Special Evaluation/Report

Global Mapping Study on Gender Based Violence

Global Mapping Study on GBV. Led by CARE and ActionAid as co-leads of the task team the purpose of this study was to examine existing evidence around the issue of localization within the context of GBV prevention, response and coordination initiatives in humanitarian contexts. The study also sought to gather field perspectives on the state of GBV localization, and to examine the degree to which the global commitment to localization within the context of the humanitarian GBV sector has been operationalized.

Data was collected from a range of stakeholders participating in GBV coordination, including GBV Sub-Cluster Coordinators, representatives from local and/or women-led organizations, staff from national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) along with global leaders engaged in the localization debate. In line with the GBV AoR’s mandate, the primary focus of this study was on settings involving internally-displaced persons.

The final report is comprised of the following three documents:
- Summary Report (English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Bahasa, and Bengali)
- Full Report: The full report contains a detailed description of the study’s background, methodology, findings, and recommendations, and provides a comprehensive presentation of the data gathered through this research along with implications for future action. (Link here: http://www.careevaluations.org/evaluation/gbv-localization-mapping-study/)
- Appendix of Tools and Guidance: The appendix of tools and guidance serves as a companion document to both the summary and full versions of the report, and provides an overview of existing resource materials that have been developed pertaining to GBV localization. Read More...

Global Mapping Study on Gender Based Violence

Global Mapping Study on GBV. Led by CARE and ActionAid as co-leads of the task team the purpose of this study was to examine existing evidence around the issue of localization within the context of GBV prevention, response and coordination initiatives in humanitarian contexts. The study also sought to gather field perspectives on the state of GBV localization, and to examine the degree to which the global commitment to localization within the context of the humanitarian GBV sector has been operationalized.

Data was collected from a range of stakeholders participating in GBV coordination, including GBV Sub-Cluster Coordinators, representatives from local and/or women-led organizations, staff from national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) along with global leaders engaged in the localization debate. In line with the GBV AoR’s mandate, the primary focus of this study was on settings involving internally-displaced persons.

The final report is comprised of the following three documents:
- Summary Report (English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Bahasa, and Bengali)
- Full Report: The full report contains a detailed description of the study’s background, methodology, findings, and recommendations, and provides a comprehensive presentation of the data gathered through this research along with implications for future action. (Link here: http://www.careevaluations.org/evaluation/gbv-localization-mapping-study/)
- Appendix of Tools and Guidance: The appendix of tools and guidance serves as a companion document to both the summary and full versions of the report, and provides an overview of existing resource materials that have been developed pertaining to GBV localization. Read More...

Positive Masculinities in a Refugee Context: A Case Study from Uganda

This exploratory study on positive masculinity in a refugee context was conducted in July 2018 by CARE International in Uganda, Arua sub-office across three (3) refugee settlements of Rhino (including Omugo zone) and Imvepi in Arua district and Bidibidi in Yumbe district of West-Nile.

The objective was to understand more deeply and collect lessons learnt on how engaging men and boys works in the refugee setting, drawing from the experience of two ECHO1 projects and building on initial lessons documented from the UNFPA funded initiative in June 2017.

Social Outcomes of the CARE-WWF Alliance in Mozambique: Research Findings from a Decade of Integrated Conservation and Development Programming

In 2008, the CARE-WWF Alliance emerged as a major strategic partnership between two international non-governmental organizations seeking to tackle the linked challenge of poverty and natural resource degradation. From the start, the mission of the Alliance was to test the idea that empowering some of the poorest and most vulnerable women and communities on the planet to engage in sustainable livelihoods and natural resource governance could improve their wellbeing and conserve globally important biodiversity.

A decade after its inception, the Alliance used existing monitoring data to support an evaluation that assessed the social impacts of the integrated conservation and development program. The design of the final evaluation was constrained by a baseline intended for project monitoring rather than impact assessment, while depth of analysis was constrained by time. Read More...

Education for Ethnic Minorities Program: Cambodia

Since 2002, CARE1 has worked in partnership with the Royal Government of Cambodia through the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) and other stakeholders such as the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) to develop and implement a multi-lingual education (MLE) model within the Education for Ethnic Minorities (EEM) program. The total amount of funding contributed to this Program since 2002 is AUD17.5million by 24 donors, not including donations from the Australian public.

The MLE model aims to increase ethnolinguistic minority children’s access to, and the quality of, primary and secondary education. Ethnolinguistic minorities (hereafter referred to as ethnic minorities) are groups of people who share a culture and/or ethnicity and/or language that distinguishes them from other groups of people and are either fewer in terms of number or less prestigious in terms of power than the dominant groups in the state.

