Economic Development

Bgd produce final narrative report april2016

PRODUCE was implemented by CARE in cooperation with Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO) and S... Read More...

Prize evaluation report

This report covers the impacts of the FFP PRIZE program in Zimbabwe Read More...

Towards self reliance final

The Towards Self-Reliance (TSR) project is part of a larger programme targeting vulnerable rural wom... Read More...

Boc 1 quantitative end line report -november 2012)


Final evaluation report for emweer

The project aims to enhance women's economic independence as a step towards their empowerment and bu... Read More...

Care uganda end of boc 1 sythnsis report


Cast baseline report-final


Wele wele annexe ii evaluation finale

This 8 page document highlights the results of the Wele-Wele project Read More...

Integrated Community Development Program (ICDP) Mid Term Review Report

The Integrated Community Development Project (ICDP), a community development and governance strengthening program Read More...

Rapport etude sur la situation politique socioenomique

L’analyse théorique des questions d’égalité des genres a grandement progressé depuis la première co... Read More...

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