
Entrepreneurship and economic empowerment of women in rural communities of the coast and the Andean region of Peru

En un trabajo coordinado y bajo objetivos claros, CARE Perú, con el financiamiento de H&M ConsciousFoundation, se propusieron el empoderamiento duradero y sostenible de la mujer de manera que constituya un catalizador de cambio positivo. El programa insignia de H&M ConsciousFoundation invierte en la adopción de medidas que fortalecen a la mujer en los países en desarrollo para transformar su futuro. Se centra en potenciar la economía de la mujer, y en inspirar y asesorar sobre cambios políticos necesarios en el mundo para permitir la plena participación de la mujer en todos los ámbitos de la vida tal como propone el Proyecto liderado por CARE Perú “Women leaders making their destiny and progress: Entrepreneurship and economic empowerment of women in rural communities of the coast and the Andean region of Peru”. [25 pages] Read More...

Desarrollo Economico Inclusivo: Generación de ingresos y empleo en unidades productivas familiares del altiplano mediante la cadena de valor de ganado vacuno para carne

El proyecto “Generación de ingresos y empleo en unidades productivas familiares del altiplano mediante la cadena de valor de ganado vacuno para carne” fue implementado por CARE Perú con el financiamiento de FONDOEMPLEO. La evaluación de impacto ha sido posible gracias al apoyo de CARE Internacional UK, con financiamiento del Departamento del Gobierno del Reino Unido para el Desarrollo Internacional (DFID) – PPA III. La publicación y presentación del estudio recibieron el apoyo financiero de CARE USA a través de la Unidad de Desarrollo Económico y la Plataforma Plan-Barclays-CARE. [64 pages] Read More...

Highlands Sexual, Reproductive and Maternal Health Project

For CARE staff involved in the Highlands Sexual, Reproductive and Maternal Health (HSRMH) project – a project conducted in small communities in the very remote highlands of Papua New Guinea where health indicators are some of the worst in the world – this story demonstrates the significant changes possible from the Community Workshop Series and the project at large. [37 pages] Read More...

Bougainville Community Governance Project

Final evaluation of the BCG Project reporting on its three main objectives:

- Community Governments in ARoB are increasingly participating effectively in planning, governance, and service delivery
- District and Community Government level public servants in ARoB have enhanced capacity to facilitate planning and delivery of accessible, acceptable, available, and quality (AAAQ) services
- Village Assembly (VA) leaders in ARB are increasingly engaged in local governance and community self help initiatives [30 pages] Read More...

Highlands El Niño WASH and Agriculture Resilience Project

To respond to the need for improved access to clean water, CARE proposed a WASH repsonse to the Australian High Commission in PNG and was granted 450,000AUD to carry out the proposed activities. After the signing of the grant agreement, the Australian Government gifted 35,000 jerry cans to the project – which meant the project was able to reallocate some of the funds to drought adaptive agriculture activities. [9 pages] Read More...

Integrated Community Development Project Endline Evaluation

The main conclusion of this evaluation is that ICDP is making a significant and tangible contribution to improving the well-being of disadvantaged communities living in remote areas of PNG. Communities, Ward Development Committee (WDC) members, LLGs and District authorities are, in general, highly appreciative of the work that ICDP is supporting. It is a highly valued investment, is achieving tangible results, and the work should continue to be supported (taking into account lessons learned so far, including the recommendations contained in this evaluation report). Addressing disadvantage and poverty in remote rural areas requires a long-term and sustained commitment. [131 pages] Read More...

Renforcement des Actions en Nutrition du projet AiNA Ran-Aina Evaluation Finale

Financé par l'Union Européenne et opérationnalisé par CARE International à Madagascar, le projet Ran-Aina s’inscrit dans l’atteinte des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD-c1) qui est de «contribuer à la réduction de la proportion des familles vulnérables qui souffrent de la faim». Son budget total s’élève à 1 055 575 Euro pour une durée de 36 mois. [110 pages] Read More...

Great Ruaha River Basin Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA)

This report presents the methodology and findings of the CARE-WWF Alliance Climate Vulnerability and Capacities Analysis (CVCA) in the Great Ruaha Basin of south-central Tanzania, conducted in September 2017.

The CARE-WWF Alliance is embarking on an ambitious initiative in the Ruaha Basin to have impact at scale on food and nutrition security and climate resilience. Given the context outlined above, undertaking a CVCA with communities in the catchment is critical to effective project design and implementation. This CVCA is intended to be one of three integrated assessment tools that will contribute to a CARE-WWF Alliance approach to markets, ecosystems, and social vulnerability in the context of a changing climate. [49 pages] Read More...

Final Evaluation of the Adaptation Learning Programme for Africa Extension Period (2015 – 2017)

The Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP) has worked to improve the capacity of vulnerable people and households in sub-Saharan Africa to adapt to climate variability and change. Since 2010, ALP has been working directly with communities in Kenya, Niger, Ghana and Mozambique (Mozambique: 2010 – 2015 only) to identify, develop and refine approaches and strategies that can help build communities adaptive capacity and resilience to climate-related risk – an area known as community-based adaptation (CBA). In total, ALP has received over £11.3 million GBP ($17M USD) since 2010 through the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (Danida), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, and the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). Since 2015, funds received under the 2-year costed extension are valued at approximately £3M GBP ($4.6M USD) from DFID (75%), ADA (9%) and the Danida financed association Civil Society in Development (CISU) (16%). [106 pages] Read More...

Yemen Joint Response 2 (YJR2) Final Evaluation

The Yemen Joint Response 2 (YJR2) was the second phase of humanitarian response in Yemen funded by The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) through the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA), a consortium of fourteen Dutch International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) active since 2015. YJR2 was implemented by five DRA members (CARE (Lead), Oxfam Novib, Save the Children, Stichting Vluchteling/The IRC and ZOA) with EUR 6.660.000 over 15 months from 1 December 2015 until 28 February 2017. During YJR2, members implemented activities to improve access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health, food security, nutrition, shelter and non-food items (NFI), and protection. YJR2 newly introduced a country-level coordination mechanism to enhance the Added Value of consortium working. The final evaluation of YJR2 was carried out in July and August 2017. This evaluation assesses the delivery of humanitarian assistance and the performance of the coordination mechanism in Yemen during YJR2 and makes recommendations for strengthening Added Value in future Yemen Joint Responses. [63 pages] Read More...

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