
Northern Uplands Promoting Climate Resilience (NU PCR)

The objective of the Northern Uplands – Promoting Climate Resilience (NU-PCR) project is to support vulnerable households in remote areas in three districts in Phongsaly to better understand the current trends and changes in climate and adapt their agricultural livelihoods to these changes. The project is funded by the European Union and was jointly and successfully implemented by CARE, CCL and SAEDA, in close collaboration with local communities (in Mai, Samphan and Gnot Ou districts of the Phongsaly province), the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Lao Women’s Union (among others).
The current report summarises the achievements accomplished during the four years of its implementation (2014-2018).
The greatest achievements (see resilience graphic on page 15) refer to improvement on women’s agency (not least through the establishment of VSLAs), farmers’ long term planning, division of labour through gender equitable shared workload, access to agro-climate information services and livelihood recovery rate. Interestingly, the project could not influence livelihood diversification. This is rooted in the fact, that livelihood of remote ethnic communities in the Northern Uplands of Lao PDR is already highly diversified. Further diversification may rather result economically risky (too much time and resources to be invested dispersive in large variety of farming options, at the cost of investment in value addition of existing livelihood priorities). Therefore, the support provided rather focused on the expansion and value addition to already existing practices (e.g. cultivation, processing and marketing of Cardamom, Tea, Honey, Galangal, Mushroom, Rice, Fish, etc.). (54 pages) Read More...

Ruby Cups: Girls in Imvepi Refugee Settlement Taking Control

CARE International and WoMena Uganda are currently concluding a menstrual cup (MC) pilot implementation
project in Imvepi Refugee Settlement, funded by European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO). This is the second pilot that WoMena has conducted on the use of menstrual cups (the Ruby Cup brand) with refugee women in Uganda. Based on findings from previous studies and Menstrual Health Management (MHM) projects conducted by WoMena, the project’s goal was to improve the capacity of female beneficiaries to safely and effectively manage their menstruation with a menstrual cup called “Ruby Cup”, and to improve general knowledge and perceptions around menstruation in the community. The pilot was integrated into CARE’s existing gender-based violence sector support programs in West Nile and was prompted by evidence of a strong linkage between Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) and Gender based violence (GBV) in various CARE assessments. CARE collected information on refugee girls engaging in transactional sex to buy pads. Read More...

Rapport d’Evaluation du Projet AIDMATCH implémenté dans la ville de Goma (RD Congo) : Endline

Cette étude présente les résultats de l’évaluation finale d’un projet de santé sexuelle et de la reproduction des adolescents et jeunes financé par DFID et mis en oeuvre par Care International dans trois aires de santé de la ville de Goma de janvier 2016 à septembre 2017. Le but dudit projet est de réduire la fécondité des adolescentes par l’amélioration de l’accès à l’utilisation des méthodes contraceptives modernes. Une enquête de base avec une approche quantitative a été menée au début du projet durant la période du 26 mars au 5 avril 2016 pour déterminer les indicateurs qui servent de base de comparaison. L’enquête finale (Endline) s’est déroulée durant la période du 1er au 8 août 2017 et a utilisé deux approches : qualitative et quantitative. Une autre enquête quantitative a aussi été menée au même moment dans des aires de santé qui n’on pas été couvertes par les activités du projet AIDMATCH afin de servir des indicateurs témoins. Read More...

CARE International in Iraq Endline Evaluation Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic (MoFA Czech) Project

This project addresses critical needs for sanitation services in West Mosul, in coordination with local authorities currently overwhelmed by the scale of needs and requiring support, as a direct contribution to enabling affected populations to return home. The project will directly repair two vital sanitation resources/infrastructure in West Mosul. The project will support the municipal authorities to build their capacity to eventually recover their costs, once the situation allows. Finally, the project will mobilize local communities towards greater ownership of/appreciation for their local environment, to avoid the recurrence of such sanitation risks and maintain a cleaner, more habitable environment. Additional to mitigating myriad health risks related to poor sanitation in urban areas among highly vulnerable returnees seeking to recover, this engagement will serve to promote social cohesion and community participation among vulnerable populations affected by conflict.
CARE set a 4months as duration for WASH Project in Al-Thawra neighborhood in order to help and serve about 1166 family (about 7000 individuals) including host community and IDPs. Project is mainly about renovation of sewage system for pipes need to be repair and fix. Rehabilitate the drills caused by the battles of the last conflict and there is no governor attention to fix this issue. (15 pgs)


This End of Project Evaluation Report on the Community Driven Models for Equitable Services (COMEQs) solid waste project in four peri-urban settlements of Lusaka District (Chipata, Ng’ombe, Chaisa and Kanyama) starts by looking at the background and context of solid waste management and goes on to define concepts of waste, solid waste and solid waste management. It is very clear from several reports that Zambia’s current solid waste management system does not provide a clear roadmap on the management of solid waste as evidenced by piles of garbage lying uncollected in many major cities including Lusaka.
This End of Project Evaluation Report on the Community Driven Models for Equitable Services (COMEQS) solid waste project, was commissioned by CARE International Zambia, CARE UK, COMEQS Project Team and the key project stakeholders. The overall goal of the summative end of project evaluation is to inform stakeholders the progress and change that the project has made in the communities of the targeted peri urban settlements of Lusaka. (60 pages) Read More...

Final evaluation of Maternal New Born and Child Health in district two of Kabul City, Afghanistan.

