Knowledge, Attitude, And Practice (KAP) Study Under TARINA
The TATA-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition has been awarded a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to promote nutrition–sensitive food system in India that enhances the availability and affordability of diverse, high quality and nutrient rich foods for the rural poor; through the project known as Technical Assistance and Research for Indian Nutrition and Agriculture (TARINA). CARE India has been the implementing partner under TARINA for the project activities in Odisha across 72 villages in two districts i.e. Kandhamal and Kalahandi. The project commenced on November 2015 and is ongoing. Now that the project has reached its midline, CARE India intended to understand and assess the changes (desirable and undesirable) and impacts (positive and negative) of intervention made so far through conducting a Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) study so that based on its recommendations, course correctional steps/actions can be taken to strengthen and maximize the positive impacts in the remaining years. The key objective of this study is to establish the impact of TARINA strategies on crop diversification and improved kitchen garden practices on diet diversity through technical assistance under TARINA project through assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of farmers. [64 pages] Read More...
Baseline Study Right to Food Nepal
Right to Food Project (RtF Project) is a six year project being implemented in Siraha, Udayapur and Okhaldhunga from January 2014. The project will be implemented in partnership with Right to Food Network, Community Self Reliance Centre and National Farmers Groups Federation. The impact groups for the project are small holder and landless farmers with a focus on women and other marginalized groups. [117 pages] Read More...
Right to Food Nepal Midterm
This report presents the results of the midterm review of the Right to Food (RtF) project implemented by CARE Nepal from 2013 to 2017. The review aimed at assessing the project’s performance against its impact goal and domains of change and to make operational recommendations for the second phase of the project. Outcome mapping was also used as a methodological framework for this Mid Term Review. Data collection tools included focus groups, interviews, reflection workshops and collection of most significant change stories. Respondents included representatives from the impact groups (landless and small holder farmers), strategic partners, beneficiaries of small grant programme, technical partners (LIBIRD), CARE Nepal RtF project team and CARE DK. [60 pages] Read More...
Phongsaly Rural Development Project (PRDP) Final Evaluation
Care International Lao in Lao PDR (CARE INTERNATIONAL LAO) since 1992 has assisted implementing several successful projects in Lao PDR. Phongsaly Province is one of target provinces that rural poors are largely witnessed. Phongsaly Province, located in the northern most of Laos, is among the poorest provinces with 94.4% of total villages are poor and 53.3% of total households are poor (Source: NGPES), and 4 of seven districts in Phongsaly Provinces, mainly Mai, Khua, Yot Ou and Samphan Districts have been classified as poor districts among 72 poor districts in the country. The poor villages in three neighboring districts of Khua, Mai and Samphan take 85.8%, 94.7% and 100% respectively against total villages.
The project expands actions initiated under the current EC-funded Food Security project, and expands into two districts, Samphan and Mai. CARE will work with partners to add technically proven interventions and ensure the sustainability and diffusion of food and nutrition interventions locally and on a wider scale. This project was designed through joint CARE and District authority review of the current action and the AusAID and CARE Australia guidelines. Key associates such as the District Offices of Agriculture and Forestry (DAFO), Public Health (DPHO), the Lao Women’s Union (LWU) and other district departments and mass organisations, will be the focus of capacity development actions ranging from policy frameworks to technical approaches. [30 pages] Read More...
The project expands actions initiated under the current EC-funded Food Security project, and expands into two districts, Samphan and Mai. CARE will work with partners to add technically proven interventions and ensure the sustainability and diffusion of food and nutrition interventions locally and on a wider scale. This project was designed through joint CARE and District authority review of the current action and the AusAID and CARE Australia guidelines. Key associates such as the District Offices of Agriculture and Forestry (DAFO), Public Health (DPHO), the Lao Women’s Union (LWU) and other district departments and mass organisations, will be the focus of capacity development actions ranging from policy frameworks to technical approaches. [30 pages] Read More...
Proyecto HOGASA
Los altos indicadores con tendencia al descenso estimados por el Estudio de HOGASA, aunque no homogéneos, ni globales ratifican la persistencia de la exclusión social que sufre el corredor seco; en Lempira e Intibucá casi la mitad de los niños y niñas presentan desnutrición crónica, con una situación de deterioro en ascenso en La Paz, requiriéndose intervenciones integrales hacia las causas estructurales de la desnutrición infantil3 focalizando las poblaciones, con perspectivas de ciclo de vida, pobreza y acceso a servicios de salud, con transversalizacion por género. [40 pages]
AWASAR Project Baseline Report
CARE Nepal has entrusted RECID Nepal to carry out a baseline survey of AWASAR project. The main objective of the baseline survey was to establish baseline benchmark by collecting quantitative and qualitative information. The baseline survey has yielded the parameters which can be used during the midline and end line evaluation. The baseline survey assessed the existing situation of agriculture/livelihoods, education, nutrition and food sufficiency status of migrating families of the project VDCs. [69 pages] Read More...
Improving Adolescent Reproductive Health and Nutrition Through Structural Solutions (Abdiboru Project) Baseline Quantitative Survey Report
Improving Adolescent Reproductive Health and Nutrition through Structural Solutions project (Abdiboru Project) is implemented in West Hararghe Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. The project is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The project interventions are developed and implemented by CARE Ethiopia. Addis Continental Institute of Public Health is the research partner responsible for the research and evaluation components of the project. [115 pages]
Ethiopia Baseline Summary Growing Nutrition for Mothers and Children (GROW)
Growing Nutrition for Mothers and Children (GROW) is a 21.4 million CAD project to address undernutrition in women of reproductive age (15‐49) and children Communities: under 5 in Ethiopia. GROW is a partnership between CARE, Cuso International, McGill University, and the Government of Ethiopia (Ministries of Health, Agriculture, Women’s Affairs, and Mines, Water and Irrigation). The project is funded by the Government of Canada, CARE, and the Canadian public. GROW is a four‐year and three‐month project, from January 2016 to March 2020. Read More...
