
Diagnóstico sobre corresponsabilidades de género en participantes del proyecto IGNITE y propuesta de intervención

CARE Perú en el marco de su mandato institucional de promover la igualdad de oportunidades de las niñas, jóvenes y mujeres en el Perú, a fin de contribuir en la erradicación de la pobreza, la desigualdad y la discriminación en el país, en el marco de la Agenda 2030 de Desarrollo Sostenible, en alianza con Mastercard, viene implementando el Proyecto “IGNITE: Liberando el poder emprendedor de las empresarias” con el objetivo de contribuir a la creación de empleo, mejorar el bienestar de las familias a través de un mejor acceso a productos financieros personalizados para mujeres emprendedoras, y promover un mayor uso de las soluciones financieras digitales, con el propósito de acortar las barreras financieras y no financieras para el emprendimiento de las mujeres.

A partir de los resultados de la Línea de Base del Proyecto IGNITE se advirtió que el 61.9% de las personas encuestadas identificó un conjunto de dificultades que enfrentan las empresarias mujeres para sacar adelante su negocio, siendo una de ellas, la elevada carga de responsabilidad en el hogar que les impide tener más tiempo para dedicarse a los negocios. Read More...

Exploración cualitativa del uso del crédito “Emprendiendo mujer” en las participantes del proyecto IGNITE

El estudio de exploración cualitativa se ha centrado en el desarrollo de entrevistas individuales, sesiones grupales e historias de vida, todo bajo modalidad virtual, ya sea por llamada telefónica o la plataforma Zoom. Ello ha permitido conocer desde la experiencia de las propias clientas de la Financiera confianza, el uso dado a los créditos y cómo ello ha repercutido en el desarrollo personal y como empresarias.

El proceso de indagación ha facilitado el acceso a información de primera fuente y proporciona datos importantes para Financiera Confianza y para CARE Perú en lo referente al proyecto IGNITE y las acciones que pueden desarrollar para ofrecer un servicio integral y complementario al producto del crédito que la financiera ofrece a las clientas. Read More...

Estudio Revisión participativa del ciclo de servicio del crédito “Emprendiendo Mujer” – Proyecto IGNITE

El presente estudio tuvo como finalidad brindar un conjunto de hallazgos y sugerencias que le permitan a CARE Perú conocer y entender cuáles son las verdaderas necesidades, dificultades, frustraciones, temores, incomodidades, insatisfacciones, alegrías, deseos, satisfacciones, y sugerencias o propuestas con respecto al producto financiero “Emprendiendo Mujer” (EM) de Financiera Confianza (FC). Read More...

The Ignite Initiative : Unleashing the Power of Women Strivers

El presente estudio tuvo como finalidad brindar un conjunto de hallazgos y sugerencias que le permitan a CARE Perú conocer y entender cuáles son las verdaderas necesidades, dificultades, frustraciones, temores, incomodidades, insatisfacciones, alegrías, deseos, satisfacciones, y sugerencias o propuestas con respecto al producto financiero “Emprendiendo Mujer” (EM) de Financiera Confianza (FC).

Expanding Learning on the Effectiveness of Integrating Gender-based Violence Prevention, Mitigation, and Response and Cash and Voucher Assistance

This program aimed to include adult women and men, aged 18 years or older, who were survivors of or at risk of GBV, including those with diverse SOGIESC and those living with a disability or disabilities. CORPRODINCO caseworkers were all female and enrolled survivors who voluntarily disclosed an incident of GBV. Caseworkers assessed participants’ need for cash assistance for protection, examining the economic drivers of their exposure to GBV risks, as well as the financial barriers to their recovery; this process took place according to the program’s standard operating procedures, which were aligned with best practice guidance and tools. Survivors who met the program’s eligibility criteria and were enrolled were guided through the steps of the cash referral during GBV case management by their caseworker. Read More...

Contributing to sustainable food production in Cuban municipalities – PROSAM.

The emphasis of the project is on strengthening the capacities of the Agricultural Municipal Delegations (DMA), the Soil Institute, and the producers, their productive forms, to promote local food self-sufficiency in the municipalities of Artemisa, Bejucal, Guanabacoa, Güines and Madruga located in the Provinces of Artemisa, Havana, and Mayabeque; as well as the promotion of sustainable environmental technologies and agro-ecologies and the mainstreaming of the gender practices approach that guarantees the full participation of women through equitable access and control of project resources in terms of inputs, equipment, and knowledge. Appropriating the work for gender equality in the daily life of the Soil Institute is essential for the coherence of its leadership with the different actors involved in the project. Read More...

Integrated Cash and Gender-Based Violence Programming for IPV Survivors in Guayaquil, Ecuador

Migrant and refugee women and girls are vulnerable to a range of risks before, during, and after humanitarian crises. Intimate partner violence (IPV), a type of gender-based violence (GBV), is among the many protection-specific risks
they face. Traditionally, refugees and internally displaced persons have received aid in the form of in-kind assistance, such as food and blankets. Increasingly, cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is being used in humanitarian response to meet the diverse needs of those displaced by crisis and conflict, enhancing recipients’ autonomy over what they use the funds for. Read More...

An Operational Learning Brief on Integrating Cash Assistance into Gender-Based Violence Programming in Ocaña, Colombia

With the deterioration of the economic and political situation in Venezuela, a humanitarian crisis has spilled into 16 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean, including Colombia. Colombia hosts 2.4 million Venezuelans as at
2021. Internal displacement and confinement escalated in 2019, due to a variety of armed non-state actors competing for income from narcotrafficking, human trafficking, and illegal mining.2 Despite being increasingly overshadowed by the Venezuelan migration crisis, the preexisting internal conflict in Colombia has ensured that the country has the second-largest number of internally displaced persons in the world (after Afghanistan), with an estimated 9.2 million people experiencing protracted displacement. Read More...

The Effectiveness of Cash Assistance Integrated into Gender-Based Violence Case Management for Forced Migrants, Refugees, and Host Nationals in Norte de Santander, Colombia: A Quasi-Experimental Mixed-Methods Evaluation

As a complement to core aspects of GBV case management, preliminary evidence finds that cash and voucher assistance (CVA) may strengthen survivors’ capacities to recover from GBV and enable access to services. For example, CVA can help a GBV survivor to pay the costs associated with fleeing an abusive relationship, such as temporary accommodation and transportation, and to access legal assistance. There may also be indirect pathways in which CVA could be used by survivors and individuals at risk to reduce their exposure to GBV, such as decreasing their financial dependence on abusive partners or family members and shifting power dynamics in intimate relationships. Read More...

Informe Final “MUJERES, DIGNIDAD Y TRABAJO” Programa Igual Valor, Iguales Derechos, CARE América Latina y El Caribe”

Este proyecto tiene como meta contribuir al mejoramiento de la situación de las Trabajadoras Remuneradas del Hogar en América Latina por medio de estrategias de formación, incidencia, comunicación y desarrollo económico. Y a la vez a su autonomía y empoderamiento para que incidan en políticas públicas, a favor del cumplimiento de sus derechos humanos y laborales en Ecuador, Colombia y Brasil.

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