
Ete – pastoral basket fund program, july 2011

The key activities of the CSOs include capacity building of pastoralist communities on: Policy analy... Read More...

Spurrz aar final report

Document is an after action review report for the Strengthening Peri-Urban Risk Reduction in Zambia ... Read More...

Steps ovc baseline survey report

A description of the STEPS OVC baseline report.

Steps ovc baseline report final

A description of the STEPS OVC baseline report.

Thai nguyen women’s economic collaboration for development eccode

The program’s goal was to contribute to poverty reduction for the rural population of Thai Nguyen pr... Read More...

Report -mbw-mid term evaluation of moyo wa bana-capacity building initiativeaar final

Findings of the Midterm review of the Moyo Wa Bana Capacity Building Initiative. Read More...

Final evaluation of hrf-funded emergency nutrition response project

CARE Ethiopia in partnership with the government implementing partners implemented the UNOCHA funded... Read More...

Baseline M&E Indicators of Extended Service Delivery Project in Chhattisgarh Cover Page

The ESD project is of 2 years duration (January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2009) Read More...

Community Savings and Loan (COSALO) Final Report

Community Savings and Loan (COSALO) is a community-managed micro-finance project Read More...

Myanmar girier endline assessment-may2011

The Cyclone Giri – Emergency Response Project for shelter reconstruction was implemented by CARE Mya... Read More...

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