CARE International in Afghanistan has been implementing community based MNCH project in district 1. Recently, CARE started to expand its program to district 2 of Kabul city. The final evaluation intends to generate information that will be used to compare the contribution of Opportunity for Mothers and Infants Development (OMID) project against baseline. A Cross-sectional descriptive study design has been used to provide information on the change in key knowledge, attitude and practice variables related to maternal, newborn and child health. The objectives of the final evaluation: 1) To assess progress towards meeting the three project outcomes. 2) To compare the contribution of OMID project against baseline findings and recommendations 3) To ascertain the degree of achievement and progress toward project output, outcome and overall objective as set in project proposal and logical framework living children. 4) To assess if the project has potential to be scaled-up, replicated and/or adjusted to improve program quality under any potential extension phases based on experience to date. Read More...

Assistance d’urgence aux personnes vulnérables affectées par l’ouragan Matthew dans la Grand ‘Anse

Pour appuyer les ménages de la commune de Jérémie touchés par l’ouragan dévastateur Matthew, CARE, avec un financement de la DG ECHO, a mis en place le projet d’Assistance d'urgence en sécurité alimentaire, éducation et abris aux personnes vulnérables affectées par l'ouragan Matthew dans la Grand ‘Anse. Ce projet de 20 mois (décembre 2016 à Juillet 2018) a soutenu 2 305 ménages à travers une multitude d’activités utilisant une approche intégrée. Ce rapport présente un état des lieux de la mise en oeuvre du projet ECHO au niveau de la commune de Jérémie. Il relate les points forts ainsi que les points à améliorer servant de leçons apprises pour tout projet d’assistance d’urgence dans un contexte semblable. (42 pages) Read More...


In Darfur, CARE has been focusing on providing assistance and support in the areas of health, nutrition, WASH, agriculture, food security, early recovery of market systems and peace building with various donors such as OFDA, ECHO, Dutch MoFA, UNDP UNICEF, WFP, and other private agencies.

CARE has been working through ECHO funding in East Darfur and South Darfur implementing emergency WASH activities since 2009. The 2018 funding covered the same areas of East and South Darfur as well as extension activities in South Kordofan, reaching refugees, IDPs and affected nearby host communities.

CARE International was able to sustain operation and maintenance of 6 water yards in Geredia (4 mortised and 2 solar pumps) and sustain O&M in Kalma (,6 solar pumps, one mortised system, rehabilitation of existing 12 water points and 9 hand pumps). In East Darfur, CARE contributed to the rehabilitation of one yards in Kairo for host community, O&M for 2 water yards in Kairo Refugees camps and 11 water distribution points in addition to 30 km of distribution network. CARE was able to construct and distribute 100 slabs household latrines in Gereida, and construction of 186 households’ latrine in Kalma camp. All details including hygiene promotion activities issues are reflected in the body of discussion.

Thanks to CARE’s actions, all water points visited were hygienic and protected from contamination with human and animals using separate water trough and drainage basins. The average water consumption per day is near 15 liters/consumption/day with proper distance. All plans were implemented as per the observation the team had in the visited sites and the reports received from the project staff and community representatives. In some cases, over plan accomplishment were reported.


Women for Women: Creating Opportunities for Women in Enterprise Development in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The Women for Women (W4W) project was implemented by CARE Ethiopia and its implementing partner, Mission for Community Development Program (MCDP), with the financial support from the H&M Foundation. The project was implemented for three years (February 2015-September 2018) and mainly targeted economically active but poor women in three sub-cities of Addis Ababa: Arada, Lideta and Kirkos. The project had an objective of empowering women entrepreneurs and women workers from low-income urban communities in Ethiopia to reach their full potential.

The evaluation result revealed that the project targeted appropriate group and made significant changes in the lives of women through its interventions on skill development, creating access to financial services, and facilitating market linkages, among others. Accordingly, the project has contributed to diversification and expansion of business activities of beneficiaries and enabled them to enjoy moderate net earnings. Through organizing women in to 182 VSLAs and 6 SACCOs, linking them to Addis Saving and Credit Institute and Addis Capital Goods Finance S.C., and preparing business plan competitions and granting capital for winners, the project has played a key role to improve women’s access to formal and informal financial services. This enable women to double their working capital after the project, increase their income and asset holding of the household, and improve their culture and level of saving. Read More...

For the Project of Financial Linkage for Inclusion: Remote Ethnic Minority Women

In line with CARE Vietnam’s program priorities, Financial Linkage for Inclusion – a project funded by VISA - focuses on empowering ethnic minority women in Dien Bien through financial inclusion. The programme was implemented from July 2015 until March 2018. This project aims to increase Remote Ethnic Minority Women’s access to formal financial products and services to increase their financial inclusion. Under FinLINK, CARE International in Vietnam entered into a partnership with LienVietPost Bank to deploy the solution. It focuses on piloting a product is ViViet to support ethnic minority women VLSA members with access to formal financial services including savings and micro-loans.

The greatest impact of the project is to help the women know how to save money and manage their families’ finance. This would have huge downscale impacts in terms of families being able to improve their family health, education status etc. 97.6% of the VSLA group members said that they could save money on a regular basis. Among the increased income sources, 85.5% of the women (the highest proportion) said that their families’ income increased thanks to their shares contributed to the VSLA groups and their interests. Because of a habit of saving, 65.9% of the women said that they always managed to keep cash for urgent and emergent situations like sickness, paying children’s tuition fees, buying
fertilizer/pesticide in the event of a pest attack. The project clearly impacted not just at the level of building knowledge but there is an evidence of actual change in the behavior. Read More...

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