits as well as start-up seed packs. Read More...

Azraq Refugee Assistance camp services report 2016

This 26 page document shows results from 2016 in Azraq camp. 7 years into the crisis in Syria, refugees in Jordan are trying to find stable and productive lives and keep themselves and their children safe. With support from UNHCR and many donors, CARE supports activities in the Azraq refugee camp, and in Jordanian communities that are hosting refugees. Azraq camp supports 33,116 people, and the project worked with 41,540 people in the camp and in the surrounding communities. Read More...

Zimbabwe ‘cash first’ humanitarian response 2015–2017

This 107 page final evaluation of the DFIF-funded Cash First Humanitarian response was written by Ox... Read More...

Typhoon haiyan reconstruction assistance project midterm

This 97 page document highlights mid-term findings from Project, “Typhoon Haiyan Reconstruction Assi... Read More...

Final abiemnom smart survey report 2017

This 50 page report details a SMART Nutrition Survey undertaken in Abiemnom County, South Sudan in ... Read More...

Rapport final – etude ptm care-echo (20 dec 2016)

Pour capitaliser ces expériences, CARE a commandité une étude quantitative et qualitative d'évaluati... Read More...

Madagascar – apinga – rapport d’évaluation finale care mdg (version définitive)

This 74 page report highlights the results of the APINGA project financed by BMZ Read More...

Philippines-haiyan-care baseline study

This 110 page study reflects the baseline findings of the Typhoon Haiyan Reconstruction Assistance p... Read More...

Emergency cash-first response evaluation

This 161 page document highlights findings from the mobile case transfers project from August 2015 ... Read More...

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