Therefore, the purpose of this evaluation was to:
1. Document the impact of the EEM program, with a view to influencing other donors or national governments in the South East Asia region to replicate the model.
2. Document successful strategies for ensuring sustainability of the model through government systems. Read More...

Manual Ilustrado del Proyecto Piloto Conéctate: Finanzas al alcance de tus manos


SHOUHARDO III Longitudinal Study (RMS) Report

The overarching program goal is to improve gender equitable food and nutrition security and resilience of the vulnerable people living in the Char and Haor regions in Bangladesh by 2020. To achieve its goal, SHOUHARDO III focuses on three principal purposes and two cross- cutting purposes: 1) Increased equitable access to income for both women and men, and nutritious food for men, women, boys, and girls; 2); Improved nutritional status of children under five years-of-age, pregnant and lactating women, and adolescent girls; 3) Strengthened gender equitable ability of people, households, communities and systems to mitigate, adapt to and recover from man-made and natural shocks; 4) Increased women’s empowerment and gender equity at both the family and community levels; and 5) Increased provision and utilization of public services (e.g., local elected bodies and nation building departments) for communities, especially for poor and extremely poor women. Within its program areas of agriculture and livelihoods; health, hygiene, and nutrition; and disaster and climate risk management, the project delivers an integrated set of services – a holistic framework with an emphasis on women’s empowerment, gender issues, and good governance.

This report is a longitudinal study of Shouhardo III and identifies key impact areas. It reports on survey rounds of project participants, collected every six months throughout the project. Read More...


SHOUHARDO III, implemented by CARE Bangladesh, intends to transform the lives of women and men from 675,000 Poor and Extreme Poor (PEP) households in eight of the poorest and most marginalized districts in Bangladesh. Funded by USAID, the program intervenes in the areas of food security, agriculture, livelihoods, health, water and sanitation, resilience, and women’s empowerment. Supported by a robust Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system, the Beneficiary Based Sample Survey (BBSS) 20181 of CARE SHOUHARDO III was conducted with the PEP households of the Char and Haor regions where the program operates. The BBSS has proved to be a reliable tool to gain insights of the progress and status of the major indicators, which are essential for the overall management of the program.

Given the relative mix of programming activities and the indicators selected to monitor program progress, there were four major sampling frames: i) value chain beneficiaries, ii) other farmers (involved with on- farm IGAs), iii) Comprehensive Homestead Development (CHD), and iv) mothers of under-five (U5) years of age children. These were taken to capture the necessary information to track all annual monitoring indicators for indicators 1-13, and indicators 14-27 were collected from the entire Core Occupational Group (COG) beneficiaries. A total of 1,425 samples were taken this year. Read More...

Social Norms Analysis Plot Final Report: SAFE Justice Project

The SAFE Justice project was funded by the Department for International Development (DFID) and implemented in five districts in Nepal (Gorkha, Dhading, Sindhupalchowk, Accham and Bajura) between October 2016 and September 2019, as part of the DFID-funded Integrated Programme for Strengthening Security and Justice in Nepal.

SAFE Justice Project aims to promote more active justice seeking behavior among marginalized populations in general and women and girls in particular breaking culture of silence; responsiveness of justice service providers with effective and gender sensitive services.

In comparison to baseline the midline survey revealed only small nuances/cracks on seeking justice for IPV. However, the end-line study conducted in this quarter has revealed remarkable changes around the empirical and normative expectations on seeking justice for IPV. This has also shown family and friend’s sanctions as well as positive and negative exceptions to change the norms. In this report, comparison between baseline and end-line assessments are presented. Read More...

The Nawiri Project: Stories and Best Practices

The Siaya Maternal and Child Nutrition Nawiri Project is a 36-month intervention on maternal and child nutrition. The project targets to reach 94,435 children under 5 years; 127,065 women of reproductive age; 42,000 adolescent girls and 20,000 men in the Siaya County. The project is executed in partnership among three consortium members; CARE (the coordinator), Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK) and the Kisumu Medical and Education Trust (KMET) in Siaya County with funding support from the European Union, the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) and CARE.
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to improving maternal, infant and young child nutrition (MIYCN), including nutrition of women of reproductive age in Siaya County. In order to increase the nutritional status of children under the age of five and of women of reproductive age, the project aims to alleviate the most severe obstacles of poor MIYCN in Siaya County. Read More...

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