Child and Maternal Health
End of the Project Evaluation | Strengthening Approaches for Improved Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health in Myanmar: Lashio Township, Northern Shan State, Myanmar
GSK and CARE Myanmar have been working together in the country since 2012 to provide better health services. The project was expanded from 45 villages to 60 villages in northern Shan State, based on successes and lessons learned in 2012-2015. The project goal is to contribute to the reduction of maternal and neonatal mortality through increased access to, and quality of, sexual and reproductive health, and maternal and child health services. Read More...
TAMANI (Tabora Maternal and Newborn Health Initiative) Impact Evaluation
According to the 2015-2016 DHS survey, Tabora region has the highest percentage population (45.8%) in the lowest wealth quintile in the country, which reflects high levels of structural inequality that have a direct bearing on reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health outcomes.(2) Polygamy is most prevalent in the Western zone with approximately one-third of marriages polygamous, contributing to high fertility rates. Tabora has a low contraceptive prevalence rate of 21.9%, and the Western Zone has the highest levels of teenage childbearing in Tanzania (38%). The latest DHS survey (2015-2016) indicated that 44.3% of women in Tabora deliver at home.
Given this context, the international aid organization CARE began reproductive health programming in Tabora in 2012 with the aim of improving maternal and reproductive health. This paper presents an impact evaluation of CARE’s second stage of reproductive, maternal and newborn health programming in Tabora, the Tabora Maternal and Newborn Health Initiative (TAMANI), which builds on the experience of CARE in the region and spans from 2017-2021. Read More...
Given this context, the international aid organization CARE began reproductive health programming in Tabora in 2012 with the aim of improving maternal and reproductive health. This paper presents an impact evaluation of CARE’s second stage of reproductive, maternal and newborn health programming in Tabora, the Tabora Maternal and Newborn Health Initiative (TAMANI), which builds on the experience of CARE in the region and spans from 2017-2021. Read More...
La vaccination et les services de planification familiale sont deux composantes importantes des soins de santé primaire. La plupart des femmes en période post-partum prolongée souhaitent retarder ou éviter d’autres grossesses mais beaucoup d’entre elles n’utilisent pas de méthode moderne de contraception. Une analyse des données provenant de plusieurs pays a montré que les besoins de contraception non satisfaits chez cette population étaient très importants, allant de 45 % à plus de 80 % des femmes en post-partum (Borda and Winfrey, 2008). La planification familiale permet aux couples d’avoir le nombre d’enfants qu’ils désirent et de choisir le moment et l’espacement des grossesses, ce qui permet d’améliorer la santé de la mère et de l’enfant. Les grossesses trop rapprochées peuvent représenter un danger pour la santé de la mère et de l’enfant (OMS, 2007a). Les grossesses espacées de moins de 18 à 24 mois ont été associées à des risques plus élevés de naissance prématurée, de faible poids de naissance, de décès fœtal, néonatal ou du nourrisson, et d’effets négatifs sur la santé maternelle (Conde-Agudelo et al. 2012). La vaccination des enfants est l’un des services de santé les plus équitables et les plus utilisés dans le monde. Le calendrier de vaccination et de soins de santé primaire recommandé pendant la première année de vie de l’enfant donne lieu à de nombreux contacts pour des soins de santé. Veiller à ce que des services et conseils de planification familiale soient liés aux contacts pour la vaccination des enfants via des services de santé primaire bien gérés peut permettre de proposer aux mères des informations et des services de planification familiale pendant la période critique des 12 mois suivant l’accouchement. Une modélisation à partir de données provenant de cinq pays d’Afrique subsaharienne a montré que le fait d’entrer en contact avec les femmes en post-partum au moment de la vaccination infantile pouvait faire diminuer les besoins de planification familiale non satisfaits de 3,8 à 8,9 points de pourcentage (Gavin et al. 2011). Dans ce contexte, CARE Benin/Togo, sur financement de la Fondation GSK en collaboration avec le Ministère de la Santé et de l’Hygiène Publique du Togo, a mis en œuvre depuis Décembre 2018 une initiative de renforcement du système de santé et d'intégration des services de vaccination et de planification familiale dans 11 Formations Sanitaires du district de la Binah dans la Région de la Kara au Togo, dénommée « Promotion de la Santé de la Mère et de l’Enfant (PSME) [48 Pages]. Read More...
COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake: A study of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Marginalized Communities in Iraq
CARE Iraq conducted a study to better understand community acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination and existing barriers to vaccine uptake. The objectives of the study were to create an understanding of people’s knowledge, attitudes and perceptions about COVID-19 and the vaccines, establish what reasons undermine the COVID-19 vaccination campaign and inform about the status of vaccine uptake among marginalized communities. The results of the study can inform policy makers and health actors to design awareness campaigns and address barriers to vaccine uptake to increase the vaccination rate.
