
CLOSER Unicef Report Phase I


Zmb – rice production promotion – eop report 06-06

a one year pilot project whose goal was to improve food security at household level. This pilot aime... Read More...

Nkundabana Initiative for Psychosocial Support (NIPS) Final Narrative Report

Nkundabana Initiative for Psychosocial Support (NIPS) project takes an innovative approach to addres... Read More...

Eth – urban hiv aids prevention – final – june 06

the Project achieved much in terms of increasing knowledge, access to VCT, and community-based care Read More...

Emergency Response of Tropical Storm Stan


Ner – emergency mitigation strategies evaluation 06-06


Lka – lift interim evaluation report 06-06

(program objective): To strengthen community-level institutions supporting economic activity, employ... Read More...

Reproductive and Child Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS Program (RACHNA) Final Evaluation

An umbrella program with two components: Integrated Nutrition and Health, and HIV/AIDS. Read More...

Southern Africa Vulnerability and Program Response: A Way Forward C-SAFE tango 05-06


Support for Rural Livelihood through Enhanced Planning and Implementation of Employment Generation Schemes Project (EGS) Final Evaluation

The overall objective of EGS was to improve and make sustainable the livelihoods of the most vulnera... Read More...

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