
Informe Taller Lecciones Aprendidas y Buenas Prácticas Proyecto DIPECHO 2016-2017

This document gathers good practices and lessons from project DIPECHO X Guatemala, a project that aims at enhancing the resiliency and adaptation capacities of vulnerable populations living in Quiché department who are facing multiples risks (earthquake, drought…). The project focus on most vulnerable people it is to say women, youth and disabled people. [25 pages] Read More...

Mejorando la capacidad de resiliencia y la respuesta a desastres de poblaciones expuestas a multi-amenazas, de los municipios de San Pedro Jocopilas y San Bartolomé Jocotenango, departamento de Quiché: Informe Evaluación Final

This document is the final evaluation of project DIPECHO X Guatemala, a project that aims at enhancing the resiliency and adaptation capacities of vulnerable populations living in Quiché department who are facing multiples risks (earthquake, drought…). The project focus on most vulnerable people it is to say women, youth and disabled people. [33 pages] Read More...

Impacto de una intervención en seguridad alimentaria. Evaluación final del Programa REDESA

El Programa Redes Sostenibles para la Seguridad Alimentaria – REDESA, ejecutado por CARE Perú y financiado por la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional – USAID, concluyó sus actividades después de cinco años, con evidentes logros y beneficios para las 58 570 familias pobres de 1 854 comunidades en 125 distritos de Ancash, Apurímac, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Huancavelica y Puno. REDESA organizó su intervención alrededor del aumento sostenido de los ingresos familiares y de la mejora de las condiciones de salud, nutrición e higiene de las familias, para contribuir con la meta de reducir la desnutrición crónica de niños y niñas menores de tres años.

El Programa REDESA sustentó su intervención en una lógica integral de generación de ingresos sostenibles y de mejora de las condiciones de salud, con el soporte transversal de alianzas y asocios estratégicos con las instituciones y organizaciones locales públicas, privadas y de la sociedad civil. De esta manera, se constituye en un modelo integral experimental que ofrece los elementos y evidencias validadas para ser tomado en cuenta en el diseño e implementación de estrategias y acciones para la lucha contra la desnutrición crónica en el Perú. [80 paginas] Read More...


This study is a final evaluation for the Youth Empowerment Project (YEP), a three year project implemented by CARE International in Zimbabwe (CARE), in partnership with various implementing partners in 11 districts of Masvingo, Manicaland, Matabeleland South and Harare provinces. The implementing partners in the project were Caritas Masvingo and the Diocese of Mutare Community Care Programme (DOMCCP). Empretec was identified as the technical partner, while VIRL Rural and Social Services and CBZ Bank Limited were the financial partners. Other partners included Simukai Outreach Chipinge Children's Hope in Chipinge, United Church of Christ in Zimbabwe (UCCZ) in Chipinge and Family AIDS Caring Trust (FACT) in Chiredzi, who are vocational training institutions roped in to conduct Internal Savings and Lending (ISALs) training. Government Ministries, which include the Ministry of Youths, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment (MYIEE), the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperative Development (Ministry of SMEs), and the Ministry of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development were also involved in the project. The project was aimed at ensuring that there is increased economic and social participation of male and female youths in Zimbabwe. It focused on the development of youth skills, including technical, business management and interpersonal skills and also facilitated community dialogues to ensure that families and communities support youths to participate in economic activities. The project also focused on creating sustainable relationships between youths and formal financial institutions, through the participation of two financial institutions: VIRL Rural and Social Services and CBZ Bank Limited. [107 pages] Read More...


The WAS program scheme is originally conceptualized in 2011 by a national food company with a non-government organization as the local partner. Since 2016, CARE is responsible as the local partner for the initiation or continuation of Warung Anak Sehat in 350 schools across 4 different locations in Indonesia. In several areas, Warung Anak Sehat was first initiated by other organization and then continued by CARE. The WAS scheme consists of establishment of food kiosks which provides healthy food inside or outside schools. These kiosks are set up and run by vendors (usually female) who are provided with skills, tools and equipment. [27 pages] Read More...

NEW SCHOOLS PROGRAM: a final evaluation

The New Schools Program (NSP) was a school-based reform project implemented by CARE International in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Education directorates in the governorates of Beni Suef, Fayoum and Minia. NSP was charged with increasing school access and enrollment of girls in underserved communities in Minia, Beni Suef, and Fayoum Governorates. The focus on access and enrollment of girls was enhanced through efforts to improve the teaching and learning, mobilize the local community around the importance of education (i.e., particularly that of girls), innovative and deliberative school construction (primary, preparatory, and community multi-grade schools) processes, and adult literacy initiatives. NSP had an extensive partnership that included both Egyptian government agencies, the private sector, Egyptian NGOs and international NGOs.
The purpose of this evaluation was to examine and report on NSP’s effectiveness in addressing the following Intermediate Results: IR 1-- Access to education increased for girls in targeted areas; IR 2: Improved teaching and learning practices in USAID-supported schools; and IR 3: Increased community participation in girls’ education. [178 pages] Read More...

Local Partnership for Accountability (LPA): Final Evaluation Report

LPA project is implemented by CARE International - Egypt, governance and civic engagement program in partnership with CARE England, It is funded by Arab Partnership Fund - Commonwealth Office in England. Project Duration: From May 2013 - until March 2015 and aims to increase the responsiveness of service providers to accountability through the establishment of mechanisms of social accountability and provide an opportunity for mutual dialogue between citizens and service providers. The project is implemented in five communities in three governorates (BeniSuef - Qena, Luxor), in cooperation with a partner association in each governorate (Better Life Association in Beni Suef, Ana Masry in Qena and Luxor) [86 pages] Read More...

Emergency response to support vulnerable person affected by El Nino in great South of Madagascar

This document is the final evaluation of the project “Emergency Response to support vulnerable person affected by El Nino in the Great South of Madagascar” from September 2016 to February 2018 and funded by ECHO. This project targeted seven communes in the district of Ambovombe. The action assisted 25 092 persons with cash transfer (cash for Work and unconditional cash transfer), support to agricultural activities (distribution of tools and drought-tolerant seeds) and improved access to drinking water. This final evaluation was conducted in March and April 2018 by an external consultant. Read More...

“My Solar Water” Participatory Research Project: REPORT 3

The aim of My Solar Water is to improve the quality of drinking water in scattered rural populations of the Amazon. The purpose of this intervention is to evaluate the technical and social response of My Solar Bag, as an instrument to improve the quality of drinking water in the population of rural communities scattered in the Amazon, affected by flooding or in situations of sanitary emergency. The project is implemented with the help of USAID, Puralytics, and Bluewaves. [43 pages] Read More...


Ce rapport est l’évaluation finale du projet de SERA ROMANIA ‘Planning Familial Itinérant’ (PFI), dont le but global était de développer des services itinérants de planning familial afin de limiter le nombre de grossesses non désirées et dans le cas de grossesses, d’en améliorer le suivi en Roumanie. L’évaluation a été commanditée par CARE France. [25 pages] Read More...

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