
Midterm project evaluation: Enhancing social protection by empowering CSOs in Bosnia and Herzegovina

General objective:
‘Enhance the role of civil society actors in BiH, in providing services for marginalized populations and participating in design and implementation of relevant policies.’

Expected results:
O1 Strengthened organisational capacity and management of 7 targeted civil society organisations (CSOs) in BiH.

O2 Service provision of 7 targeted CSOs improved to meet the needs of their target groups (TG).

O3 7 targeted CSOs have strengthened their advocacy position and improved policies in specific areas of their mandate.

Assisting vulnerable food insecure household recovery from mid-season drought and erratic rainfall project for CARE international Zimbabwe – Final Evaluation Report

CARE International in Zimbabwe (CIZ) implemented a twelve months emergency intervention programme titled ‘Assisting vulnerable food insecure household recovery from mid-season drought and erratic rainfall’ in Gwanda and Beitbridge districts of Matabeleland South province. The programme that targeted 30 000 individuals (23% of the total population) went on to implement interventions under cropping, livestock and economic recovery activities and assisted the most vulnerable households (15% of total beneficiaries) with small livestock and small grains. These vulnerable households were targeted to recover from the impact of previous drought years, erratic rainfalls and mid-season dry spells aiming to prevent a potential decline into severe food insecurity. Read More...

Social Norms Analysis Plot Final Report: SAFE Justice Project

The SAFE Justice project was funded by the Department for International Development (DFID) and implemented in five districts in Nepal (Gorkha, Dhading, Sindhupalchowk, Accham and Bajura) between October 2016 and September 2019, as part of the DFID-funded Integrated Programme for Strengthening Security and Justice in Nepal.

SAFE Justice Project aims to promote more active justice seeking behavior among marginalized populations in general and women and girls in particular breaking culture of silence; responsiveness of justice service providers with effective and gender sensitive services.

In comparison to baseline the midline survey revealed only small nuances/cracks on seeking justice for IPV. However, the end-line study conducted in this quarter has revealed remarkable changes around the empirical and normative expectations on seeking justice for IPV. This has also shown family and friend’s sanctions as well as positive and negative exceptions to change the norms. In this report, comparison between baseline and end-line assessments are presented. Read More...

Final Evaluation of the Project Building resilience among refugees and their Jordanian hosts

From the period 1/09/2017- 31/08/2019, CARE International in Jordan implemented a project titled “Building resilience among refugees and their Jordanian hosts” and the project aimed at supporting vulnerable Syrian refugees and Jordanians to enhance resilience and protection, especially from gender-based violence (GBV), through improved access for men and women to dignified, sustainable livelihoods in the Syria crisis highly-impacted areas of Amman, Zarqa and the Azraq refugee camp, while promoting social cohesion between Syrians and vulnerable Jordanians through joint programming and the provision of dignified solutions for long-term urgent cash needs.

• An effective project design and proposal document which included all components of a proposal document and it is considered to be a strong basis for an effective implementation process.
• Availability of planning documents to include detailed work plans, log frames, need analysis.
• Availability of M&E system.
• Conformity with donor regulations and standards.
• The implemented project responded to a number of strategies to include the Jordan Response plan and CARE International annual plans and strategies.

According to literature and desk review we conclude the following;
• Project’s provided documents in design and planning phases in addition to the implemented M&E process supported to accelerate the effectiveness of project operations and implementations and this is evident through the desk review and interviews with consortium partners who acknowledge this aspect.
• It is evident that the project was designed to respond to national strategies like the Jordan Response Plan 2018-2020.

Strengthening Rural Development Models in Georgia ENPARD II Final Evaluation

The final evaluation for the EU Project - ‘Strengthening Rural Development Models in Georgia’ was conducted in September-October 2019, in Georgia. By this time the Project was on the completion stage into its two-year duration: November 1st 2017 - October 31st 2019. Mercy Corps, along with three other LEADER implementing agencies within the European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD Phase II) has contributed to the reduction of poverty through integrated, sustainable and participatory rural development in Georgia.

The aim of the final evaluation is to assess the Project outcomes in order to better understand Project successes and challenges and provide recommendations for the design of future Project of a similar scale and direction. Read More...

FINAL EVALUATION OF THE PROJECT “Sports for Social Change and Inclusion”

The project is implemented from May 2016 until July 2019 by CARE International in partnership with the Association Otaharin from Bijeljina. This report presents the final evaluation of the project.