CARE found that:
• Vaccine hesitancy is high.
• Women have less access to, knowledge of, and willingness to accept the COVID-19 vaccine then men.
• Barriers to access are still high, and higher for women than for men.
• Fear of side effects is the biggest obstacle.
• There is little trust in the vaccination process.
• Many people do not believe vaccines are important.
• People are not confident they have enough accurate information.
Key recommendations
• Social media can be a primary channel for vaccine messaging.
• It’s critical to counteract misinformation.
• Multiple sources of information are critical.
• Focus messaging for women and religious leaders.
• Develop different messages in different areas.
• Build on people’s willingness to be convinced with good information. Read More...
CARE found that:
• Vaccine hesitancy is high.
• Women have less access to, knowledge of, and willingness to accept the COVID-19 vaccine then men.
• Barriers to access are still high, and higher for women than for men.
• Fear of side effects is the biggest obstacle.
• There is little trust in the vaccination process.
• Many people do not believe vaccines are important.
• People are not confident they have enough accurate information.
Key recommendations
• Social media can be a primary channel for vaccine messaging.
• It’s critical to counteract misinformation.
• Multiple sources of information are critical.
• Focus messaging for women and religious leaders.
• Develop different messages in different areas.
• Build on people’s willingness to be convinced with good information. Read More...
Tabora Maternal & Newborn Health Initiative (TAMANI): Year 4 results
The Tabora Maternal and Newborn Health Initiative (TAMANI) is a five-year project led by CARE in partnership with the Government of Tanzania’s Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC) and the Prime Minister’s Office for Regional and Local Government (PO-RALG). Implementing partners include the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC), the Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians of Tanzania (AGOTA), the Canadian Society for International Health (CSIH), McGill University’s Institute for Health & Social Policy, and Ifakara Health Institute (IHI). The project is financially supported by the Government of Canada and is closely aligned to Government of Tanzania (GoT) health polices, strategies and guidelines.
The Annual Report covers the period of April 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021.The report provides an analysis on operations to date against the Year Four Annual Work Plan. This report also highlights how the project
pivoted to respond to the COVID-19 global pandemic and includes reporting on COVID response programming as approved by GAC in March 2020. Read More...
The Annual Report covers the period of April 1, 2020, to March 31, 2021.The report provides an analysis on operations to date against the Year Four Annual Work Plan. This report also highlights how the project
pivoted to respond to the COVID-19 global pandemic and includes reporting on COVID response programming as approved by GAC in March 2020. Read More...
COVID-19 Response in Tabora Tanzania (Bloomberg)
CARE Tanzania builds on its successful partnership with the Government of Tanzania’s Regional Health Management Team (RHMT) in Tabora Region. Leveraging funding from the Government of Canada as part of the Tabora
Maternal Newborn Health Initiative (TAMANI), CARE’s Bloomberg-funded COVID-19 activities builds on efforts to improve access of and quality of health services across health facilities and communities to challenge harmful gender norms.
In partnership with the Government of Tanzania, activities cover all 8 districts in Tabora Region. CARE provides technical support and training to Community Health Workers, who are supported by the government in their duties.With the onset of COVID-19, CARE Tanzania quickly implemented a digital survey to understand the impacts of COVID-19. The majority of female respondents reported increases in gender-based violence and harassment, with COVID-19 restricting women’s access to resources and decision-making. Read More...
Maternal Newborn Health Initiative (TAMANI), CARE’s Bloomberg-funded COVID-19 activities builds on efforts to improve access of and quality of health services across health facilities and communities to challenge harmful gender norms.
In partnership with the Government of Tanzania, activities cover all 8 districts in Tabora Region. CARE provides technical support and training to Community Health Workers, who are supported by the government in their duties.With the onset of COVID-19, CARE Tanzania quickly implemented a digital survey to understand the impacts of COVID-19. The majority of female respondents reported increases in gender-based violence and harassment, with COVID-19 restricting women’s access to resources and decision-making. Read More...
The Final Evaluation of the Opportunities for Mother and Infants Development Project
The Opportunities for Mother and Infant Development (OMID) is a three year project (from 2018 to 2021), funded by The Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK). The current phase of the project has been implemented in the two districts (16th and 17th) in Kabul city. The main purpose of the project is to improve the health and reduce the mortality among mothers, newborns and children in the most vulnerable communities through community-based interventions facilitated and delivered by Community Health Workers (CHWs) and Community Midwives (CMWs).
