
Patsy Collins Trust Fund Initiative Cohort 2 Final Report

The project has observed that there is an increase in number of learners who are completing their primary education especially in the schools where PCFTI was being implemented. Three years ago because of various barriers only 50% of the learners would complete their primary education. However, this is no longer the case now. Though the average district completion rate for Kasungu is still low, the same has greatly improved in the schools where the project was being implemented. For instance, anecdotal evidence has shown that, completion rate among girls in primary education in the targeted schools has greatly improved. This has been achieved because of the effects of the combination of interventions such as strengthening of school and community based structures, facilitating development of School Improvement Plans (SIP) and the involvement of the Participatory Education Theatre (PET) groups which PCTFI has implemented for the past three years.

Support for HIV-Vulnerable Women in Rural Malawi: Economic Empowerment and HIV Prevention

Since January 2010, CARE Malawi has been implementing an HIV Prevention and Economic Empowerment Program with funding from Johnson & Johnson Foundation. The grant piloted and built on lessons that sought to reduce the risk of HIV infection and increase economic empowerment for 1310 women who were assessed to be at highest risk of HIV infection in the rural villages of Lilongwe District in Malawi. CARE hypothesized that integrating HIV prevention and economic empowerment would address economic vulnerabilities to HIV infection and support behavior change. The program was implemented in two phases or economic cycles as follows: (a) Pilot Phase (January to December 2011) covering villages in Traditional Authorities (TA) of Chitekwere, Kalumbu, and Mazengera. An interim evaluation was done in December 2011 at the end of this first economic cycle. (b) Followup Phase (January to December 2013) covering villages in two Traditional Authorities (TA Kalumbu, and TA Mazengera). In 2012 prior to the start of this Phase, the Program expanded to new areas or villages in the two Traditional Authories after dropping out TA Chitekwere’s area. This warranted conducting an Phase II Baseline Survey which was done in March 2013 to establish the situation at the start of the Folloup Phase. 1 Read More...

ANCP Malwai Microfinance Project Final Evaluation

The Malawi Microfinance Project is a three-year Australian NGO Cooperative Program (ANCP) funded project that is being implemented in Dowa (TA Dzoole and Chiwere), Lilongwe (TA Kalumbu) and Kasungu (TA Kaomba, Mwase and Njombwa). The Project, which started in October 2013 and ending in June 2016, was being implemented with the overall aim of helping 20,000 rural households to overcome chronic food insecurity through enabling women access to finance, appropriate training and finance. An end of project evaluation was commissioned by Care Malawi to assess the overall performance of Malawi Microfinance Project against set goals and outcome benchmarks. Read More...

ECHO Flood Recovery Project Final Evaluation

The European Commission's Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) Flood Recovery Project was implemented over a period of eleven months, and involved flood recovery activities done by CARE in Nsanje District with a view to supporting flood-affected families.

The overall goal of the project was to support recovery efforts of families affected by floods in Nsanje District when they relocated from temporary camps to designated shelters as they began to rebuild their livelihoods and communities. The project was implemented in three Traditional Authority (T/A) areas, namely: Mbenje and Tengani in the West-Bank, and Mlolo in the EastBank.

PCTFI Malawi: FY15 to FY17 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

The redesigned PCTFI Malawi project takes a holistic approach to adolescent girls’ empowerment with interventions in education and SRH underpinned by cross-cutting activities in gender, participatory governance and capacity building and buoyed by a proactive learning agenda to influence policy at all levels through advocacy. Its goal is to empower adolescent girls in rural Kasungu to claim and exercise their rights to good quality education and sexual and reproductive information and services.
The project strategy leverages six years of PCTFI implementation in Malawi, best practices, lessons learned and proven approaches and tools for the CARE world; and opportunities for collaboration at all levels to map out the pathways to achieving the impact goal. The proposed interventions are organized under 3 thematic areas related to the adolescent girl’s agency and relations and to the structures that influence her empowerment. Read More...

Rapport Narratif Renforcement des Actions de Nutrition- Actions Integrees de Nutrition et Aliemntation (RAN-AINA)

Ce rapport expose les réalisations du projet RAN‐AINA durant le premier semestre de la troisième  année de mise en œuvre c’est‐à‐dire de janvier à juin de l’année 2017. Le projet RAN‐AINA était  élaboré pour renforcer les actions en Nutrition de AINA, mais ce premier semestre est celui au cours  duquel RAN‐AINA s’est retrouvé « seul » sur terrain vu que la mise en œuvre de AINA par CARE s’est  arrêtée le 31 décembre 2016. Ce premier semestre mesure ainsi les retombées des actions des deux  projets au sein de la population cible des 88 Fokontany d’intervention.   En considérant l’évolution du Taux d’insuffisance Pondéral (TIP) sur les premiers semestres des  années  2016  et  2017,  représentée  par  le  graphique  suivant,  l’effet  de  l’adoption  des  bonnes  pratiques nutritionnelles et d’hygiène diffusées se fait ressentir au sein de la communauté. Ce taux a  accusé une baisse moyenne de 15 points entre les deux périodes.  

MAHAFATOKY Project Final Report

This 47 page report covers the project's achievements during the period running from January 1st to December 31st, 2016.The project has achieved an overall progress of 96% for its activities compared with the targets set for Year 2 for activity implementation in its 16 communes of intervention (see Annex Table 2). At this stage of the project, 27,952 households out of the 50,000 planned, or 139,760 people out of the 250,000 planned, have been directly reached, i.e. 56% of the final beneficiaries. Read More...

Assistance d’Urgence pour les populations touchees par la crise de Cyclone ENAWO Rapport Narratif Final

Rapport narratif final de reponse du Cyclone ENAWO

Projet Assainissement Innovant en milieu Urbain (PAIU)

Le projet a comme objectif général « d’améliorer les conditions de vie et sanitaire des populations vulnérables vivant dans la commune urbaine d’Antananarivo. Un meilleur accès à des facilités sanitaires de gestion de déchets et de gestion de l’eau, associé à un comportement collectif et individuel adéquat contribue à la réduction des maladies d’origine hydrique, notamment chez les enfants en bas âge ».

Evaluation finale du Programme Actions Intégrées Nutrition et Alimentation (AINA)

Financé par l'Union Européenne au titre du 10è Fonds Européen pour le Développement (FED), le Programme Aina s’inscrit dans l’atteinte des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD-c1) qui est de «contribuer à la réduction de la proportion des familles vulnérables qui souffrent de la faim». Son budget total s’élève à 12,5 M€ pour une durée initiale de 36 mois à la date de signature entre l’UE et la FAO (07/05/2013) qui assure son pilotage. Les interventions du programme s’articulent autour de 3 axes dont (i) l’augmentation de la production agricole vivrière, (ii) l’amélioration de la disponibilité et le l’accessibilité alimentaire et (iii) l’amélioration de la pratique nutritionnelle et l’hygiène. Elles ciblent 107507 ménages vulnérables des 106 Communes réparties dans 16 districts réparties dans les 5 régions d’intervention (Amoron’i Mania, Androy, Anosy, Atsimo Atsinanana et Vatovavy Fitovinany). Ces zones, dotées d'un capital naturel de grande importance (terres arables, filières agricoles et de rentes, ressources naturelles), sont classées parmi les plus vulnérables où les indices de développement humain sont les plus bas de tout Madagascar. Read More...

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