The overall target of the project was the improvement of the living conditions of Roma children in Bijeljina. The project focused on improvement of the school education of Roma children and their living conditions through sport and art activities, combined with youth and parent group work and school support. The core activity of the project was to organize a football team and football school Otaharin. Playing football should have been the main motive for children (but also parents) to improve their attendance at school, hygiene, increase self-confidence and social behaviour. Beside playing football, the other activities of the project were financing meals for a public kitchen, provision and awarding of school material for poorer children of primary school age, provision of football playground by signing a contract with professional football teams and coaches, awarding of school scholarships for poorer children of primary school age, providing healthy food and drinks at trainings, organizing mandatory workshops for children and parents in order to increase their various social capacities. Read More...


Crop production in Côte d'Ivoire is "mainly" provided by women and represents about 70% of agricultural value added. In business activity, women outnumber men. Despite all this, women derive lower resources from all their efforts than men do.

To reduce this vulnerability, CARE has initiated the "Women's Empowerment and Business Development" project.

The project intend to focus its efforts on a limited number of promising sectors to which it will provide more targeted and in-depth support to facilitate sustainable change among women and enable them to move from a development category to a higher level.

The study of sectors or activities is an exhaustive analysis of six (6) main agricultural and non-agricultural sectors in the project area. With the help of precise arguments and supported by an economic analysis, it is necessary to propose the list of promising sectors and relevant information likely to help the effective management of the project.

All eight (8) areas identified with CARE are in the administrative regions of Poro, Gbêkê, Tonkpi and Abidjan District and cover the commune or in some cases the sub-prefecture of Korhogo, Sinématiali, Bouaké, Brobo, Man, Sipilou, Abobo and Songon Read More...


The present study is part of the development of an advocacy strategy that aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis of existing policies that may or may not be favorable to women entrepreneurs, the context and actors of their implementation in Côte d'Ivoire. To guide the design of a national advocacy strategy for the «Women in Enterprise» Program, with a focus on advocacy for the development of women entrepreneurs.

Data collection was carried out in Abidjan and in the regions of TONKPI and GBÊKÊ among actors involved in the issues of women's empowerment, financial inclusion and women's entrepreneurship.

Following data collection and data analysis, it appears that:
- Policy and institutional framework for women's empowerment, financial inclusion and entrepreneurship is provided.
- Government has made efforts to facilitate the creation of businesses through the Single Window CEPICI, but some conditions limit women in their process to start a business.
- Structures and programs have been created for entrepreneurship development and funds have been mobilized and made available to women, but access to these initiatives remains limited due to the conditions of grant and interest for some and lack of information for others.

At the end of the analyzes, barriers to the development of entrepreneurship were identified; these include low women education, limited access to credit, land and information related to entrepreneurial activities and lack of entrepreneurial culture.

Some recommendations for the development of women's entrepreneurship were formulated to the different institutional, technical and financial stakeholders and areas of cooperation for advocacy have been identified. Read More...

Women in Enterprise Phase II – Taking Enterprise Development for Women Empowerment to Scale – BASELINE STUDY REPORT

Care CIV through Care Nederland has received funding from the H & M Foundation to implement the Women in Enterprise project. This project has two phases, one of which is more focused on entrepreneurship training for women from VSLA groups and women's associations and awareness raising on women's entrepreneurship that has been implemented from June 2015 to March 2017.

In the second phase of the project, which began on April 1, 2017, credits will be granted to beneficiaries for the launch or development of their activities. However, before deploying the package of activities planned during this phase, a baseline study was conducted to get an idea of the situation or environment of the beneficiaries. The results of this study will serve as a basis for establishing the project's performance indicators and measuring the effects and impact of the project over time. Read More...

The end-line report of “Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Study of Women’s and Men’s Different Roles for “WE SHARE THE LOAD” Project

CARE Egypt in partnership with Ariel has implemented a project called “We Share the Load” to address women‟s economic and social empowerment and provide them with an opportunity to improve their livelihoods. The objective of the project is to enable “Women in the targeted communities to be able to economically and socially participate in lifting their families out of poverty in a society that is built on gender justice.” The project targets 1000 women/female headed household and 200 men, in two main locations within Assuit governorate: Tatalia village and Arab Tatalia.

Evaluation shows that there are a number of females who works just and that the ratio of female to family members‟ labor force participation rate in the targeted communities reached 16.8%, which indicate that women in targeted communities are economically able to participate in lifting their families out of poverty. However, since the baseline study did not measure all the project‟s indicators, the evaluation team could not assess if the goal objective is achieved or not.

On the other hand, the study tried to identify respondents‟ satisfaction with their current financial situation as compared to the year before the project to define the project‟s role in improving their financial situation. Results indicate that only 30% of respondents are satisfied with their financial situation, and 68.3% stated some improvement in their financial situation compared to previous year. This is consistent with the results of the qualitative study where respondents stated that the increase in their incomes was less than rise in prices. Read More...

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