Overall, the project has been effective in achieving the intended outcomes. Access and utilization of Maternal and Neonatal Child Health (MNCH) services have improved as demonstrated by achievement of the project’s key performance indicators across the continuum of care.
This included increases in the %:
- of women reporting ANC utilization
- of women who undertook the first ANC visit before by the 3rd trimester of their pregnancy
- of those who knew the date that the baby was expected to arrive
- of those women who had a plan where she would deliver the baby
- of those women who believed health facility is safer to deliver there
And decreases in the %:
- of those who didn’t go for ANC and believed it is not important
- of those who didn’t go for ANC and indicated the high cost of care as reason
The community systems strengthening undertaken by the project through establishment of community based health facilities and CHWs was effective in increasing health awareness and adoption of positive MNCH behaviors and practices. Read More...
Overall, the project has been effective in achieving the intended outcomes. Access and utilization of Maternal and Neonatal Child Health (MNCH) services have improved as demonstrated by achievement of the project’s key performance indicators across the continuum of care.
This included increases in the %:
- of women reporting ANC utilization
- of women who undertook the first ANC visit before by the 3rd trimester of their pregnancy
- of those who knew the date that the baby was expected to arrive
- of those women who had a plan where she would deliver the baby
- of those women who believed health facility is safer to deliver there
And decreases in the %:
- of those who didn’t go for ANC and believed it is not important
- of those who didn’t go for ANC and indicated the high cost of care as reason
The community systems strengthening undertaken by the project through establishment of community based health facilities and CHWs was effective in increasing health awareness and adoption of positive MNCH behaviors and practices. Read More...
Support for Service Delivery Integration- Services (SSDI-Services) Endline
SSDI-Services was the flagship project for USAID/Malawi’s health office. The project was implemented from November 8, 2011 to March 7, 2017 under a cooperative agreement, valued at USD 89 million. Active project implementation occurred over a 4.5-year period from April 2012 to December 2016, with the preceding and following months focused on startup and closeout activities respectively.
SSDI-Services provided financial and technical assistance to the Malawian Ministry of Health (MoH) to deliver, refine, and scale up high-impact interventions contained in the Essential Health Package (EHP). The EHP includes globally proven and cost-effective interventions to address key causes of illness and death in Malawi. SSDI-Services implemented interventions under the following program areas: maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH); family planning (FP); malaria; nutrition; HIV/AIDS; and sanitation and hygiene.
SSDI-Services was implemented by a consortium comprising Jhpiego as lead, CARE, Plan International, and Save the Children. The project focused on increasing access to, and strengthening the delivery of, EHP services both at the health facility and in the community. It leveraged the work of both SSDI-Communication and SSDI-Systems to improve health-seeking behavior and the quality of health services by addressing the informational needs of both service providers and their clients. It also addressed systems issues that may hinder the provision of high-quality Read More...
SSDI-Services provided financial and technical assistance to the Malawian Ministry of Health (MoH) to deliver, refine, and scale up high-impact interventions contained in the Essential Health Package (EHP). The EHP includes globally proven and cost-effective interventions to address key causes of illness and death in Malawi. SSDI-Services implemented interventions under the following program areas: maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH); family planning (FP); malaria; nutrition; HIV/AIDS; and sanitation and hygiene.
SSDI-Services was implemented by a consortium comprising Jhpiego as lead, CARE, Plan International, and Save the Children. The project focused on increasing access to, and strengthening the delivery of, EHP services both at the health facility and in the community. It leveraged the work of both SSDI-Communication and SSDI-Systems to improve health-seeking behavior and the quality of health services by addressing the informational needs of both service providers and their clients. It also addressed systems issues that may hinder the provision of high-quality Read More...
Programme Sante USAID/Kenya Ciwara Rappor D’Analyse de L’Enquete D’Evaluation Finale
The program is part of Strategic Objective 6 (SO 6) which aims to increase the use of high impact services and improve health behaviors / practices. These services relate to the survival of the child (vaccination, malaria, diarrheal diseases, acute respiratory infections, nutrition and vitamin A). The final evaluation takes place two years after the mid-term evaluation and four years after the baseline evaluation. The report is 55 pages long. Read More...
Projet Ulu Gnala Se Toliya “Bonne Nutrition des Enfants Maintenant” Midterm Report
Le projet Bonne nutrition des enfants maintenant, qui vise à réduire les causes sociales de la malnutrition, est cofinancé par la Commission de l’Union Européenne et CARE. Il est mis en œuvre depuis mars 2008 dans 97 villages de quatre (4) communes rurales du cercle de Bandiagara sur le plateau dogon, au Mali. Il s’agit des communes de Bara sara, Djamnati, Dourou et Kendié. The report is 44 pages long. Read More...