
Uganda Post-project Replications of savings groups VSLA in uganda

This 55 page report highlights findings of a study that looked at CARE and CRS programs and how VSLA... Read More...

Diriswanaag livelihoods final evaluation- final report 29 9 2013

Diriswanaag Project was formulated in response to the worst drought situation to be experienced in S... Read More...

Diriswanaag ii (good neighbourliness, hospitality) report on the protection risks faced by internally displaced persons (id

This protection risk assessment was carried out by a private protection consultant, between Septembe... Read More...

Final evaluation report of the usaid ofda-funded “support to populations in humanitarian emergency and enhancing recovery

The Support to Populations in Humanitarian Emergency & Enhancing Recovery Efforts in Somalia (SPHERE... Read More...

Grad ir assessment report (2013) – final

First year assessment report of USAID-funded GRAD program for livelihoods, safety nets, and resilien... Read More...

Grad quantitative baseline report

This 42 page document asses the situation of families on Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Program wh... Read More...

Mte rusaid zambia partnership for integrated social marketing (prism),program mid-termeport

Report on Mid-term evaluation of the Partnership for Integrated Social Marketing(PRISM). Read More...

Mwb evaluation report final (2)

Report evaluation of the Partnership for Integrated Social Marketing(PRISM). Read More...

Gwi ea food security and water for agriculture baseline report

The Global Water Initiative East Africa (GWIEA) is an action research and advocacy based programme w... Read More...

Eel hope end of project evaluation report-final

The Harnessing Opportunity to Protect and End Violence (HOPE) in Northern Uganda was designed and im... Read More...

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