
Shabge phase i

This document is a report on a review of the SDC/IC- SHABGE Project which was established in July 19... Read More...

City Forum Program Final Evaluation

CARE developed City Forums in order to increase community participation in the planning of local inf... Read More...

North Kordofan Water Harvesting Project Final Narrative Report

Over 85% of households are engaged in rain-fed subsistence agriculture. Project beneficiaries obtain... Read More...

SHAKTI-2 and RASTTA-BONDOR Projects Combined Review

Combined review of the SHAKTI-2 and RASTTA-BONDOR projects. The fundamental challenge facing the HIV... Read More...

The DEC Response to the Earthquake in Gujarat Independent Evaluation


Reproductive and Child Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS Program (RACHNA)- Final Evaluation Report

Reproductive and Child Health,Nutrition and HIV/AIDS Program (RACHNA) is CARE/India’s umbrella progr... Read More...

Crimp final evaluation

objectives: improve household livelihood security in the long-term, especially amongst rural destitu... Read More...

Moz – vida i – final – sep 01

VIDA Development Activity Proposal (DAP) identifies as the overall goal of the project “to improve, ... Read More...

Ashanti Regional Community Health (ARCH) Final Evaluation

The project which was originally funded by the Gates Foundation, address es major reproductive healt... Read More...

Water and Sanitation for Health II (WASH II) Final Report

The purpose of the Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH-II) was to decrease water and excre... Read More...

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