
Flatley report 2011, evaluation and final narrative

The project provides ECD services to children under the age of 7 in Vilankulos district through ECD ... Read More...

évaluation finale projet de promotion des initiatives en faveur de la nutrition et de la démographie

This 70 page document highlights the impacts of the Nutrition and Demographic Promotion Initiative i... Read More...

Case studies – an assessment of care tanzania’s community emergency transportion system, september 2011

The project aimed at reducing the time between the onset of an obstetric complication and its outcom... Read More...

Final report care sindh evaluation 0811

The DEC Phase 1 project was implemented from August 2010 to February 2011 with a budget of £1,146,33... Read More...

Report -mbw-mid term evaluation of moyo wa bana-capacity building initiativeaar final

Findings of the Midterm review of the Moyo Wa Bana Capacity Building Initiative. Read More...

Baseline M&E Indicators of Extended Service Delivery Project in Chhattisgarh Cover Page

The ESD project is of 2 years duration (January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2009) Read More...

Myanmar pfhab finalreview may2011

PFHAB provides 9.1 million Australian Dollars (AUD) to the following projects in the health and liv... Read More...

Case studies – the community score card in tanzania – process, success, challenges and lessons learned

Under the Health Equity Project (HEqP) and the Governance and Accountability Project (GAP), CARE Tan... Read More...

Ete – health equity proejct, april 2011

Health Equity envisions the creation of an emerging popular health movement promoting the progressiv... Read More...

Reasp ii evaluation final report ( 01 march 2010 final copy)

To reduce the impact of emergencies on vulnerable populations, particularly women and children. The ... Read More...

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