Food and Nutrition Security

Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change (RVCC) Progress Report

Reducing vulnerability to climate change.

Per – redesa – sp – midterm – jan 05

El propósito de Programa es el de mejorar la calidad de vida de 322,136 personas, que representan a ... Read More...

Rwa – gler – midterm – dec 04

During the first year of its inception phase, «GLER » Project focused its interventions to 7 adminis... Read More...

Kmh – tba-midwife alliance final report 12-04

CARE seeks to promote behavior change by health center (HC) staff, birth providers (midwives and Tra... Read More...

Moz – vida phase 2 – final – nov 04

The project strategic objective is ‘to increase household food and economic security through increas... Read More...

Support to Vulnerable Households through Cash For Work in Sool / Sanaag Regions Final Evaluation Report

CFW project had been identified as an appropriate intervention following a worsening humanitarian si... Read More...

Misali Island Conservation and Development Project (MICODEP) Annual Report

Fishing families of 34 villages of Pemba improve their income and food security while the biodiversi... Read More...

Consortium for Southern Africa Food Security Emergency


Peace and Development Program Final Report


Paz y Desarrollo Final


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