Programme d’Aménagement du Delta Intérieur du Niger et du Sourou PADIN II
De nombreux projets de gestion des ressources naturelles, financés par différents Partenaires Techniques et Financiers (PTF), ont été exécutés dans le Delta Intérieur, avec pour ambition d’améliorer la base productive du Delta Intérieur en réponse aux différentes sécheresses et à leurs effets.
Avec l’appui technique et financier de l’Ambassade d Royaume des Pays-Bas, une évaluation de ces différentes interventions en août 2007 a montré que malgré les résultats et les produits fournis, le caractère isolé et ponctuel de ces interventions, ne s’inscrivant pas dans un ensemble de gestion, limite leur impact, et qu’il faudra un engagement à long terme. Suite à cela, les principaux acteurs intervenant dans le Delta Intérieur ont convenu en mars 2008 de développer une approche sectorielle dans la préparation d’un programme pluriannuel de développement durable du Delta Intérieur.
C’est ainsi qu’est né en 2010 le Programme de Développement Durable du DIN (PDD-DIN) étalé sur 10 ans, avec un sous-programme initial d’Investissement sur les premiers 5 ans appelé Programme d’Aménagement du Delta Intérieur du Niger (PADIN).
Le projet PADIN dans sa phase pilote est mis en œuvre dans les cercles de Mopti, Tenenkou et Djenné. Ensuite, pour sa deuxième phase allant de Septembre 2013 à décembre 2018 d’autres villages les plus vulnérables à l’insécurité alimentaire ont été choisis parmi l’initiative 166 communes et également sur la base d’analyse poussée et en concertation avec les parties prenantes de la zone. Read More...
Avec l’appui technique et financier de l’Ambassade d Royaume des Pays-Bas, une évaluation de ces différentes interventions en août 2007 a montré que malgré les résultats et les produits fournis, le caractère isolé et ponctuel de ces interventions, ne s’inscrivant pas dans un ensemble de gestion, limite leur impact, et qu’il faudra un engagement à long terme. Suite à cela, les principaux acteurs intervenant dans le Delta Intérieur ont convenu en mars 2008 de développer une approche sectorielle dans la préparation d’un programme pluriannuel de développement durable du Delta Intérieur.
C’est ainsi qu’est né en 2010 le Programme de Développement Durable du DIN (PDD-DIN) étalé sur 10 ans, avec un sous-programme initial d’Investissement sur les premiers 5 ans appelé Programme d’Aménagement du Delta Intérieur du Niger (PADIN).
Le projet PADIN dans sa phase pilote est mis en œuvre dans les cercles de Mopti, Tenenkou et Djenné. Ensuite, pour sa deuxième phase allant de Septembre 2013 à décembre 2018 d’autres villages les plus vulnérables à l’insécurité alimentaire ont été choisis parmi l’initiative 166 communes et également sur la base d’analyse poussée et en concertation avec les parties prenantes de la zone. Read More...
TARINA Baseline Study for Interventions (TBSI)
After the Green Revolution in India the country could make available food sufficiency and the agricultural lands are dedicated to the staple grains wheat, rice and maize. But the conversion of diverse farmland into monoculture fields has come at the expense of micronutrient-rich crops, leaving much of the rural population chronically malnourished despite growing abundance in their midst . With an objective to boost the nutrition outcome at individual and women small holder household level in India, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) awarded grant to the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI). TCI launched Technical Assistance and Research for Indian Nutrition and Agriculture (TARINA) in 2013 as a research initiative to develop solutions in a country where childhood stunting and anemia in women threaten long-term health and .
1. Provide technical assistance to make agricultural projects nutrition sensitive
2. Provide an evidence-driven pathway to policy reforms that promote availability and affordability of a more nutritious food system
3. Leadership and capacity increased to institutionalize nutrition sensitive agriculture in India
In Odisha, CARE India, a national level development organization, has been entrusted as an implementation partner for the TARINA project activities across 72 villages of the two districts of Kandhamal and Kalahandi.
As part of the project design, it has been planned to undertake a comprehensive intervention specific baseline study for establishing benchmarks, where concerned key components of the project could be measured to comprehend the outcomes and impacts that is committed in the project’s result framework. The design of the baseline study has been planned in two parts viz. TARINA Baseline Study (TBS) and TARINA Baseline Study for Interventions (TBSI). The TBS was undertaken by TCI while CARE India as an implementation partner was entrusted to implement TBSI to observe the changes among impact population due to each intervention Read More...
1. Provide technical assistance to make agricultural projects nutrition sensitive
2. Provide an evidence-driven pathway to policy reforms that promote availability and affordability of a more nutritious food system
3. Leadership and capacity increased to institutionalize nutrition sensitive agriculture in India
In Odisha, CARE India, a national level development organization, has been entrusted as an implementation partner for the TARINA project activities across 72 villages of the two districts of Kandhamal and Kalahandi.
As part of the project design, it has been planned to undertake a comprehensive intervention specific baseline study for establishing benchmarks, where concerned key components of the project could be measured to comprehend the outcomes and impacts that is committed in the project’s result framework. The design of the baseline study has been planned in two parts viz. TARINA Baseline Study (TBS) and TARINA Baseline Study for Interventions (TBSI). The TBS was undertaken by TCI while CARE India as an implementation partner was entrusted to implement TBSI to observe the changes among impact population due to each intervention Read More...